Posts Tagged ‘retro spanking’

As followers of this blog we occasionally feature pictures supplied by TipTopper. This one was in a batch of classics, one of which has been seen before, but the one above is new here. Nor sure who the artist is, but it has the look of a Fontana. From the clothes and tone of the […]

“Just one more word young lady and I’m going to spank your bare bottom purple.” These words or words very much like them were uttered by an irate mother to her obviously grown up daughter in a lost Saturday afternoon movie, long, long ago. Maybe a week a later an angry father would threaten his […]

Over two years ago in one of the earliest historical rambles on this blog, we featured a post on the infamous Spanish Chair as a spanking technique. The article was inspired by perhaps the only graphic spanking picture ever published in the mainstream news media, which was carried on the front page of a British […]



The hallway at the back of the club leading to Mr Winter’s office was lit by only one 60 watt light bulb high up in the ceiling. This had the effect of casting a pall of yellow-grey light over everything and made even the most innocent of shadows look as if they hid some unnamed […]

Wow, it is hard to believe that Kevin’s sister was forgotten. Kevin wasn’t his real name, but to protect the innocent and all that. Kevin and yours truly had known one another since junior school, this would have been the 1970s and we used to hang out into our teens. Usually we went to his […]

Can there ever be enough about sorority spanking? Do they? Don’t they? Just when the official line that it is all a fantasy is repeated for the 1000th time, someone else lets something slip. As sorority posts are among the most popular here, when three separate titbits came this way, there just had to be […]

As mentioned in an earlier post a reader to this blog (who wishes to remain anonymous) sent a mixed bag of old cuttings and pictures from his collection. So many thanks to him. Not all of them are suitable for publication for various reasons, for instance there are some pictures of real punishments in progress […]

Someone recently sent in these pictures (more on that in a future post), some of which are familiar, but others not so. Among the sorority pictures, were some modern ones of young women clearly being or about to be spanked. These cannot be published as the girls concerned are clearly identifiable and may still be […]

The whole Stepford thing has always been difficult to understand. Why would any one want to replace their wife with a robot? They are completely impossible to spank. But seriously, if you had pitched the script to that movie anytime before 1965 its irony would have been lost on many women in Middle America (or […]

Let us start with the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, which is appropriate as I used to be a legal secretary. I am a fictional character; I exist merely as a vehicle to tell this story. Oh to be sure the is a grain of truth to this story, as there […]