Archive for November, 2009

These days you can find out about almost anything on the Internet. So if you have a strange personal experience and think you may be a little odd, it doesn’t take long to find out that you are not the only one in the world to be obsessed with Singer sewing machines or whatever it […]

Strictly speaking, nothing new on the Markham project but here is more information from the same era, some of it has been provided by David Roman. Along side corporal punishment, there were additional techniques employed by governesses and disciplinarians to augment the correction of young women during the late 19th and early 20th century. Here […]

Angela’s story continues: Eating in the pub turned out to be a real embarrassment. For some reason the pub was almost completely empty and I felt very conspicuous standing at a table for my lunch, especially as David was sitting down having a good smirk at my expense. “Ok what is my fate oh wise […]

Angela’s story continues: The next couple of days where hell on wheels for my bottom, almost every time I even moved I could feel it. Sitting down was definitely not an option. It was an odd experience, but not only did I blush with shame every time I was reminded of my crime, but I […]

After another scan of the web boards this week there has been another discussion on safe words and the difference between discipline and erotic spanking. Here for what it is worth are five types of submission and examples drawn from various sources. Play spanking – the spankee wants it and you want to give it […]

Recently there was an entry on a web forum from someone who suggested that general interest in spanking and any form of BDSM or SBF only emerged, maybe in the 1950s, but probably did not get going until the permissive society in the 1960s. Now it is certainly probable that until the 20th century it […]

Angela’s story continues: David kept me in the corner so long that I actually started to get bored and began longing for his attention. Any attention. Then finally I was summoned to stand before him. “What do you say?” “I am sorry Sir.” I said as humbly as possible my eyes fixed on the strap […]

Another small landmark as we hit the 50,000 mark. Thanks for the support. The top ten posts of all time are: The Markham Project Lizzie Baines: a 1950s spanked wife Angela’s story A mother’s comeuppance The book shop in the corner Spanked public schoolgirl lends a firm hand The Ritual of Properly Smacking a Bottom […]

This is an anecdote that has not been published because it is almost too brief and trivial. But recent posts have led this to take on more significance. Do we have a mystery on our hands? Some years ago at a dinner party with some of the in-laws and their friends the conversation got around […]

Angela’s Story continues: A few days later, as promised, David took me to task for playing dating games to make him jealous. Despite my still very sore bottom, I received a hearty spanking with a clothes brush that had me climbing the walls, or would have done if I could have broken free of David’s […]