Archive for August, 2012

Weekly Round-up


The first picture was found over at Poppy’s Submissions. Has the girl forgotten something? The second is from a Triple A promo over at Spanking Starlets. The third picture is a fun drawing found at Stan’s, who seems to have temporarily suspended his blog. The finally picture was found on Season and Michael’s blog. They […]

This summer has been a whirl of rain, travel, more rain, lost lap-tops and poor internet connections. Did I mention the rain? One of the consequences of this is that not as much writing got done as might have been hoped. Finally catching up and reviewing the situation, I realised that there hasn’t been an […]

Period corn


Someone should be spanked for these corny jokes. More magazine cartoons supplied by TipTopper.

On seeing the headline ‘Alanis Morissette to be spanked’ one’s curiosity was obviously piqued. A search ‘Alanis Morissette spanked,’ achieved 120,000 returns, prompting one to wonder how such gossip could have been missed. However, it turned out that it was the old ‘brand spanking new’ trap and the spanking turned out to be old news. […]

Around the turn of the last century there was a lot of outrage on all sides about the encroaching liberation of women. This liberty took the form of everything from the suffrage movement, women in the workplace, through fashion and even ladies smoking cigars. One Lady B even remarked in a notable publication of the […]

The hairbrush lay on top of the red boxes that had been sent around for her perusal. She starred at it for a moment while her stomach did gymnastics. Okay so she had been late, but it wasn’t as if she was out parting with the girls or meeting up with men. She had job […]

Weekly Round-up


The first of the pictures above was taken from the Spanking Blog, which published this vintage snap. The next picture was taken from Poppy’s Submissions. Having recently given useful tips for tops, she has followed up with another piece about reading the body language of girls taking a spanking. The next is a cruder more […]

The top picture is a page from a magazine supplied by TipTopper that illustrates that young women used to live in a very different world. Rosemary seems to be offering a retrospective of her career as a model. She seems quite sanguine if not positively upbeat about her spanking. The scene bellow is a Helga […]

Our story begins here. The next day the ground to the north began to climb and although it remained wide enough, the trail narrowed so that wagons began to fall in behind one another and close up. After the previous day’s ordeal, both girls exchanged horrified glances that seemed to say, “Thank the Lord that […]

As of today there have been four million visits to this site (the picture above is supposed to represent looking ahead to the future – deep huh?). Presumably many people have been back once or twice, although presumably not in the same day. So many thanks to you. No more boring statistics, final part of […]