Real life adult daughters still spanked


24-year-old Kate was embarrassed eating off the mantelpiece in front of company

Yesterday we had a spoof  account of american women still spanked at home. Here are a few samples of apparently real women from all over the world who are still seeking domestic guidance

Candy wrote:
I am 21 and still get it from my parents for coming in late and sometimes talking back, it is mostly on the bare butt but I also get it nude too, They tell me that as long as i live in their house I will go by their rules, and since I am going to tech school i hardly can afford to move out at this point, it is really embarassing sometimes when i have to get it nude and my dad and little brother are there to see, I am sure my brother gets a eyefull if you know what I mean
Kay wrote:
I was spanked by both my parents until I moved out of their home at age 20. I believe in spanking and use this method on my daughters. I have 18, 19  and 21 year-old daughters, and I spank all three of them. They know the house rules and know that as long as they live under my roof, this is the punishment I will continue to administer. This is not some sort of fetish, so please do not get the wrong impression. I am a strong believer in using spanking as punishment and feel that it works best.

Lisa wrote:
I agree, daughters should still be accountable for brecking the rules as long as they live under your roof.

That even means still being spanked, no matter how old they maybe.

I know some disagree, but I feel if the daughter is 35 and still lives at home or has to move back home for whatever reason, she still should be held accountable to the rules and punished when she breaks them.

Kate wrote:
Hi, My aunt agrees with your practice of spanking no matter how old as long as I live under her roof.Im on my best behavior to avoid these extremely humiliating and juvenile punishments!It is of some comfort to know that Im not alone and that others are disciplined in a similiar fashion.I believe my aunt would get equal satisfaction knowing that other parents employ the same methods as she.Thankyou for sharing your beliefs.

Christine wrote:
I’m 26, in my first year of college to become a nurse, live at home with my parents and am still spanked. They believe in no upper age limit, they believe so long as their kids live “under their roof or off their money” they are subject to discipline by spanking. I average a spanking about every 2 weeks, sometimes more. Both parents spank but my mom is more severe.

If she spanks my father will be sitting next to her. All spankings are bare bottom and usually with a wooden spoon or hairbrush. They also first wet my bum with a spray bottle of water/glycerin or washcloth to make the spanking sting more. I’ve grown up with hard strict spanking all my life. I have a sister 23 and 19. None of us are married yet so we all live at home and are all still spanked. My father also spanks my mom. She grew up in a strict religious spanking family and was spanked until she married. She wanted the same type of family. I stay at home since I feel safe and protected and it’s a very loving close family. When I’m spanked my sisters are witnesses and visa versa. I like watching them spanked. None of us can hold back the tears. We all break down totally during a spanking. That’s how my mom insists it should be. Since I started college I’ve had several spankings related to my studies and grades. I hadn’t anticipated that before starting. I didn’t know how hard it would be. I don’t have a boyfriend right now and am still a virgin and will be until I marry.

My parents are very strict about that and quiz about it and boys during my spankings.

‘Joan’, writes:

I didn’t get spanked until I was 31 years old. I lived at home, and one day I got into a yelling match with my mom and I cursed at her. She looked me in the eyes and said what I need is a good spanking, and she wished she had done that when I was younger. Well to make it short, I was spanked that night and two other times over the years I lived there. In her bedroom on my bare bottom. The last time was when I was 38. I’m married now and in my fifties and very glad that My Mom gave me the Spankings I had comming. It makes me very content now.

Brie, wrote:
I am 23-year-old college student who occasionally asks my Mom to spank me.  It is always the same; skirt up, panties down over her knee for a session with the paddle. After one of these spankings I seem to have my sense of direction back.

Kim, writes:
My mom didn’t hesitate to use her hairbrush on our bare bottoms when we were kids.  I really miss that guidance now that I’m in college. I’m jealous that my little sister still ‘gets it’ when she acts up. I’ll probably find someone else to spank me, but really wish I knew how to ask mom for her old fashioned discipline.

Martha wrote
I’m 36 years old and I wear pretty, flowered panties and they come down when I get my bare bottom paddled by my mom. I really enjoy it but when I’m really bad that’s when I get paddled extra hard and I can’t get enough of it.

Tanya wrote:
I always came up with a way to lie to my mother and always got out of a well deserved and much needed spanking. Now, I realize that I missed an important part of a good childhood and wish my mother would pull my panties down, take a big paddle and put me over her knee and spank me till I cried.

Jenn (23) wrote:
I loved this story about women becoming teens again. I wish I could do that. I’d much rather have spankings now and then than bear the responsibilities of adulthood.

Patricia wrote:
As a 27 year old woman who had never been as much as smacked all her life it came as a grave shock to me when, after a heated discussion with my mother over different topics, I ended up over her knee and was soundly spanked and told that: ‘I should have done that 20 years ago.’ I’m not saying anything for or against spanking, but I’ve been minding my Ps and Qs in front of my Mum ever since!

247 Responses to “Real life adult daughters still spanked”

  1. 1 Brie

    I am 25 now and still having my panties pulled down and over Mom’s knees for a paddling now and then. Mom is 43 and just last week we were at Grandmas when she yelled at her and ended up bent over the sofa bare assed while Grandma took a strap to her. So I don’t see an end coming to my spankings soon.

  2. 3 Damian Black

    Thanks for sharing Brie

    How do you feel about it? What did you Mom say afterwards?

    Does the fact that you are coming to blogs like this one mean you have an interest in spanking as an adult?

  3. 4 Robert

    I have read every one of the above stories. First of, great stories but who is kidding who here. Every one of these stories is pure fantasy, not one ounce of truth in any one of them. Is there really anyone out there gullible enough to believe that any of the above stories is atually true. If so and you are located in Southern California, I have two prison straps that I would be happy to use on you on a regular basis. I can be reached at No kidding here, just real strapping.


    YEP. Great erotic fantasies. Spankings can be VERY erotic, IF done “properly”; ie: the pain threshold is kept BELOW where a true disciplinary spanking would be administerd.

    Have any of you really ever gotten a true punishment spanking, say, with a heavy hairbrush, for example? After the first few licks, it is IMPOSSIBLE NOT to be begging for it to stop.

    The pain is WAY above your tolerance and you are pleading, crying, wailing for “it” to cease. AND that is WHY it is a punishment spanking: you NEVER want the spanking to be given again. You are totally submissive and will be sobbing for an hour, at least. It is a terrible experience; the pain and humiliation have cowered you completely.

  5. 6 George

    I realize that most of these accounts are true, and so I would enjoy to share a few emails with spanked adult daughters to know first-hand their experience in their own words and feelings.
    And -of course always Real Life in 2010- I welcome also real parents of such lucky daughters.

  6. 7 Emilio

    I hope that adult daughters still receiving wise and loving Domestic Discipline are willing to share their precious experience.
    And I repeat what Giorgio said here, also Parents who still discipline their aduult daughters are welcome. They are worthy men and women who deserve respect.
    I look forward to your email…

  7. 8 Paul

    I Too would like to here from daughters over 18 who are still disiplined by their mothers I ive in London uk

  8. 9 Giorgio

    Adult daughters, even in their late20s, still disciplined by caring and parents are welcome to share!

  9. 10 Emilio

    I wish to marry a very honest woman (say 29-31 yo) raised this way, with fair DD by her parents until marriage day.
    Such wise tradition will continue in my pwn family…

  10. 11 emilyd

    i am still soundly spanked over a knee like iwas 8 years old again. i eed tis but hate it always windup crying

  11. 13 Kres

    Very appropriate to have old fashion punishment with a good caning, something I miss and very much and would like to re-establish as part of my routine.
    I had three stepdaughters and each were subjected to canings. My wife used also to cane me as apropriate and I very much miss that. If anyone feels the same please communicate in S. Herts./

    • Hi Kres i agree with you i believe in old fashion punishment but these days i can not find anyone to punish or punish me,if your wife use to correct your bottom,why did that stop and you know anyone out there you can hook me up with.

  12. EmilyD, your email isn’t working…

  13. 18 Emilio

    Katelyn, thanks. But I haven’t your email, you can see mine a few posts before this. Thanks

  14. 19 Jon

    I still spank my three daughters and will as long as they live at home. They are 19, 20, and 23 now

    • 20 George

      Jon, very wise choice.

      If you wish to share with a serios gentleman, pls write me:


    • 22 George

      Jon, we should all be grateful to you and to parents like you. I do believe is the only fair and wise way, a balanced amount of DD until marriage day.

    • 23 susie


      Can you tell us about one of the spankings you gave your daughters?


      • 24 Jon

        Sure Susie, they are still spanked the same way as they always have been. Let me first give some background, maybe i wont be judged as i have been on other forums. I was abused growing up, so when my wife(actually we were only dating at this time) and I started talking about kids and how we’d raise them, I wasn’t all that keen on spanking. She admitted that she was spanked, and was actually going to be spanked the next day for failing to manage her money properly(she had bounced a check) and since we were engaged, I was part of the family and expected to be there. In her family, spankings were given on Sunday afternoons in front of the whole family. It was a very formal event, a gathering in the formal living room, her parents, my wife and I, her older brother and his wife, and her two younger sisters. Once we were all there, her father announced that SaraAnn would be getting a spanking for the bounced check and her sister Tera would be getting one for unsatisfactory grades.

        They both undressed completely to my great surprise, as this was the first time I saw her nude, and quite frankly loved it, as well as seeing her sister. I was shocked at the obedience as first SaraAnn and then her sister voluntarily laid on her fathers lap for a hand warm up(which looked like enough to me) then the paddle, one stroke per dollar it cost them, upwards of 50 strokes, then 5 with the belt then to the corner. Her sister got the same warmup, then something like 5 strokes per grade that was under what was expected per class, I think it was about 25 or 30 strokes, then the same 5 with the belt. Both were sent to the corner and reminded to think about the punishment, any conversing between them would mean they hadn’t been sufficiently punished and the punishment repeated. We attended several Sunday punishments over the next several years, but since we were married, her father expected me to handle her discipline. Once SaraAnn got pregnant, we didn’t attend them anymore, as it was the sign for us to have our own family tradition.

        We followed the same routine with a few changes. We had the girls undress in their rooms, put on a robe, then come to the den for punishment, removing the robe right before the spanking was to start. We also hugged the girls after a shorter corner time, making sure they understood what was expected and that they were forgiven for whatever they had done to earn the discipline. Once my wife died in a car wreck, I considered stopping the spankings out of a realization that my daughters would be nude with me, and I’m not blind…… but they insisted they understood the issues and would need the discipline in their lives. they know the spankings can end, whenever they move out on their own. I hope this answers your question Susie

        • 25 DJ

          Hi Jon,

          Sorry to hear about your wife.

          Thanks for sharing.

          I think we need to remind people that in a previous post you made it clear that your daughters were adults for these arrangements. This is a blog for consenting adults and issues around upbringing are of course off topic and inappropriate.

          Thanks again,


      • 26 susie

        Thanks for the description Jon and I’m sorry about the loss of your wife.


  15. 27 susie

    I’m a 20 year old girl and I still get spanked by my Auntie and my Parents.

    • 28 Endefuld

      How are you spanked? Is it on your bare bottom? Do you get the belt, hairbrush, paddle, cane? What positions are used?

      • 29 susie


        My parents and my auntie put me over their knee when they spank me and I’m spanked on the bare bottom. My mother and my auntie always use a wooden hairbrush although they may start with their hand. My father mostly uses his hand but has a wooden paddle he uses when he feels I need it.

        [content edited due to T&C breach]

        I have never been caned but I spent some vacation time with relatives who lived in the country and believed in using a switch.

  16. 30 George

    Susie, hope you realize it’s a real blessing. Maybe a test, but imho you’re among the luckiest if your parents don’t stop until marriage day.

    • 31 susie

      Right now I live with my aunt while going to college. My aunt is very strict and believe firmly in spanking and corner time as punishments. All spankings are given bare bottom and across her lap. I’m always given corner time after a spanking and sometimes I also have to wait standing in a corner for my spanking. Corner time is long and I’m required to remain in the corner no matter who might be visiting or who shows up.


      • 32 DJ

        Do you think this is unusual for your community/country?

        You sound very sanguine about this – is this something you are prepared to accept?

        Thanks for the comment.

      • susie, I believe in corporal punishment at any age. I sure wish that their would be CP in jails. that way, our jails would be less crowded and our economy would be back on its feet again. I was paddled 3 times on each buttock and it was at age 18, it taught me respect. I wish their was spanking therapy here in Oregon. Many people need it. They could learn what respect is.

  17. 34 DJ

    Hi All I’m glad this post has had such legs.

    I hope you all got in touch OK.

    Feel free to post me your adventures. 😉


  18. 36 George

    I ask myself, and mostly to readers, who’s the oldest adult daughter still spanked by her parents.
    In 2012, Real Life pls 🙂


  19. 37 Zeb

    I want to be spanked never have thow

  20. 38 Rico

    I have been looking for a woman for a long time that does or used to be spanked by her parents and would like to continue this to a DD relationship in a marriage. email me if you are one of those women.

  21. 39 kevin

    i’m 47 year old man that loves to be spanked but can’t get my wife to do it,no matter how much i piss her off…i wish i had a woman that would engage in mutual spankings…if any ladies wish to hook up for occasinal spankings,feel free to contact me

    • 40 DJ

      Thanks for your comment Kevin.

      A bit off topic for here.

      Try Fetlife or similar 😉

  22. 41 George

    For Brie, EmilyD, Katelyn, Sue and Zeb (if adult daughter!): pls fell free to write me privately -and openly- at:

  23. 42 Mike

    My (female) cousin never left home. Her father who was extremely strict when she was a teenager, nevertheless respected the fact that she was of age when she reached 21 (this was back in the sixties before the age of majority was 18) and then there was no discipline beyond a reprimand. However he died when she was 30, and her mother soon reintroduced smacking across the thighs (retired infants teacher), quite routinely, even for small misdemeanours, eg, on one occasion scooping up some cream left after tea with her finger and eating it.

    There was never any removal of clothing (except maybe if she was wearing a coat), although when she had a mini skirt on this would be raised a few inches on the side to be smacked. This continued until she was about 42 and only stopped because her mother became to frail to administer the punishment. It happened so routinely that my memories of it have coalesced – for some reason it usually happened in the kitchen. The time would have been from about 1978 to 1990. The punishment varied from moderate to severe, depending more on her mothers mood than on the misconduct, and her thigh would vary from tomato coloured (like her face when it happened in front of me) to beetroot depending on the number and severity of smacks. My cousin was a secondary school (high school) teacher. Once she had a minor argument with her mum in a cafe and was told audibly that she was in for a good hiding when she got home. On this occasion, the punishment never actually happened, but unfotunately some of her pupils were in the cafe and heard it, so it got around the school that Miss (can’t really give her name) still got smacked. This is all absolutely true – I admit I got off on it, but I’m not sad enough to make this sort of thing up.

    • 43 DJ

      Thanks for that insight Mike – I know what you mean about piquancy but probably not appropriate behaviour when it compromises one in public.

      The old lady was lucky she didn’t get carted off.

      • 44 Mike

        She was ‘carted off’ eventually, but by then was too frail to dish it out anyway.

  24. 45 DJ

    Aren’t we all in the end. 😦

  25. 46 MT

    I am 31 and i still live at home and get a spanking when my mother feels its warranted! Always bare bottomed,,,has been since childhood and now that i am an adult it is no different.

    • 47 DJ

      How do you feel about this? It seems unusual.

      Can I assume that you have an abiding interest that fuels your cooperation since you visit here or are you on a fact finding mission?

      Thanks for stopping by.


    • 48 George

      MT, if you’re a real life woman, pls contact me:

  26. 49 George

    MT, if you want to share more privately, pls email me:

  27. 50 cindy

    Hi. I’m 21 and still live at home because i go to a local college and my mom pays my tuition. She still spanks me and following the spanking I often have to do corner time with my bare bottom facing the room and sometimes totally bare. She says that as long as I live here, its still like it always has been, and the rules shouldn’t change just because I’m older. I guess she’s right in a way. She doesn’t want me to work so I can devote all my attention to my studies, and sometimes I let her down. She says now and even when I was little said that money doesn’t grow on trees. So when my grades aren’t good she gets real disappointed and spanks me and gives me corner time. She has a friend who is sometimes over who has seen me be punished and this is so embarrassing. My mom’s friend is a mom too and I know her daughter because we are friends. I once asked her whether she is spanked too and she got embarrassed. I just wanted to let you know.

    • 51 DJ

      Sounds like spankings for big girls is still on the menu in your part of the world. As long as you think you benefit from them.

      A US friend of mine got a hard time at college from the folks – the good grades and the high-flying job in London were worth it – they say.

      Thanks for the contribution Cindy

      DJ 🙂

      • 52 cindy

        You are welcome, DJ. I really do think that I benefit from the spankings that my mom gives me. Even though technically I’m an adult, the spankings make me feel more secure and loved and help me to study harder. I want my mom to love me and feel really bad when I disappoint her. I have to admit the spankings and the bare corner time are embarrassing (as I said before), especially when they occur when her friend is over. There is something I keep wondering. My friend that I mentioned in my first post who is her daughter goes to college and we’re in some of the same classes (we’ve known each other forever) and she lives at home too. I often wonder if my friend gets spanked too. And more than that. Just like my friend’s mom visits my mom at our house, my mom visits their house. I keep wondering if my mom sees my friend getting spanked on her bare bottom and doing corner time.

      • 53 Endefuld

        What do you think about see your friend getting spanked? Or if she is watching you getting spanked? Maybe you and your friend will be spanked together some day. What do you think about that?

  28. 54 DJ

    Thanks for the insight Cindy – this is the kind of feedback we like. 🙂

    From what you say I wouldn’t be surprised if your friend was still spanked. If you find out let us know. But becareful curiosity killed the cat – maybe in your case it will get you both spanked together. 😉

    Good lauch


    • 55 cindy

      To be honest, DJ, I have thought about my friend and I being spanked together by our two moms and then having to do corner time with our bottoms bare. I get so embarrassed knowing she will see it happen to me but I admit it’s something I almost want her to see. And also, in a strange way, even though I like her, I think about what it would be like to see the same thing happen to her–if her mom does in fact do the the same thing to her as mine does to me.

      I don’t think i’ve mentioned how my mom spanks me. Sometimes she takes me over her lap to spank me and uses her hand. My head is down and I automatically look backward under the chair and see my legs and my bare toes. Even though I’m 21, I feel like i’m a little girl again. But sometimes my mom punishes me in other positions and uses a strap. In the living room, we have a couch that has arms that are not straight up and down but instead are gently sloping. My mom will undress me and lead me to the couch and help position me over one of the arms of the couch. My head droops down, touching the seat cushion nearest that end of the couch, my bare bottom is up, and my toes don’t reach the floor. I curl my fingers around the seat cushion (between the first and the second of three cushions) to help steady myself, and then my mom goes to work on my bottom with the strap. She says stuff like “absorb the pain sweety” and I do. I know she’s trying to help me. When she’s through she helps me up and I have to do corner time. The length of the corner time varies. I am so exposed (as I was over the couch).

      • 56 DJ

        Thanks for your story 🙂

        Sounds like you have a system.

        You could always ask your mother about your friend.

        Incidentally what is the average time you spend in the corner?

        many thanks DJ 🙂

      • 57 Kurt

        Getting a strapping like that, you must have been very naughty? I am a firm believer in the Strap. I does teach obedience.

      • 58 Brenda

        Hi Cindy

        I have two daughters and spank them in a very similar way. They are still naughty at 21 and 23 and I have always spanked them like that. Just three of us in the house now and it is just expected

      • Brenda and Cindy, I think you would both feel very welcome sharing your thoughts and experiences on our forum “Sometimes A Girl Needs A Spanking”.

  29. 60 Retired Professor

    While I don’t claim to know about the broad spectrum of American life, I do know that in the early 21st century a fair number of college/university coeds get spanked at least once after matriculating into the realm of higher education. Many more have been seriously threatened. For the most part, although there are exceptions, young women on the receiving end tend to be freshmen acting as if they are still in high school. The vast majority of the spanking, paddling, whipping, or forewarning is done by their mothers. As one mother slyly phrased it, “I spanked my daughter through college!”

    Although the chances for maternal disciplining seem to be significantly higher if the young woman is living at home, the rules of the game change if a young woman gets into trouble on campus or really mess up. This reality was just beginning to sink into the mind of a coed when she matter of factly confided, “My father’s promised me a spanking when I go home [after too much partying during the semester].”

    The most common universal thread running through coed spanking seems to be money. Over the past couple of decades, not only have tuition costs risen significantly, grants and scholarships have been increasingly replaced by loans. When coupled with pressures caused by the Great Recession and the increasing importance of a college degree in finding that all-important first job, sending a daughter to college has become an added stressor on already strained family budgets. Within the context of this environment, there are more likely to be consequences when a daughter does not live up to her end of the bargain.

    Another factor in the coed spanking equation is that, behind the scenes, opposition to spanking is waning. As one otherwise liberal mother described the situation, “We may oppose spanking in theory, but we still do it in private.” Beyond armchair philosophies, the reality is that mothers with daughters either going to college or already in college have few other viable means of effective disciplining other than spanking.

    In addition, despite reams of propaganda to the contrary, young women are not as opposed to taking a spanking if they deserve it. This seems especially true if their mothers continued to spank them while they were in high school. During a class discussion on discipline, a senior confessed, “NOTHING gets my attention like my mother’s hairbrush!” A sophomore said of her experiences over her mother’s knee, “All of the psychology books are against it [spanking], but I’m here to tell you it still works on me.”

    Like the young women quoted above, most young women in college are highly competitive, motivated, and want to succeed. They want to win. Within this mindset, they are willing to exchange short-term pain for long-term success.

    • 61 DJ

      Thanks for a very full and thoughtful insight.

      I take you mean you are an ex-college professor.

      Are you saying young women admitted in class that they are still spanked? That is an interesting cultural shift.

      I wonder if this is in certain places or among certain sections like Christians.

      Anyway thanks again – this would have made a post in its own right.


      • 62 cindy

        DJ, in response to your question, the average time my mom requires me to spend in the corner following my spankings is about 30 minutes. When her friend is over, it seems i have to stay in the corner bare a little longer. I am probably–as you suggest–going to have to ask my mom whether my friend is spanked by her mom because my friend seems too embarrassed to even talk about it.

        The retired professor who posted said something that was confirmed by a professor i had in an intro psychology course. She said in front of the entire class that because she is a psychologist students sometimes confess things to her, and that a number of coeds have told her that their moms continue to spank them now even though they are in college. I attend what for the most part is a commuter college so most of us live at home, so this may reflect what the retired professor was referring to as a higher percentage of maternal spankings among young adult daughters who live at home. You know how some people whisper to one another during class and ignore what the teacher is saying? Well, when our psychology prof was telling us about what I just said, you could hear a pin drop. Later that day, when she had office hours, I went to see her and admitted I too was one of those girls who gets punished like a kid even though i’m 21. She closed the door and wanted to know how and i told her everything. Even though she didn’t see me bare, i felt as if she was imagining me bare and was imagining me being punished. She asked how I feel about the spankings and I honestly told her that although they are real embarrassing and can be real painful (especially when the strap or hairbrush is used), I know my mom loves me and that’s why she is doing it and i think without these punishments i might not do well. I really feel i might not succeed.

        • 63 Retired Professor

          The answers to DJ’s questions are, in order are yes, yes, no, and not necessarily.

          I taught at a liberal arts university.

          During the course of a relevant class discussion, some coed admitted to still being spanked. However, most confessions occurred during private conversations. .

          If your live long enough you may discover that fads run in cycles. Anti-spanking was just one of those. In the end, people tend to do what they’ve always done, Moms spanking older daughters is one of those things.

          For reasons mentioned in the previous paragraph, the cultural shift is deeper than any religion.

          = = = = = = = =

          In reply to Cindy: Based on my thoroughly unscientific observations, 99 percent of spanked coeds get it bare bottom and that 100 percent find the experience embarrassing and painful. According to the coeds, the embarrassment is actually the worst part. While I found no coeds liking to be spanked, neither did I find any claiming that it was a waist of their mom’s time to do so.

          The questions asked by the psychologist seem typical. Hearing that you get it on your bare bottom probably wasn’t nearly as big a deal for her as it was for you telling it. An older daughter getting it with a hairbrush (usually for routine disciplining) and a belt (for major infractions) from her mother on a bare bottom is so common as to be pedestrian.

          The real issues begin to emerge when parents stray from their daughter’s bottom and employ implements not typically associated with spanking. While a wooden spoon on a bare bottom probably wouldn’t cause any concern, a parent using a coat hanger across the small of a girl’s back would set off alarm bells. So would a coed getting beat black and blue or being humiliated in front of friends and family..

          On the other hand, if a coed is privately embarrassed, is paddled until she’s really crying, given time to reflect on her transgression afterwards, and comes away realizing that her mother loves, she fits the pattern of most older daughters routinely getting it from their moms. .

  30. 64 DJ

    Thanks Cindy and Prof

    Looks like we have the story from both sides here. Thanks to both of you.

    I do wonder how much of this was fantasy and wishful thinking on the part of the girls concerned – But Cindy and Susie’s input suggests not all obviously.

    I think the important thing is that there is a benefit to both parties and these women effectively give consent.

    Prof – I take your point that there is a line here – but I think some would draw it more tightly than you while others advocate a stricter one. Ultimately it has been where to draw this line that has been at the heart of this debate for decades. I think you are right – people will always use their own judgement regardless of fashion and what comes around…

    I have always thought that there is a primeval need for certain things and all people seek is the permission from their community to indulge it.

    The key to this is consent between adults however implicit that is or how ever it comes dressed.

    All the best


    • 65 Retired Professor

      Coed spanking is little more than a variation of the social contract as described by John Locke in his Two Treatises on Government. The social contract is simply a reciprocal agreement between a government and its citizenry. The citizens agree to play by the rules dictated by the state in exchange for protection from the government.

      Likewise, although usually legally emancipated, a college coed enters into either an explicit or implicit agreement with her parents. Instead of having to fend for herself – such as by having to take out additional college loans, which she must repay, or having to work full-time while going to school – the coed consents to live by the rules laid down by her parents.

      As in the larger society, there may be sanctions imposed if those rules are violated. Because alternatives such as grounding are not a option, especially if the coed lives on campus, the coed may wind up getting spanked for rule violations.

      As improbable as coed spanking may seem in the 21st century, it might be wise to recall Mark Twain famous quote concerning truth versus fiction. Of the difference between truth and fiction Twain observed:

      “Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn’t.”

      In other words, to be accepted, fiction has to fit into a believable rubric. Truth, on the other hand, gets to write its own script whether or not it seems possible to those lacking the benefit of firsthand experience.

      • 66 DJ

        I wouldn’t want to over think it to that degree but I take your point.

        I wasn’t suggesting it was fiction – just floating the idea that some of it might be an exaggeration – but you seem sincere and convinced, which I find very interesting and I am inclined to accept what you say at face value. I hope I didn’t imply otherwise.

        My point about consent was exactly yours I think. Such arrangements need cooperation and given the psychology of such things I am sure that most young women would be mortified to have to give it explicitly. So as Cindy says below – are happy to give implicit consent.

        I too have come across situations in this field that would be considered fictional where the truth is often strange. I have even been told that certain things did not and could not happen – when I know that they did.

        Thanks again for your extended comments.


      • 67 gin

        thank you for that wonderful quote

        • 68 Retired Professor

          There is a lot of practical advice to be found in the past. Knowing where to find them sometimes keeps us from having to reinvent the wheel of life.

  31. 69 cindy

    I read the latest posts by Retired Professor and DJ.

    To Retired Prof – It wouldn’t surprise me at all if as you say all or just about all spanked coeds get it on their bare bottoms by their moms (as i do) and find the embarrassment worse than the pain. And once the punishment is over, it is the embarrassment that i remember, not the pain. Maybe my mom–and all the other moms who spank their adult daughters–realize this.

    There is something that I think I forgot to mention in a previous post. When I was telling my psychology prof about what my mom does, she asked follow up questions which I answered. Some had to do with how my mom positions me for my punishments, and just listening to her ask the questions made me blush. I answered her though. My mom uses some of those positions but not all.

    To DJ – There is as you say effective consent in what happens between my mom and me. If I were to start yelling and tell her no more spankings ever ever again I couldn’t imagine she would stop paying my tuition and tell me to leave. I just don’t believe it. This means I am effectively consenting to what she is doing to me. I know I need it. And as you said, she must benefit in some way too. Otherwise she wouldn’t do it. I’m just grateful she does.

    Last night, I asked my mom about my friend. Here’s how I approached it. I said I wondered if she is spanked by her mom like you spank me. She got this slight smile on her face but then it was like she forced it off. She asked me how would I feel if she were spanked by her mom? I told her that would mean her mom loves her. She nodded yes. I didn’t ask anything about whether she saw my friend getting spanked by her mom. I was afraid of going that far even though I really want to know.


    • 70 Retired Professor

      I doubt that most college coeds get spanked. Certainly it’s not all.
      Nevertheless, coed spanking is more common than many people realize.

      One way to find out if your friend is spanked by her mom might be to quote what the psychology instructor told the class about coeds being spanked by their moms. Then ask the friend what these girls might have done to get spanked. Then, find out if her mom has ever “threatened” her.

      Another way to find out may be, during a conversation about some untoward behavior in mutual friend, discover if your friend thinks the friend deserves a spanking. In turn, this may open the door to a more fruitful conversation. Normally, women tend to be open with each other about these things. It’s just part of girl talk.

      Meanwhile, it is quite possible that your mom may have talked your friend’s mom into paddling. I am aware of two instances in which one mom convinced another mom that the second mom’s almost grown daughter wasn’t too old for bare bottom paddling.

  32. 71 cindy

    While I was typing my last message, Retired Professor posted another message, so when I said in my last message I was responding to his (and DJ’s) latest messages, in fact I was referring to Retired Professor’s message from Nov 20, 2012.

  33. 72 cindy

    If I recall correctly from my poly sci course, Locke or Hobbes talked about the brutish life people would have without a social contract that was entered into consentually. I think they were referring to how one person could do harm to another in a state of nature. But in the case of spanking, a daughter who does not implicitly or explicitly enter into an agreement to cede some of her control to her mom is in fact harming herself, not someone else.

    What I also think is interesting–Retired Professor–is that the idea of social contract developed in the era of englightenment. Perhaps I’m being naive and a bit self delusional in believing that allowing my mom to bare my bottom and punish me given the fact that I’m no longer a child is “englightened” but in a way I do.


    • 73 DJ


      I think you and the Prof are basically in the same page, although I am not sure that bringing in Locke or Hobbes helps us much.

      Suffice to say that there is an aspect to your life which while being unconventional, is by no means rare, and you find wholly beneficially.

      As to what is conventionally in these matters somewhat goes to the heart of the matter.

      You point out that you are not coerced and welcome the situation.

      As to your friend.

      It sounds as if your friend is also spanked. Your mother’s reluctance to talk is probably to respect your friend’s privacy. After all do you really want her to know that you are spanked so publically?

      Maybe you do 😉

      Thanks for your comments

      DJ 🙂

      • 74 cindy


        I think my mom is trying to protect my friend’s privacy and I respect her for that. But the way she answered my questions makes me believe even more than before that my friend is being punished by her mom and my mom could very well be present sometimes.

        You asked whether I want my friend to know I am spanked so publicly. Even though I am so embarrassed when my mom spanks me, in some strange way, I want my friend to know that her own mom sometimes sees me bare — being punished and doing corner time with hands behind my head and my feet apart. I wonder what it would like if my own friend were to see me that way. Also, what would it would be like if I saw her like that?

        Like you said, there is no coercion. It is not easy to stand and have my mom slowly undress me and position me for my punishments and then have me display myself against a wall or in the corner afterwards, but for whatever reason, what my mom does helps me do what i’m supposed to do.


    • 75 Retired Professor

      Thomas Hobbes (Hobbs is old spelling) postulated that the natural state of mankind without benefit of an absolute monarchy would be a life of “continual fear, and danger of violent death; and the life of man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.” Yet, Hobbes believed, the monarch must govern with the consent of the governed. This was a radical departure from the divine rights monarch model that preceded Hobbes.

      Actually, as originally proposed by Hobbes, the social contract was a product of mid-17th century English turmoil. Although the seeds of Enlightenment were sown while Hobbes was alive, that movement didn’t mature until the 18th century.

      By the late 17th century, John Locke pushed the monarch to the side and proposed legislative supremacy. This novel idea took hold in the fledgling United States.

  34. 76 DJ

    Thanks Cindy,

    I wonder to what extent your attitude is an American one.

    I do know of one genuine domestic arrangement such as this with a UK College woman of around your age, but that – it seems – is an isolated case. Most of my UK references go back to at least the early 1990s and before.

    Whereas I have many sources from people such as yourself who live in the US.

    Perhaps its just British reserve and the prevalence of analysts in the US that encourages more disclosure.

    Thanks again


    • 77 cindy

      You are welcome DJ. I wish I had a basis for comparing how often parents (not just mothers) spank college-age daughters in the US as compared to in other countries but I just don’t. I do know that until very recently, public schools were allowed to paddle kids but in many but not every state, laws have been passed to remove paddling as a possible punishment at school. I live in the midwest in the US and I do know that certain parts of the US — including where I live — are very traditional and the use of corporal punishment is certainly not unheard of.

      In doing some investigation on the net, what is interesting is the implement used. As I said, public schools in my country used and some still use the paddle. I know that in the UK, the cane was at one time used. I have never even seen a cane but have seen pictures of them. I read about the tawse as well. At home, parents in the US use their hands, hairbrushes (and trust me wooden hairbrushes focus the pain and hurt like crazy), and the strap. The strap hurts like crazy too and is also used on the thighs. I understand that in the UK, a plimsole (a term I had never heard of before) was used. I guess the choice of implement is regionalized.

      Speaking of the strap, there is something I’ve done before that I think I can confess here. When no one was home, I went into my mom’s room where she keeps the strap and held it in two hands. This is weird. I kissed it. I raised it to my lips and kissed it. Kissed the strap that bit into the soft flesh of my bottom and caused me agony.


      • 78 DJ

        Hi Cindy,

        I think you must be a true submissive – you should definitely branch out. Lol

        As for the cane it was happily abolished in state education in the UK from 1986 and private education in 1999. Its use in private homes was and is perhaps not uncommon.

        The taws was used in Scotland and parts of North East England and was in effect just a heavy leather strap – mostly – but not exclusively applied to the hands.

        the plimsoll (also known as the slipper) was an informal punishment (basically a tennis shoe or perhaps a little lighter) I have heard of one private girl’s school where it was used by both both teachers and prefects in private.

        There was also something called the bat (a paddle I presume) used in at least one private girl’s school in South East England.

        I am sure people (especially those who play) get a lot more creative.

        DJ 😉

  35. 79 cindy

    I mentioned in an earlier post that the embarrassment factor seems to be more important to me than the pain factor when my mom punishes me, especially when her friend is present to observe. I don’t want to suggest however that my mom punishes my bottom lightly. When I’m over her knee and she uses her hand, although the pain is not terrible, it is still painful.

    What really hurts however is when she applies the oval wooden hairbrush when i’m over her lap and when she straps my bottom in other positions. I have to admit that following my strappings (and even spankings) I’ve gone into the bathroom with my bottom bare, faced away from the mirror, turned my head and viewed my punished bottom. There have been times when my bottom has been beyond just scarlet. I’m not saying a lot of times but this has occurred.

    There have even been times when the strap has left marks that have remained on my bottom for several days before they finally faded and then disappeared. I have had to undergo such thorough strappings when I’ve been particularly bad (for example, remaining out late partying rather than studying when there is an important test the next day and my grades suffered) and my mom spent the time to teach me the painful lesson that i needed to learn.

    I’m just glad that she gives me time to absorb the pain and recover as the strap bites into the soft flesh of my bottom before she delivers the next stroke. She sometimes spends a considerable amount of time teaching me these lessons because these painful strappings are applied slowly. After, of course, I am required to do corner time, often longer than normal in these situations. She makes sure to give me water if I need it.


    • 80 Retired Professor

      Bare bottom embarrassment is a traditional component of spanking. Moms tend to prefer it for three reasons. Mom saying something like, “Are you going to take them down, or do I have to do it for your?” It also lets the daughter know that her mom is in control. Third, a young woman having to bare herself usually primes her to cry. This is important for a number of reasons. Among the most important is emotional release. Fourth, spanking a bare bottom makes disciplining more effective. Rough estimates suggest that normal clothing absorbs about 70 percent of a spank’s effect. Finally, it allows the mom to see how much damage she’s doing back there.

      Looking at one’s self in the mirror afterwards servers a practical purpose. It allow a girl to reconcile what her bottom looks like with what’s going on in her head. It is how young women separate discipline from abuse. Hard spankings are not necessarily abusive.

      Although frowned upon these days, occasional mild bruising where young ladies sit down was once considered de rigueur after certain misbehaviors. Too much partying with boys was a classic. The most obvious way to eliminate this difficulty is to behave.

      Another way to avoid bruising is to take proactive responsibility for your behavior. Quite often a young lady knows she needs or deserves a spanking before her mom gets around to doing it. Thus, one way a daughter can show she is trustworthy is to tell her mom that she’s due a spanking. That may mean approaching her mom, hairbrush in hand, and tell her the truth. It may be for repeating an offense for which she’s already been disciplined; or , she may have an attitude problem at school. The specifics matter less than honesty and accepting responsibility.

      The most important thing is that the mom sees that her daughter is becoming parent-like in her attitude. The next step is to negotiate. No matter how awkward or embarrassing it may seem at first, young ladies need to talk to their moms about spanking before the need arises. This serves two purposes. It lets the daughter see things from her mother’s perspective. Next, the dialogue permits mother and daughter to work as a team in an effort to turn out the best daughter possible.

      • 81 cindy

        Retired Prof,

        I agree that hard punishments (typically hard strappings in my case) are not necessarily abusive when they are administered with the intent to teach. Certainly such punishments do from time to time result in some brusing, and for me, viewing the bruising by looking at my bare bottom backward in the mirror helps me to more fully internalize the lesson my Mother tried to teach me during the punishment session.

        There have been times when I committed infractions of which my Mom was not aware. The emotional burden became so great that I at times approached my Mom to confess my shortcomings realizing that she understood that nothing short of a painful and humiliating penance would be required to lift the guilt from my shoulders. She either required me to undress while standing and facing her, looking her in the eyes, or required me to stand while she slowly undressed me. She then applied the strap to my bare bottom slowly and methodically and then required that I display myself in the corner in order to atone for my sins.


      • 82 Retired Professor

        Well, Cindy, you are obviously ahead of the learning curve when it comes to taking to your mom about spanking. Congratulations.

  36. 83 DJ


    thanks for a full reply.

    So your punishments are varied according to the offence.
    I am glad that your mother is corner time aware – water breaks are important and also shake downs or exercise breaks for really prolonged CT.


    • 84 cindy


      Yes, there is seldom uniformity to the disicipline my mom applies to me. I guess you could say that my discipline is roughly proportional to the seriousness of my offense.

      And as you say, she is a strong believer that i do corner time following punishment with her hand, hairbrush, or strap. Sometimes if the corner time is longer than normal, she will have me bend over and touch my toes or do other things so that my ligaments and tendons can be stretched.


      • 85 susie

        My Auntie brakes up long corner time by having me do some chores. Once the chore is done it’s back into the corner.


  37. 86 cindy

    susie, it sounds as if your Auntie knows how to discipline you well by requiring you to return to the corner once your chores are completed.


  38. 88 cindy

    Jon, I was scrolling through the posts and found one dated November 25, 2012 that seemed to be out of chronological order (perhaps due to a bug in my own computer) in which you responded to Susie’s request to describe a punishment of your own daughters. I would like to offer my condolences for the loss of your wife.

    I was very interested in hearing your description of the punishment of your soon-to-be wife and her sister in their home in the presence of you and others as well as the ritual used in the punishment of your daughters. Thank you.


  39. 89 Cindy J

    I am so glad i came across this blog. I’m 20 yrs old and my parents still spank as the main form of punishment in our house. nothing more embarrassing for me then being scolded..bared and spanked over mom’s knees with that horrible hairbrush she keeps. CindyJ

    • 90 DJ

      Thanks Cindy J and welcome, 🙂

      I wonder if you have an interest in spanking beyond the punitive. I only say this because this blog is largely a forum for fiction and the true accounts, although very welcome, are incidental.

      In other words, I am very happy if this blog validates your feelings and erotic interest – but I am not sure it should be used as a guide for family discipline. Although that is rapidly becoming a mute point it seems. 😉

    • 91 cindy

      Hi CindyJ, from anther cindy. How often are you spanked with the hairbrush? I get it with hand, hairbrush over lap and also with a strap (but not over lap) on average about twice a month followed by corner time. I certainly know what you mean about the embarrassment. cindy

      • 92 cindyJ

        hi cindy thankfully most times mom uses her hand and thats plenty for me. i’ve always been rather short/small and still am. she always spanks bare too. and i do feel so much littler..being held over her knees and spanked. best guess is maybe once a month, depending on what i did and how she feels if she decides to use that brush too. btw brucie..not sure what your dig saying.. ‘typical’ means; i havent replied mostly cause i just dont get the chance to sit and surf the web. ok.

  40. 93 CJ

    I wish someone would spank me.

  41. 97 Jon

    if you need a spanking, why not let others know more about you, where you are, etc…. seems hopeless to remain anonymous….unless you are just wanting some attention…..

  42. 102 cindy

    Jon, you may get your wish, as Kansas City women may be favorably inclined to provide you with that kind of affection.

    How do I know, you ask? Because I remember a few lyrics in the song “Kansas City” by Leiber & Stoller:

    “They got a crazy way of lovin’ there, and I’m going to get me some.”

  43. 104 cindy

    Sorry, my previous message was directed to CJ not Jon


    • 105 CJ

      Very good incite Cindy, I need a spanking!

      • 106 CJ

        It’s my hometown so I pretty much know everyone, it wouldn’t workout. I need a spanking!

  44. 107 cindy

    Kurt, I am replyinyg to your December 20, 2012 comment here about the strappings that I receive from my Mom. I do receive the strap when I am very naughty. An example is when I do not study enough for my tests even though my Mom pays my tuition and books and lets me live at home while I attend college. Another example is when I miss my curfew. I know my bottom will feel the strap. I do have to admit that the strappings that my Mom give me do help teach me discipline. And I also have to admit that I don’t don’t want to disappoint my Mom and want her to love me and feel bad when I’ve done wrong. I know she needs to punish me and I do everything I can to hold still while the strap comes down hard on my bare bottom. Sometimes my body shakes but I get through it. I am so ashamed afterwards when she makes me stand and do corner time but know it is important to her that I do so.

    There has been a new development which I will tell you about hopefully very soon. It involves my psychology professor, or I should say the professor I had in the semester that just ended.


    • 108 Retired Professor

      I hope the psychology professor didn’t cross the line. A coed once came around my desk and, standing beside me like a daughter about to go over her father’s knee, asked me to spank her. She said because her father had never done it, she felt it had a negative impact on her relationships with boys and men. She desperately wanted the experience.

      Fully aware of where accepting the coed’s invitation could lead, I declined her offer. After I explained why, for a multitude of reasons, I did not believe my spanking her would be good for her, we explored the psychology and biology of spanking. Then, I suggested some more suitable alternatives to getting spanked by a professor almost old enough to be her grandfather and whom she might never see again.

      • 109 cindy

        Retired Professor,

        The psychology professor (who already submited my grade) is a female and is probably not more than 10 – 15 years older than I am, although I can not be certain.

        I would be interested in learning what alternatives you suggested to the coed and how she responded.


        • 110 Retired Professor

          Normally, I suggested that girls have an adult-to-adult talk to their mothers. In at least one case, I suggested the student talk to her boyfriend because she hated her mother for pushing all of her disciplining off onto her father. Her parents separated and divorced while she was in college. Her mother wouldn’t spank her and she hadn’t seen her father since she started college.

          Since neither the mother nor a boyfriend was an option for the student you asked about, we finally settled on her mother’s brother. Although, as I recall, her uncle lived some distance away from her home, he had raised a daughter. He was also a close enough blood relative to serve as a surrogate father-figure without erotic overtones – which can happen with non-relatives. As I was my custom, I stressed that she need to be totally honest about why she believed she would benefit from a spanking. Because this particular young lady was in one of my freshman classes, I do not know what happened.

    • 111 CJ

      Got the spanking I needed :), for a whole 30 minutes in the nude by a 45 year old woman.

  45. 112 CJ

    Christine, nice to meet you, I believe in spanking and am also a virgin. Contact me 🙂

  46. 113 George

    Cindy, CJ, Kon, hope to share more with you. Privately:

  47. 114 Brucie

    I wildly and unrestrainedly love the maternal-spanking-of-an-older-daughter scenario. There’s just something about that mother/daughter relationship in the context of the girl being soundly spanked on her bare bottom with all the traditional ritualistic trappings (the private baring/over-the-knee positioning and the very thorough walloping of a not-yet-too-big-to-be-spanked daughterly backside) that I find especially satisfying.

    I’ve got a voluminous collection of photos from online spanking galleries, and only a small fraction of them show M/f bum warmings. Not sure why, but that relationship holds little attraction for me. The lap of female authority is my own personal place of worship (or it would be if the world were kinder), and there’s just far more interpersonal energy for me in a young lady being similarly spanked – her upturned bare bottom the uncontested focus of attention! Hallelujah!

    • 115 susie

      Then you would have loved being at my parent’s home over Christmas.


      • 116 cindy


        Would you be willing to share what happened at your parent’s home over Christmas please?


      • 117 Brucie

        You’re teasing us, susie. Someone got spanked and you’re not saying who…or how…or why. Tsk tsk tsk. Not nice.

  48. 118 patrick

    yeh please share

  49. 119 George

    Looking forward to read and maybe to share RL experiences with such lucky adult daughters, say over 25 yo at least!

  50. 120 Dean

    Yes Susie, pls let us know

    • 121 Brucie

      I’m beginning to wonder if this was Susie’s plan all along; to get us all hot and bothered and send us over the hungry-for-details cliff. Tsk!

  51. 122 cindy


    Please, not the hungry-for-details cliff to which Brucie alluded, which is sure to trigger automatic tax increases and spending cuts.


  52. 123 Donna Palin

    I am 25 years old and my mother puts me over her knee and spanks with grandma’s hairbrush when ever she feels its nescessary. I just hate the humiliation of being spanked at my age.

    • 124 DJ

      Although you don’t hate it so much that you don’t check out blogs like this one. 😉

      Thanks for the feedback Donna.

    • 125 Brucie

      I’m assuming you get spanked on your bare bottom, Donna, but I’d much rather have you say so. You’re a little shy on details, and everybody knows the details are the yummiest part. 😉

      • 126 Sammy Scott

        Could tell u about my spanking if u like. I got it from mum when I was19 for daring to run through a lecture at university while topless

    • 127 Sammy Scott

      Maybe we should swap experiences

  53. 128 George

    dear Donna,
    if you wish to share more privately, pls write me:

    Thanks for sharing

  54. 129 Sammy Scott

    Just found this website and am happy to share my experience. Particularly as there seem to be other adult girls who’ve been spanked.

    When I was 19 (am 26 now) I was quite a precocious brat. I’d just won Miss Wet T shirt at university and felt I was the “bees knees”. Well the boy I was seeing was doing a Masters and I thought I loved him (as you do). Well he dared me to run topless through a lecture. So I agreed. I pulled off my white T shirt and bra. And just had on a short denim skirt. And ran through the lecture causing a storm.

    As a result I was suspended from university. My boyfriend gave me a lift home. My mum was so annoyed at my stupidity, she put me across her knee and spanked me.

    My email is

    I’m happy to chat in more detail if you’d like to get in touch.

    • 130 Retired Professor

      I couldn’t help but laugh when I read about the romp through the lecture hall because the incident represents a classic example of sophomoric behavior. Moreover, both the university suspending the student and the mother subsequently spanking her daughter are typical responses to this level of coed misbehavior.

      • 131 Sammy Scott

        So you think my immature behaviour warranted a bare-bottom spanking? You’re a real meanie!

        • 132 Retired Professor

          No, I didn’t say “immature behaviour warranted a bare-bottom spanking.” On the other hand, I did say that, much like the university suspending a student for juvenile behavior, a mother spanking her older daughter for engaging in that type of behavior on campus was unexceptional. As I noted earlier, this happens more often than most of the nonacademic community is aware.

          Even in the 21st century, it occurs because, as you probably found out, moms still think that spanking is still an effective means of disciplining daughter in her late teens or early 20s. When it comes to a mother dealing with her daughter in these matters, what I think is irrelevant. It’s what the mom thinks that matters.

          It may also be worth pointing out that, most probably, your were legally emancipated at the time of the spanking. Having achieved this status, you were as free to walk out on your mom as you were to run booby bouncing through the lecture hall. Yet, as occurs with most coeds when given the choice between going over their mom’s knee or reaching for the door handle, there were other factors at work. Among them, most likely, was either an unwillingness or inability to make it on your own.

          As is often the case when coeds find themselves in these predicaments, you were still as dependent on your mom as you were before reaching the age of majority. Given the circumstances, taking the spanking was the more logical option. It was trading of temporary embarrassment and pain for continued support.

        • 133 susie

          I certainly can agree that moms still think that spanking is still an effective means of disciplining daughter in her late teens or early 20s.

        • 134 Sammy Scott

          Why are you such a mum?

        • 135 susie

          No, I have such a mum.

        • 136 Sammy Scott

          Really, do tell me more…

        • 137 susie

          Well, my mother is a firm believer in the use of the hairbrush on the bare bottom as the best form of discipline especially for her daughter, me.

        • 138 Sammy Scott

          How old are you? I was 19 when my mum last spanked me. But it was embarassing enough. She put me across her knee, pulled down my knickers and spanked me…

        • 139 susie

          I’m 20 and my mother still puts me over her knee and spanks my bare bottom with her hairbrush.

        • 140 Sammy Scott

          Have you been spanked in front of your boyfriend? Isn’t it just the most embarassing thing ever?

        • 141 Sammy Scott

          You sound like a kind old man.

          May I tell you about another situation? I’m 26 and married now. Last year, my father-in-law found out I was having an affair. He gave me an alternative to telling my husband. A good old fashioned spanking across his knee.

  55. 142 George

    Susie, does your bf know it?

    • 143 susie

      I have been spanked in front of other people a few times but never in front of a boyfriend.

  56. 144 George

    To Susie: Exactly what most parents would do, right imho. But does your bf know about your discipline?
    Is there any adult daughter still under family DD even in her late 20s, or maybe any such parent? RL pls!

  57. 146 Joanne White

    My name is Joanne, I am 23 from Melbourne, Australia My sister, who is 25 and I still live at home and my parents are very strict, which means both Karen and I get our bare bottoms well smacked by mum or dad, mainly mum though. If it is deserved we get our bottoms smacked immediately, no matter who is there. It can be very embarrassing when others are there, especially boys because not only do they see our bare bottoms but our vaginas too and although this has always happened it is hard to get used to. Our punishment is really hard and we cry and plead a lot.

    • 147 George

      your parents look a bit strict, but maybe you should explain more about your situation.
      How often it happens, reasons for it, instruments and who are those boys.

    • 148 George

      Hope you let is know more about such situation.
      Also privately, if better for you (
      Thanks for sharing

  58. 149 George

    your parents look a bit strict, but maybe you would explain more about your situation.
    How often it happens, reasons for it, instruments and who are those boys.

  59. 150 George

    your parents look a bit strict, but maybe you should explain more about your situation.
    How often it happens, reasons for it, instruments and who are those boys.

  60. 151 Katherine (30) (UK)

    I was spanked when I was 18, even in public places when I misbehaved. However, it was never my mom who spanked me, it was always my dad. I always got the ‘wait till your father gets home!’ routine, but it was no idle threat. Mum would relay my sins to him over dinner, then afterwards, he took me into the living room, sat down and told me to bend over his knee (mum never watched, and I had no siblings). He always had me bend over one knee and held my legs down with the other. However, unlike the stories above, I was always spanked over my clothing. Never my panties or bare bottom. But none the less it hurt bad. I got about 50 + swats from 16 upwards. If we were out and I misbehaved, dad would haul me across his knee as soon as he could and thrash my ass – no matter where it was or who was looking on. I was skinny and only five foot tall anyway, so this was no problem. I got another spanking when I got home. After all spankings, I was sent to bed. No corner – and no hugs either. It was a case of ‘Get up!’ point ‘Get to bed!’ That said it was all over and forgotten by the next day.

    [Edited by DJ]

    • 152 DJ

      Hi Katherine,

      Hi Katherine and welcome.

      I edited this because to avoid any misunderstandings and inappropriate discussion. We do not allow discussion of persons under 18. This blog deals in spanking erotica.

      I understand that domestic spanking can sometimes be a seed for later interest or even remain a source of erotic fantasies – but such discussion must involve the strictly 18+.


  61. 153 George

    Katherine, I do hope that you find now a caring man who’s going to spank you on the bare 😉 if you wish to share also privately. Thanks

  62. 154 Emilio

    Donna, Joanne
    I hope you’re willing to share privately with a caring gentleman.
    Pls open yourself freely and safe:

  63. 155 George

    Who is the oldest daughter still on father’s (or mother’s) lap in 2013?
    Glad to know more about her RL experience…

  64. 158 abi

    The last spanking i got was 26 years old i gotta say im afraid of being spank my older cousin surpise me with a spanking all because i did not wear a jacket i was cousin warn me but i did not listen i always listen to her she dont play that now im 31 years old o yeah i was married to but she dont care about and i dont live with her .my parents stop spanking me when i was 18 go figure.

  65. When someone writes an piece of writing he/she keeps the
    idea of a user in his/her mind that how a user can understand it.

    Therefore that’s why this article is outstdanding. Thanks!

  66. 160 Tyler Miller

    Nice are these real stories please st

  67. 162 cindyJ

    I came across this blog a while back and have been reading some now and then. For some reason I now feel compelled to share some about me. I am in college and just 20 yrs old. and yes, contrary to what some people here think or don’t think, I am still spanked as punishment. Do I like it? No!..of course not for all the known reasons, but, I don’t have a lot of choice, their house, their rules, and all that. Does it help? You bet- I do try to do better and stay out of trouble.

    • 163 Brucie

      Hmm, so what kind of trouble, Cindy, are you not able to stay out of that still gets your 20-year-old bottom warmed? Btw, just so we’re clear in our minds, is that a bare bottom? You’re a bit short on details; which parent; what position; any implements; corner time; you know, the real meat of a spanking experience. 😉

    • 164 Retired Professor

      As I have previously noted, there is a lot more of this going on these days than many people know or want to admit.

      • 165 Brucie

        Yeah, well, CindyJ didn’t care to elaborate, did she? Typical.

        • 166 Retired Professor

          Most of the time, in real life, I found that coeds don’t go into detail about being spanked unless they have some reason for doing so and they feel they can trust the person to whom they are entrusting such personal information.

  68. 167 George

    Holidays are often a good occasion to correct wrong behaviors of adult daughters wrongly thinking they can do whatever they want.
    Any RL experience in 2013?

    • 168 susie

      My Aunt volunteered me to help get the church ready for Easter services. This meant that I was going to have to work at the church a few hours a night most of the week before Easter. Needless to say I wasn’t all that happy about it.

      The week started out ok. I went to church and did my work as scheduled Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday but Friday at school I got invited to a party and decided to go instead of working at church.

      Early Saturday morning my Aunt must have gotten a call from someone at the church informing her that I wasn’t there Friday night. When I came down for breakfast I could tell something was wrong. My Aunt waited until we were in the middle of eating before she said, “Is there anything you want to tell me?” I wasn’t sure whether she knew about me not working at the church and if I should tell her about the party Friday or not. I just said no.

      After I cleaned up the breakfast dishes my Aunt called me into the front room where she was setting one of the armless dining room chairs in the center of the room. At that point I knew I was in trouble. My Aunt told me to go up to her bedroom and get her hair brush. I knew I was going to get a spanking.

      I went up and got her hair brush and returned to the front room. My Aunt was sitting on the dining room chair waiting. As I entered the room she pointed to a spot on the rug in front of her and said, “Come here young lady”. I went and stood in front of her still holding the hair brush. “Over breakfast I asked you if you had anything you needed to tell me and you said no. That was a lie wasn’t it?” she said. “Yes Ma’am” I said. “You were suppose to work at the church Friday night and you didn’t did you?” she said. “Yes Ma’am” I said again. “You didn’t even call the church to let them know did you?” “No Ma’am I didn’t” I said. “So you disobeyed me, you lied to me and you disrespected Mrs Wilson, the church volunteer coordinator, by not letting her know you weren’t coming in?” she said. “Yes Ma’am” I said.

      “After we’re done here I want you to go get dressed, we are going to church. You are going to apologize to Mrs Wilson and spend the whole day working for her at the church. When Mrs Wilson is done with you you will wait for her to drive you home and then you are going right to bed. You are grounded for the next two weeks during which you will be working for Mrs Wilson at the church during all of your free time. Each night when your work at the church is done you are to wait for Mrs Wilson to drive you home. If you are not working late at the church you are to be in bed, lights out at 9:30pm. You understand me young lady?” “Yes Ma’am” I said.

      My Aunt held out her hand and I handed her the hair brush. She took hold of my arm and putted me across her lap. She lifted the hem of my nightgown up onto my back and pulled down my panties. She placed her left hand down on the small of my back, rubbed the wooden back of the hair brush across my bare behind then started to spank me hard. My Aunt does not like to be disobeyed or lied to. Also I had shown disrespect to one of her friends.

      When we got to the church my Aunt took me into see Mrs Wilson and had me apologize to her. I was very embarrassed when my Aunt told her that I had just been over her knee and spanked with her hair brush. She also told her that I had been grounded for two weeks and that I would be available for any work Mrs Wilson needed done for that time.

      Mrs Wilson said that she thought that was a lot of punishment for missing a night of work but after my Aunt explained about the disobedience, the lying and the disrespect Mrs Wilson changed her mind and said that I had been a very bad girl and deserved the punishment I got and then soon. Mrs Wilson told my Aunt that she would see to it that I worked hard and behaved myself. Mrs Wilson added that if my Aunt wanted she would spank me herself if I misbehaved or didn’t work hard. My Aunt told her to call if she thinks I needed another spanking.

  69. 169 Brucie

    This forum has become a joke. I think I’ll pretend to be a girl who still gets spanked, and then I’ll just feed little descriptive teasers (VERY little) before I disappear. Sound familiar?

  70. 172 DJ

    Okay, firstly this is not a forum as such – it is an opportunity to comment on various posts here. I am happy to allow a discussion to continue between readers – and so long as certain people do not overstep the mark – it is in order to indulge in creative observations.

    People can either accept this or ignore it.

    If you are not comfortable here then anyone is at liberty to move on.

    I do not allow criticism over others (however strangely positioned) or other such negative contributions.

    The original post was culled from many sources – some more credible than others. No doubt we can all use a pinch of salt while digesting some of them – but they were published (as the picture I hope invokes) in the spirit of Pats Peeves and Will Henry.

    If people wish to add to the post in comments in that same spirit then that is entirely up to them.

    Best wishes to All DJ Black

    • 173 Jon

      Well said DJ, I certainly enjoy your contributions!

    • 174 Retired Professor

      Although I may address other related issues later, I am only going to touch on adult cartoons at this time. I have known and worked with a few cartoonists in my life.

      Much like authors, cartoonists invent very little. Instead, the really proficient ones listen and observe the world around them. They then consolidate what they absorb into a concise image that may encapsulate multiple perspectives on a common thread. Consequently, although what appears in the final rendering of any given cartoon may not have actually happened in real life, a good illustration will ring true to anyone who has experienced or witnessed a similar event in the era during which the cartoon was drawn.

      As with humor, while some themes are universal, others may be more narrowly tailored to a specific audience. Thus, once presented outside the scope of their intended audience, they may become irrelevant or even offensive. For example, a cartoon of an almost grown daughter getting the hairbrush over her mother’s lap is not particularly funny to some parents and may offend some moms. Yet, add a duplicate of the mother’s face with horns and bold BITCH wording underneath on a nearby computer monitor, along with an appropriate caption such as a know-it-all husband in the background telling his wife, “I thought you said she was too old for THAT!” and the same mother-daughter scene will resonate with numerous parents of teenage daughters with an online presence.

      Cartoons of a woman getting spanked by a man were and are typically drawn by men for the entertainment of men. Behind each image is a kernel of truth from a male perspective. Each of these cartoons has it origins in one or more incidents in real life. As with the apocryphal mother-daughter cartoon described above, the specific event need not happen as depicted to be authentic.

      • 175 Tiptopper

        I draw some cartoons myself as well as writing stories. As a spanko ideas for them can come from anywhere. When you have a strong interest in something any situation can be converted in your mind to reflect your interest. If anybody would like to see some of my cartoons visit

  71. 176 cindy

    DJ, your site serves a valuable service. There are those of us who love it. Thank you.

  72. 177 Wilma

    I believe unmarried girls need to be disciplined by their moms. My daughter is 26 y.o. and sometimes she goes a little over the edge. Generally her punishments take place in private so I make her to undress completely. My favorite disciplinary tool is an old training shoe with rubber sole (family item). But I suspect that my daughter is developing some kind of linking between the burning sensations in her bare buttocks and the sexual pleasure. As her mom, I of course can ignore her physical responses, submissevely sticked out backside, widely parted legs and, excuse me, her drooling vulva and other visual proofs that she is in obvious heat. It doesn’t seem right. Is there any means to interrupt this link? I would like to get some valuable advices from experienced moms. Wilma

    • 178 Retired Professor

      While I am not a mom, I have been a parent.

      In a sex-obsessed era, the interpretation of your observation is a common one that has been repeatedly exploited by those opposed to spanking young women. The associated lie is that spanking will make teenage daughters sexually active – as if never spanked young ladies don’t become sexually active!

      While I could be wrong in your daughter’s case, most likely your daughter’s lubricating is a sign of submission rather than sexual arousal. I say this because, based on conversations with young women, there is absolutely nothing sexy about being on the receiving end of a bare bottom spanking from one’s mom! Just the embarrassment of having to drop those panties can make a young woman feel like a preteen all over again. Total nudity further enhances a daughter’s sense of vulnerability. Most of the time, young women just want to get it over with and move on with their lives.

      At the same time, if this remains a concern, try finishing the session about a hand’s width below the crease between your daughter’s buttocks and the top of her thigh. It is impossible for a young woman to tighten this area and the upper thigh is not connected to any traditionally egregious zone. Also, spanking this area virtually guarantees to make even the most stubborn daughter cry.

      • 179 Jon

        as a widower, I had to decide if spankings were to continue after the girls mother died. It was them that convinced me to continue. I too became worried when I discovered the same things as you Wilma, but they assured me it wasnt sexual at all. Even as adults, this sometimes happens and sometimes it doesnt. I have a feeling it has more to do with how guilty they genuinely feel about the actions that have them over my lap. The comfort of being able to releave that guilt, to be held accountable, to be so loved that someone is willing to inflict such correction…those are the things I think are fueling the physical responce. They say most woman become moist during a rape, but thats a physical responce, not a responce that indicates they are sexually arroused.

        • 180 Retired Professor

          Females giving and receiving disciplinary spankings tend to report having to deal with complex emotional issues. Sometimes, it seems that spanking is actually harder on moms than it is on their older daughters. Quite often, by the time the mom actually gets around to doing it, the daughter realizes that its overdue. Meanwhile, absent ongoing and meaningful mother-daughter communication, the mom is second guessing herself.

      • 181 susie

        I can personally confirm that spanking the above mentioned area will indeed make even a stubborn girl cry.

  73. 182 Wilma

    I thought it over, gentlemen, and I suppose I agree with you there, probably lubrication is just a natural reaction to the embarrassing situation. By the way, the successful bodily chastiment doesn’t need to be severe, the most important part of punishment is submissiveness. For example, I believe that waiting is the most telling form of discipline. Disciplining my daughter I strongly advise her to remain in position during our educational session. I expect the full cooperation. On the other hand I admit that Professor is quite right about „complex emotional issues”. Whimpers, gasps and pleadings, sharp thwacks and whaps, twistings and contortings of fleshy rear cheeks… I watch those meaty hemyspheras wobbling to the impacts of the slipper and sometimes that gives me shameful flash-backs. Was I making of myself the similar embarrassing spectacle for my parents when I was “getting it”? Was I presenting my bare buttocks so obediently? Of course I know the answer. But maybe almost every mature woman has such deeply humiliating moments? Wilma

    • 183 Retired Professor

      One mom probably summed it up best when she observed that while she hated paddling her almost grown daughter, she knew it needed to be done if her sometimes vexatious daughter was going to live with herself or anyone else.

      When it comes to paddling difficult older daughters, most fathers cut to the chase. Mothers, on the other hand, have to get all their ducks in a row before they feel comfortable with the idea. In addition to whatever memories they may have from growing up, moms sometimes realize they’re guilty off the same offenses for which they spank their daughters! After all, girls usually just don’t invent the behaviors that get them into trouble. Often they are acquired quite close to home.

    • 184 George

      of course you know the answer, but maybe we don’t.
      Pls can you speak openly about your own experience and comparing it to your daughter’s?

  74. 185 George

    I do believe that fathers are first natural disciplinarian in their household, even for adult daughters 26 yo or more,because shame is even more important than fire at their bottoms. However, dear Wilma, your experience is precious and hope similar fathers -and the spankees themselves- are willing to heat… this blog.

  75. 186 Wilma

    Well, I know by my own experience that some young ladies need strict parental control. I deal with my daughter’s wrongdoings just the way my mom did when I was younger. In fact, she had introduced me to the same slipper when I was a senior in high school, but even though I was 22 and a fully grown woman, I was still submitted to the same corrective measures, I’m ashamed to admit. Those spankings were invariably to my bare bottom. I hated our family slipper, because of the terrible sting the rubber gave to my bottom. If my mother felt that simple spankings are not effective enough, she combined punishments with some degree of humiliation. I received one of the most humiliating spankings at the age of nineteen when I was caught in a heavy masturbating session. In the early evening of the day I decided to go to the bathroom. Our double sized raced tub looked inviting and soonI was soaking in a sweltering water. Twenty minutes later my mother knocked on the door. ‘It’s me, open up.’ Her timing was great: I was naked, relaxed, in the bath. When the door yawned open, I stood there like a stone, helplessly looking at a dreadful slipper in her hand. My mother told me that she has to help me to learn a proper behavior and ordered me to get in the tube on my hands and knees. I pleaded for mercy but complied of course. ‘The bath is too full, let some of the water out.’ I meekly pulled the plug out and few moments later my wet buttocks were jutted out of the water behind me.
    I felt as vulnerable as I had ever felt in my life. She didn’t rush, just observed my position and target area. Then she patted the slipper right across the middle of my wet, upraised buttocks and announced in a rather dominant voice, that I have arch my back in order to keep my bottom pointed up high and that any lack of cooperation will add to the punishment. Trembling, I arched my back. A more humiliating position was not possible. ‘Good girl,’ she said, tapping the slipped on my on my waiting flesh. I clenched off and on, trying to guess when the first smack would land. ‘No, no, we’ll have no clenching of these buttocks during your spanking,’ said my mother. And then the heavy slipper started to come down, slowly and methodically. That stung unbelievably. Sometimes she left the slipper in the position where it had landed and I shuddered in anticipation. But I knew better than to break position. The most stingy and embarrassing were upward blows on the tender undercarriage of the bum when the slipper smacked against the very base of my rear, just above thighs. I have to admit sometimes the slipper’s wet sole noisily contacted with my pink labial flesh too. Believe me the sensation is distinctly sharper and much more intimate… ‘Don’t touch yourself there ever again! You hear me?’ She emphasized each word with a slap. It was very embarrassing, because my father-in-law was at home. Of course he pretended he didn’t hear my frantic pleas for mercy. But the smacks sounded like sharp explosions, even as they were partially muffled by the running water and the door. Soon after that we had a diner. Naturally, I fidgeted a lot, my funny was tingling and from time to time I saw his little inverted smile. That was a clear sign that our “little correctional chore” in the bathroom was keeping my father-in-law greatly entertained. It was a very, very shameful experience for me… Wilma

  76. 187 Karen

    My step -mother has always managed the discipline in our home. Unfortunately she is a strong believer in old fashioned over the knee bare bottom spankings for rule breaking. They are significantly humiliating and very painfull. Always handed out after dinner upstairs in her room. She pulls down my pants places me over her large lap and lectures me. When she is ready she pulls my panties down often remarking on how large my bottom is getting thus a longer warming is necessary. I always end up crying hard, kicking and sobbing and apologizing. The crying doesn’t stop the spankings only when she feels a lesson has been learned am I allowed to get up. She begins all spanking slowly and methodically with her palm..working up to a sharp frenzy while I squirm and buck. Once she is satisfied she pulls out her hairbrush..wooden and delivers mind boggling pain to my sore red bottom.
    I’m 25 and live at home while in graduate school. I can’t afford to be on my own so her rules prevail. Fortunately these episodes are extremely rare, maybe once or twice a year. I hate I make sure not to break her rules or disobey her.

    She has always had a rule that if I am ever in need of a spanking for a repeat offense than after the spanking I will spend an hour in the corner, bare bottom on display..nose touching the wall. I have only had to endure this embarrassment 3 times in my life. The worst was this year. I had been spanked one month earlier for using very bad language ( on the phone) she overheard me. The 2nd time I had a friend over and didn’t realize she was in the house. When I noticed her car was in the garage. My heart dropped.
    After my friend left she announced that after dinner we would be spending some one on one time together and to cancel my plans for that evening. I didn’t tell my friends why I was canceling but I was a,ready crying. I knew my step moms sister and mother were coming over for dinner and I dislike them both. My step mom doesn’t hide my spankings and they would be over joyed that I was going to be punished. They are also large women and I am quite thin.
    After dinner my step mom told me to go up stairs and get ready for my spanking. I felt so embarrassed. I took my plate in the kitchen and dashed up stairs. I overheard her telling everyone she had a big lesson to teach me about my mouth and a sore red bottom was the way to start. They agreed

    Once she walked up stairs she had me stand in front of her,pulled my jeans down and placed me over her ample lap. Took her time positioning me. Lifted her knee so my bottom was perched and slowly pulled my panties down. She patted my cheeks chuckling that her last spanking must not of done the trick. Well lets try again. I tried my hardest not to cry loud since her family was downstairs…I howled anyway. The worst part was after word when she guided me downstairs into the tv room. Placed me in the corner next to this tall table and pulled my pants and panties down and made me touch my nose to the wall..pushing out my sore bottom. She turned the timer on for one hour. I sobbed I was so humiliated.

    • 188 Sammy Scott

      Yes, it’s so humiliating having your panties pulled down at 25 and being spanked. As I certainly discovered. Maybe we should exchange experiences. Would you like my email?

  77. 189 Tiptopper

    Although adult daughters being spanked is probably very uncommon when we have to consider billions of people, over 300 million in the US alone, I’m sure that that it happens every day some place in the world.

    • 190 Retired Professor

      The anti-spanking movement in the United States clusters around a statistical cohort of white college-educated mothers. Beyond this relatively small but influential demographic, opposition to spanking females rapidly disintegrates. Even within the ranks of college-educated mothers, there is no unanimity. This is especially true when money enters the picture.

      In my experience, the older white daughters most likely to be spanked by her parents are:

      * College coeds living at home (Parents often treat this situation as an extension of high school.)

      * College coeds living on campus and doing something that jeopardizes their academic standing or college career. (This one seems directly linked to both the increasing costs and importance of college in obtaining decent employment.)

      * Unemployed 20-somethings still living at home and executing a sense of entitlement or engaging in reckless behavior. (When this happens, it often seems to be a case of a proverbial behavioral straw breaking the parent’s back of patience. This may also involve normally well-behaved daughters crossing certain lines of behavior to which her parents strongly object.)

      * Separated or divorced daughters bringing an attitude with them when they move back home. (Some of these seem to be instances of bride retraining.)

      Less frequent, but quite revealing, are instances in which married daughters treat their fathers as if they were their husbands. In all of the cases of which I am aware, it involved father-daughter relationships in which daughters were accustomed to being spanked by their fathers while growing up.

  78. 191 Tiptopper

    As an immediate follow up to my last message it occurs to me that somewhere adult daughters are being spankied as I write this message and as you read it. An intriguing thought for spankos and certainly a turn-on.

    • 192 Sammy Scott

      Hm…I wonder what you’d make of a 25 year old “hot lawyer” (Partners words) getting her bottom spanked…

  79. 193 cindyJ

    oh, i for one can assure you it still happens – and probably more then you or me or others want to think. Not sure why its such a turn on for you but i by far am the last person to judge anyone. I’ve tried to talk to my mom about still being punished like a 12 yo.. but ..i do try to behave and act more mature, but its sure not easy.

    • 194 Shweta Chawala

      Well, punishments happen for adult daughter here in India too. I have been punished till I got married. (I was 26 then).

      But rarely would it be on the bare bottom. Just normal punishments which were more of pain than anything else.

  80. 195 George

    I hope not only in India! What about Australia, New Zeland, Canada and many European countries? I know that at least Eastern Europe has saved best DD traditions…

    • 196 Retired Professor

      While cultural traditions vary, the further one is removed from white women of Northern European extraction, the more likely spanking is to be accepted.

      • 197 Shweta Chawala

        Well, I would put it this way.

        The further you move away from Northern European extraction, the more likely is it that the women get punished.

        Usually in India you will never ever see spankings on the buttocks as a classical punishment.

        What you will see is toe touch, kneel down, uthak baithak, hold your ears and murga punishments.

        At times you will see cases of head shave punishments also.

        While murga will be equally embarrassing for a girl at home, it is accepted, but not spanking.

        • 198 Retired Professor

          It is also true that punishments for women are not limited to spanking. Women in India have also been burned. Others have been made to walk naked in public. Milder indignities also include having to kneel in front of a man as if worshiping a deity.

          Meanwhile, as noted in a previous post on the subject, the context of my reference was that opposition to spanking in Western society is statistically clustered around white women. This attitude is so pronounced that some women of color in the West refer to being spanking averse as “a white thing.”

  81. 199 George

    Thanks. What about Spanish and French, German and Russians? I know that a lot of Ukranians are used to! Lucky girls 😉

  82. 200 Shweta Chawala

    well, yes. India can be harsh and can be soft. Spanking still is not acceptable.

    Women have been made to walk naked in public but mostly it is in case that the women has brought dishonor to the family name or has gone against the caste boundaries or something like that.

    Kneeling in front of the man is something not to be called a punishment 😛 Rather punishments are when publically her head is shaved.

    • 201 Retired Professor

      In some societies, family punishments are administered privately. Others do it publicly.

  83. 202 George

    Pls no burning of people, heads, faces and pls not even a single broken bone. This isn’t at all about DD, but folly and pervert crimes…

    On thge other hand, we might help each other knowing others’ ways and learning other ways besides ours!

    Is it posible in today’s west a wife freely kneeling -naked and helpless- in front of her husband fully ready to His orders?

    • 203 Retired Professor

      One culture’s punishment is another culture’s perversion.

  84. 204 DJ

    As interesting as all this is and thanks Shweta for sharing your insights, but I do think we are beginning to wander off topic into areas that at best could be described as extreme BDSM in nature and might even start to look like abuse.

    Can we focus on consensual adult spanking (by implication at least).

    Many thanks and this is now officially the most popular post. 🙂

    • 205 Shweta Chawala

      oh, well, I thought this post was more about discussing the issues of adult punishment.

      Therefore I posted what I posted. Can spanking be consensual, and yet be spanking ? For me, its a no.

      But then for you, its a yes and so for many like you. I wont post any other horrors, donta worry.

      • 206 Retired Professor

        The importance of the question (“Can spanking be consensual, and yet be spanking?’) should not be underestimated. The question cuts to the heart of female disciplining. A surprising number of women I’ve encountered actually agree with Shweta answer.

      • 207 Tiptopper

        People often have the tendency to use words to mean what they want, usually for emphasis, even though their meaning is incorrect.

        Spanking means a series of slaps on the buttocks. The motivations of the people involved are irrelevant.

      • 208 DJ

        Your posts aren’t horrors and your contributions are welcome. I was not singling you out for your comments – but generally as you rightly say (to everyone) the post is about adult women who have (hopefully) consensual arrangements with a mentor or other – that does not stray too far from spanking and related issues.


  85. 209 George

    Sorry RP, but killing and inflicting permanent damages on not consenting people can’t be an opinion… it’s simply a very weak excuse criminals look for,

  86. I would like to thank you for the efforts you have put in penning
    this site. I really hope to see the same high-grade content by you in the future as well.
    In fact, your creative writing abilities has motivated
    me to get my own website now 😉

  87. 211 Shweta Chawala

    @Tiptopper, if you check, the meaning of spanking is given as

    to strike (a person, usually a child) with the open hand, a slipper, etc., especially on the buttocks, as in punishment.

    Now, that I guess is the correct meaning. Motivation matters. Spanking isnt meant to be exactly as a erotic thing, though nowdays people are into it. It was and is primarily a punishment method.

    You can use a cd disc as a coaster. So, do we call the cd disc a coaster ?

    • 212 Tiptopper


      All the definitions of spanking in various dictionaries always refer to the physcal act itself. In the definition that you quote “as in” means “for example”, it does not mean that punishment is the only type of spanking.

      Spanking can occur in other situations with other intents. It can be used as foreplay between lovers, it can done in fun such as girls in a slumber party fooling around, there are birthday spankings, which are always called “spankings” even though there is no intent to punish.

      I stand behind my original assertion, spanking means a series of slaps on the buttocks and punishment is not always involved even though that is the most common motivation.

      • 213 Shweta Chawala

        Well, I do understand your point of view, but by your own admission, the most common motivation is punishment.

        That is my point and nothing else. It is mostly commonly used for punishment.

  88. It’s amazing how this story after almost 4 years continues to generate discussion. Keep it up.

  89. 215 cindy2

    As a follow up to a previous exchange about a young adult daughter lubricating when her mother administers corporal punishment to her bare bottom, I must confess that the same thing has occurred to me. I did not realize I had lubricated until after my mother had completed teaching me in the way that she and I both realize is most effective for me. I have considered several possible reasons why I lubricated during the punishments–and my legs were indeed open to a small extent–but I haven’t settled on a particular reason. What I do think about is the view that I afford to my mother. That is something I am unable to get out of my head.

    • 216 Retired Professor

      Having spanked older daughters, the one thing I can assure you is that, even if the young lady over the lap squirms, there is too much going on for a diligent parent of the opposite sex to be preoccupied with a peep show. Typically, by the time a biological parent gets around to spanking an older daughter, erotica is the last thing on his or her mind.

      • 217 susie

        I can attest to that. When my father spanks me he has one thing only on his mind.

    • That is not an uncommon experience regardless of age for spanker or spankee to get aroused. I’ve read of and have known nursing, nurturing mothers who experience arousal as well as spankers or spankees during disciplinary spanking. Rest assured the arousal is not sexual. It is a biological response. With the placement of someone over ones lap with a lot of movement and the adrenalin and act of spanking itself the body naturally feels arousal.

  90. 219 cindy2

    The exchange of thoughts here is so thought provoking, especially since I am a young adult whose mother sees fit to continue to teach me even though I am no longer a little girl. She loves me and understands, through experience I believe, that discipline to my bare bottom is the best method to teach me. I read the thoughts of the various participants in the exchange and do not believe that any overt sexual motivation is involved. Parents are trying to teach their children, even if the children are past the age of majority.

    Yet I read the post by Wilma where she questions, when she was younger, “Was I making of myself the similar embarrassing spectacle for my parents when I was “getting it”? Was I presenting my bare buttocks so obediently? Of course I know the answer. But maybe almost every mature woman has such deeply humiliating moments?” I admit that I have such thoughts myself. I am not overtly trying to display myself when my mother instructs me. Yet I wonder if in some subconcious way I am doing so. Or perhaps I am making my bottom more available to her instruction. I must admit I do not know the answer.

    I think there are so many unknowns, and so many motivations, that perhaps not a single explanation will suffice is explaining the complex phenomena we are discussing.

  91. 220 DJ

    Again thanks to everyone for their continued interest. I too am pleased and fascinated by the continued following of an entry which is almost four years old.

  92. 221 cindy2

    DJ, people do not visit and revisit, for close to four years, a topic that does not resonate with them. There is indeed something particularly fascinating about this topic.

  93. 222 George

    I agree with Cindy2, it’s complex stuff, but imho there’s one strong reason not yet written here. A lot of people, and not only men…, believe that sound and fair discipline of adult daughters could be a great help to individual happiness and unity of each family.

    • 223 Sammy Scott

      Sounds like you would think I’m NOT too old for a spanking George.

    • 224 cindy2

      George, I can assure you, at least in the opinion of one young adult daughter, that continuing corporal discipline from my mother contributes to happiness because in its absence I would feel as if I were cast adrift. I would be able to function no doubt, and probably at a fairly high level, but nagging doubts would persist.

  94. 225 George

    Sammy, if you’re a young woman never married… pls email me 🙂
    Just plain truth!

  95. 226 Tiptopper

    The age of majority in th US was 21 but then got changed to 18. However recent research has found that the human brain does not reach full maturity until about 25. The last areas to develop are in the per frontal cortex and involve impulse control and appreciation of long term consequences.

    Auto rental companies who want to rent as many cars as possible nevertheless will not rent to anyone under 25 because of all the problems they have had with them. One researcher in this field said that “The rental companies have got it right and the rest of society has gotten it wrong.”

    Having adult daughters who in the “trial independence stage” still being under the control of their parents would therefore make sense.

    • 227 cindy2

      You just described an example, Tiptopper, of when a profit motive is in force, the reality of the matter is revealed.

    • 228 Kia

      I respectfully disagree on the relevance of any specific age. Speaking from recent experience, I was not significantly calmer or wiser at 25 than 18 or any other specific point. Nor do I think I was particularly reckless or oblivious to consequences before reaching 25. While age is an efficient way to classify people en masse, as with the car rental example, I believe a different approach is warranted for things as personal as matters of discipline and independence.

      Part of the reason that this topic appeals to me is the idea that- independent of age- mistakes can be made and dealt with in a healthy relationship. I like the idea that just because one is considered to be an adult that they are still capable of learning with appropriate correction. A woman can independent and still respect feedback on her behavior at any age.

      Or maybe I’m just too impulsive and underdeveloped to think this through. 🙂

      • 229 DJ

        I think there are too valid and potentially contradictory issues here.

        I can honestly attest that a young lady is never too old (if she is so inclined) but also that TT has a point and younger are often more needful and accepting of such a relationship.

        Of course the conflict arises when you consider that young people are also more likely to be exploited by older people with, shall we say, more complicated motives. That is not to say they necessarily are – but it is something to consider.

  96. 230 George

    About what Tiptopper rightly remembers, the only reason for major age at 18 is exploiting: political, commercial, sexual.
    Isn’t much easier to deal with 18 yo than with 21 or 25 yo?

  97. 231 Wilma

    When I was 24 I still had to offer my bare bottom for my Mom’s ministrations. Even after more then twenty years, I’m still uncomfortable with how much my Mom’s spankings turned me on. I remember one day when I nervously lay over the back of the chair. To steady myself I placed my hands on the arms of the chair. My mother approached me, folded back my skirt and lifted me up, so that my ass was in the air. It was the typical doggy position.
    I gasped with each slap, my bottom tensing in anticipation of each blow. However, something else was happening! Don’t know if I was aroused by my exposure or by the ache in my spread thighs. I felt an incredible itch down there. The harder were the smacks the more I pressed my tits into the chair, the warmer and more urgent the feelings inside me were becoming. As I clenched my buttocks in response to each blow, I felt my vaginal muscles clench too. I noticed that the hot, burning sensation in my buttocks seemed to be flowing, expanding to include my genitals. I could feel myself becoming moist.
    Each blow of the slipper seemed to send a shock wave
    of excitement between my legs. I felt deeply ashamed and
    humiliated, pleading that my mother didn’t notice my hips pumping in time to the contracting muscles as another stroke cracked. So intensely was I concentrating on the strange feelings of heat and pleasure, feelings that made the pain seem like something far away, something that was really happening to another person, that the orgasm caught me by surprise. My body spasmed again and again. I pushed my bottom up higher to give her stinging slipper more access. My mother chuckled and said, “Get your knees apart, darling. Don’t dare be disobedient right now!” And I did, but not enough apparently. “Wider, young lady. Feet well apart!” A final tidal wave of humiliation and shame washed over me as I splayed my legs far apart behind me. This was so embarrassing, my mother could see everything. And I knew she could use the slipper on the tender skin she had not spanked yet. And she did it.
    The embarrassment was overpowering. Was there something wrong with me? Why was the awful humiliation turning me on?
    But two weeks ago during the similar disciplinary session I myself could see beneath the opened cheeks the pouting folds of my daughter’s vagina glistening with moisture. I spanked and she was breathing heavily. She was rubbing her crutch against the chair back. She was moaning and pumping harder and faster. There’s no mistaking the fact my daughter was having an orgasm, shaking like
    a rag doll. And each smack on her cleft seemed to drive her wilder! Maybe the sting of the slipper stimulated her anus? I was taken aback by the intensity of her reaction. Why does she like her slipperings? Had I to stop punishing her? Or she (and her vulva) had to be punished additionally for the orgasm? Sometimes I think some ladies just become sexually aroused by the punishment. Wilma

    • 232 cindy2

      Wilma, your post is quite expressive and a cause for us to question why young adult daughters sometimes react in such a way when we receive correction from our mothers. I can certainly understand why humiliation overcame you as you thought your mother observed the sex-like thrusting of your hips as she administered to your bottom what was necessary to help you learn. I am not of course in a position to know what went through her mind as you thrusted and as you lubricated. But as a young adult daughter like yourself, I can’t help but wonder myself what goes through the mind of a mother at a time like this. You mentioned your mother instructs you to place your feet well apart and you comply by splaying your legs far apart behind you. What is one to think that goes through a mother’s mind when she makes such requests? While I’m sure many mothers have no sexual motive, some do. And while there is potential for abuse, does that potential still exist when the daughter is herself an adult and the ritual is consensual? I have more questions than answers, obviously.

      • 233 George

        more questions than answers?
        Imho a very good start for U…

    • 234 Retired Professor

      Every instance of this scenario I have come across seems to have three things in common. First is positing of the daughter’s mons pubis on or within squirming distance of the parent’s thigh. Second is rhythemic application. Third mediocre spanking. In other words, it is perfect recipe for erotic spanking.

      In addition to O.H.M.’s quite viable cure, which my wife assured me really is effective, other solutions include having the daughter bend over a bed and applying firm spanks with an unpredictable cadence and target.

    • 235 Johnxc

      Taking pleasure from a spanking is the “best revenge” a person can enjoy against someone who is trying to spank them for punishment. If you take advantage of your “power position” over your daughter, and force her to submit to spankings even though she is an adult, it is only natural that she would try to “get even” by turning the spanking into an arousing experience.

      This does not mean that she is a lesbian or has any incestuous attraction to you.

      One thing that lawmakers forgot when they lowered the age of majority to 18 is that most people of that age are still economically dependent on their parents. Very few parents can resist the temptation to try to exert control over their young adult children by using financial blackmail.

      If we really wanted to make 18 year olds truly independent, we would terminate parental authority at age 18, as we have, but would have maintained the parental support obligation to age 21. This would have given young adults an opportunity to “try their wings”, while still being assured of a safety net if they failed.

      But how many parents would really be willing to treat their children as adult equals?

  98. Wilma. You must have a way with that because you just gave me an orgasm.
    I doubt very much that your daughter was having a voluntary orgasm being spanked by her own mother. I’m sure there were many factors that led to her orgasm, none of them sexual or delighting in her mother spanking her. The trick is to let her have an orgasm, then the real punishment begins. Don’t stop once she has had an orgasm. That sends the wrong signal. I guarantee you her spanking after that will be ‘punishment’ and not something she would wish to repeat.

  99. 237 Wilma

    Well, O.H.M., I have to admit, your technique is quite useful!

    [Long post edited and currently withheld – Ed]

    • 238 DJ

      OHM and Wilma,

      Wilma sent in a really long comment that caused issues (ie a solid block of unreadable text) I may edit it and post a cleaned up version at some point – either here or by including it in a post.

      Thanks Wilma for your efforts in any case – I think your basic point was disagreeing with One Hand by saying you think your daughter did get off on it and you had to take that into account.

      Sorry for the inconvenience. DJ

  100. 241 Wilma

    I don’t know why my post isn’t published yet. There was nothing to “edit”, nothing to “clean”. I wrote about my personal experience, that’s all. Was it too shocking? Too sexually charged? But why? It’s so confusing, and it seams you have some sort of post-communist censorship here, mister DJ… Wilma

    • 242 DJ

      Sorry Wilma – I received a wall of text (no spacing) peppered with references to under 18 spanking largely in a broadly sexulaised way. 😦

      It makes no nevermind that it is true and is a personal experience or that it is not obscene. It was impossible to (or has been to date) to edit in any meaningful way without leaving it as a rump of its former self.

    • 243 Mr & Mrs Montforce

      Now: “Repost, young lady”
      – if you don’t mind, our precious tenant can’t wait…

      Mr & Mrs Montforce

      • 244 DJ

        Regretfully it is I who have withheld this comment not Wilma. 😦

        Thank you for understanding.

  101. 245 Wilma

    Jeeze, DJ, why “under 18 spankings”? I recalled few spanking experiences from my own life when I was 22 and 24 y.o. that were deeply ingraved in my memory. Exactly the same is with my daughter. She is ADULT woman for God’s sake! We discuss adult daughters spankings here, right? In my post I wrote in plain English: “Good slippering forced mature 24 y.o. woman to gyrate like a whore, honestly!” Yeah, sometimes her reactions ar highly sexualised, it’s some kind of a problem for me, and I tried to discuss the issue because I myself had very similar experience. That’s all… Wilma
    PS. I’ll repost, but that’s my last try.

    • 246 DJ

      I am sorry for this confusion, please let me clarify.

      1. Your comment is unbroken as it arrives here and gets stuck in the filter. It arrives as a wall of unreadable text often without spaces, which I must edit. No doubt this is not how you sent it – but has occurred in transit.

      2. Your post did not make it clear that your daughter was an adult and from the highly sexualised context it appeared that it was inappropriate.

      3. with your added information – I will attempt to edit into a form that the comments protocol will permit.

      Thank you for your understanding.

      • 247 DJ

        I have been trying to address issues with this post and why most comments get stuck in the filter.

        It seems that four years on and after accounting for 5% of all comments on this blog the comments quota is full.

        So given this and other issues arising comments on this post are now closed. A victim of its own success. 🙂

        Thank you for your participation. 🙂