Archive for February, 2011

A fictional story in the Abraham Heights strand a few weeks elicited an unexpected response. Apparently, housemother spankings in college were not so fictional. Over at Sometimes a girl (linked right) there has been a discussion about trainee nurses being spanked back in the day that has echoes of our story. Jane X replied to […]

Saturday 26th February, Cyprus Dear Diary, I have not long been up. I didn’t get to sleep until late and then it was a restless night. My sore bottom throbbed against the sheets all night and I had to sleep on my tummy. Even now I cannot sit down and I have been told that […]

This week’s blog is also the Spanking Network’s blog of the month. This is the epitome of keep-it-simple. There are those of us who quietly entertain the idea that thousands come to read our well-crafted prose and that our readers only take a passing interest in the illustrations. Well every week MarQues Study garners as […]

Kathy lay on her back on top of the boat as the world slipped by at little more than walking pace. Looking up she could see the clouds drifting idly across the sky. Rather like me, she thought. She had dropped out of college almost two years before and had been on the road ever […]

For those of you who enjoyed the Academy series, you might be pleased to know that it is now available in paperback. Here is the synopsis for those who did not catch it. After the Fall the world is a very different place. With the male population decimated society is overrun by girl gangs and […]

By popular demand Angela’s story returns. I hate corner time. I mean I know it’s necessary and a vital part of our relationship, but at the time, when you are actually standing with your nose in the corner it is a bitch. The worse kind of corner time, after the one you get to do […]

Last week we started our blog of the week feature, which hopefully will continue here every Thursday. This week the Blog of the Week is The Spank Statement. The Spank Statement is slightly mysterious as there is no obvious character behind it. The Blogmaster Valdor, is probably UK-based, but other than that, we have no […]

After all these years, she finally had a teaching position in an all-American university. Okay so it was only a minor university in the mid-west, but from little acorns, she thought happily, I am at last a bone fide college don. Well a donna, anyway, Donna giggled at her own accidental joke. Donna’s happy mood […]

She thought she would enjoy a drink this Valentines Day. They way things are going, it’s enough to make anyone want to get massacred.

Saturday 12th February, Tel Aviv Dear Diary, I have such a lot to tell you. I went back to court, like I said last time and they were very cross. The translator said that the provisional government wanted to see me at some place called Kit-Kat (well it couldn’t have been but that’s what it […]