Archive for the ‘Crimson and Black’ Category

Crimson & Black


It is with regret that I announce that demise of the companion Tumblr, Crimson & Black. I have no idea why this blog was destroyed and I can get no communication on the matter. I have no reason to believe there was any malicious intervention and it may simply have been a server crash somewhere. […]

A Crimson Tide


This has been a bit of a traumatic week and for me (and it seems many others) the blogosphere has changed forever. As perhaps you know, fellow blogger Poppy and I ran a joint venture called Crimson and Black, which is a picture promo Tumblr that was entered into by way of a tribute to […]

For every picture, be it good, bad or indifferent that appears here; there are about two dozen others that never see the light of day somewhere in the DJ Black picture library. Then a while back Poppy sought some assistance in redesigning her website. Realising that she too had a more images than she knew […]