Posts Tagged ‘punishment’

Part 1 here. Amelia’s bare bottom was a deep red from the paddle session and still vulnerably directed at the ceiling. The indignity was an affront to her pride, but the apprehension of what was to come was worse. The first cane stroke fell like the sword of justice and cut twice as sharply. Amelia […]

Anette watched the nervous young woman enter the room through the one way glass. She was petite with a fashionable pixie cut to her dark blonde hair. Anette knew the type, party girls whose high jinks had gotten out of hand. She was now devoid of her other fashion statement garb. The grey prison smock […]

School Daze


The fascination with school punishments and the cane seems to go beyond the spanking community. It is less common now, but not so long ago provincial towns and cities in Britain had regular school disco events. These were school days themed club nights where dance goers dressed as either retro British school masters (sometimes school […]

A good friend of ours, Kia Sera, who writes an interesting blog, Acknowledging Imperfection, is an American living in Ireland. In recent times she has become involved in helping out with the Irish spanking project, Class Ireland. To quote their mission: CLASS Ireland, the Continued Learning Academy for Switches and Submissives, is a school which […]

It has been a busy week and I have got a bit behind. Thanks to all for comments and for your patience when I didn’t (or some cases haven’t) got back to you. There are a couple of interesting activities out there with people doing things and posting things. I will unscramble these contacts and […]

While we were on sabbatical I watched a great western mini-series on Netflix called Godless. I won’t go into the ins and out of the story here, it is essentially about a mining town populated by widows who are at the mercy of unscrupulous business men and a gang of bandits out for revenge. Michele […]

Indigo absolutely hates corner time and it is always a last resort with us and it is used sparingly. Not that she gets the last say, but one has to respect what works and thee feelings of your sub. Not that Indigo has a completely corner free life. It seems that  women react very differently to […]



“But Mr Davis, I didn’t do it,” Kate wailed. Ashlyn, listening at the door hooked her lower lip with her teeth and hugged herself with glee. It was a pity she couldn’t be a fly on the wall, but sometimes you couldn’t have it all. “Is that the best you can do Miss Henson?” the […]

Casey kicked the can away down the track. It made a satisfying rattle as it plink-plonked metallically on the hard ground and pebbles. So much so that despite the dusty heat she broke into a little jog that set her blonde ponytail bouncing to kick it again; anything to delay the inevitable and home. Home […]

Dear Sir


I had this email from Karen and with her permission I thought I would post it. It has been edited down to make narrative sense and I have removed some of the extensive enthusiastic discussion of my blog and where it got more personal. Dear Sir, I hope this is not too creepy but I […]