Archive for the ‘military’ Category

To return to an old favourite I just came across an old WW2 Royal Navy anecdote about a woman called Jenny who served in the Women’s Royal Navy Reserve during that war. I had meant to publish before my sabbatical of a couple of years back. Not sure of its source now, or indeed its […]

A Tenuous Link


As you will not doubt know today is VE Day. It is the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Europe at the end of the Second World War. Despite the lock down there is nothing but flags around our way and I have even seen single household ‘street parties’ getting underway. Never were garage tops […]

More Navy Larks


A few weeks back a comment to The Last of the Old Style WRNS Discipline, this time about a woman serving during World War I prompted me to revisit this strange subject. I found a completely new account and new some snippets. This is an edited excerpt of an anecdote written by David S Holly: […]

Previously we have discussed CP for women in the Royal Navy during and after the Second World War. Women were not fully incorporated into the Navy until the 1957 Naval Discipline Act, but until then they had been formulated under boy cadet rules and technically, and sometimes actually, subject to corporal punishment. This entailed anything […]



During my absence I had several emails asking about my historical articles and was there a book. Now there is a good idea. The answer is not at the moment, but I have picked up a few titbits here and there. In this vein I had several requests for more about the caning WRNS during […]

“Eyes right,” the Senior Wren all but screamed, “And stand straight woman.” Catherine came to attention more or less correctly, this time remembering where to place her thumbs. “You are not in Tonbridge bloody Wells now,” the Senior Wren continued to berate her, “This is the Royal Navy,” she continued. Catherine Havers felt every nerve […]

Following on from yesterday’s story here is another true account of the caning of some wrens, this time from the early 1970s. Shortly after this time women were included within the Royal Navy proper and would have been, in theory at least, protected from such sanctions. This was sent in by one of our regular […]

Ticked Off


“Elisabeth Anne Whitfield did not join the WRNS to be consigned to the backside of history,” The haughty brunette made a pout and wrinkled up her nose in disgust. It did not occur to her that speaking aloud in the third person sounded somewhat arrogant, or at least it never had during the first 25 […]

I unearthed a slightly new take on the spanking and caning of wrens prior to them being incorporated into the Royal navy proper. I also came across a new expression, ‘marrying the gunner’s daughter,’ as opposed to kissing it, which means getting a caning. There was also some light shed on the official position. The […]