Archive for January, 2013

Another cartoon contribution from TipTopper. College was never like this?

Until that moment Chloe hadn’t known she wanted it. In fact, it was entirely possible that she could have lived the rest of her life without knowing such longing and passion even existed. Even now she wasn’t quite sure what it was she desired or even felt. She only knew that everything that had gone […]

This is something of a random post on what is something of a random subject. It all began when I chanced across the movie called Cheer Boys Cheer, a British movie from 1939. It was the last Ealing movie before the outbreak of the Second World War and considered by some to be the ‘first’ […]

Weekly Round-Up


I have come across a few interesting bits and pieces this week, but having spent all day on a train I haven’t had time to write them up. Most of this week’s offerings are pictures. In order above: 1001 Spanking Fantasies, All Things Spanking, Spanking Blog and Dallas session from the Spanking Spot. Also this coming Sunday […]

The picture above is a re-draft of a famous vulgar poster. By modern standards it rather innocent and it is certainly less pornographic than the original Roubille art. Even so, you would be hard pressed to see such a controlling husband today and it certainly wouldn’t have been something your great grandmother would have ever […]



You read in one of her books once the line, “The sun poured over the world like honey.” At the time you had laughed at such romantic tosh. But now as you make your way to the shed at the bottom of the garden you are bathed in such warm golden light that you see […]

Robot OTK


The other day we had a racy advert featuring bare bottoms. This is an advert for Diesel clothing which features a Robbo Robot look-alike from Forbidden Planet fame who appears to be about to spank the young lady. Maybe she wasn’t wearing the right make of clothes. I am currently working on two shorts as […]

The top clip and the inserted text enlargement from it were taken from Richard Windsor’s blog. The second cutting above is an excerpt from another source, which I have managed to lose and is probably another article from the same period. They have both hit upon early 20th century screen legend John Barrymore as the […]

So Embarrassing


“It was sooo embarrassing,” she drawled. “What have you done now?” Jessica asked with a heavy sigh. Caitlin leaned forward and adopted a conspiratorial whisper. “You know that Jonathon has been keeping tapes of every televised Chelsea game going back to… oh forever.” As she spoke, Caitlin’s eyes were two large white discs with crystal […]

Weekly Round-Up


At the moment it is so hot in Australia that it is on fire in parts. I hope everyone is okay. I only mention this because here in London (and most of the UK) it is snowing and I didn’t want to be insensitive by being seasonal. The tree outside my window (yes we have […]