Archive for May, 2012

No not the percussion kind. The kind associated with music teachers. For instance in the movie Immortal Beloved Gary Oldman, playing the part of Beethoven, gets particularly annoyed with one of his students that he proclaims, “I will have to beat you,” whereupon she holds out her hand is struck across it with a stick. […]



Amanda was feeling very pleased with herself. The article was a triumph, she knew it. Anyway, how dare that over-privileged stuck-up socialite say such a thing about women? “A good woman does not neglect her place and more especially if that place is with her children,” she quoted. “Bah.” The woman was a traitor to […]

Do you remember Saturday mornings and going to the sweet shop with your pocket money and buying sweets and a comic? In the old days, it was Beano and Dandy, which if you were so inclined sometimes included a spanking following your favourite character’s prank gone wrong. Then later, perhaps you discovered your sister’s comics, […]

Just because its summer.

Weekly Round-up


For various reasons, Blog of the Week has lapsed a little in recent weeks, and guess what? Nobody noticed. The reason for its (possibly temporary) demise is that it became increasingly difficult to read enough blogs and single any one out. Well today here is a short list of blogs who have caught the eye […]

Something hot


Time just runs away from us sometime and is suddenly in short supply. Given the sudden arrival of summer more than two weeks early (it’s 28c here in London) everything feels like it has slowed down and all you want to do go down the pub. Just in time improvements are being made in the […]

It had always seemed to Rachel that her friend Cindy had a secret. In her wildest imaginings she fancied she knew what it was, but that seemed hardly likely to her, given her wildest imaginings were… well too wild. Rachel sat back to consider whether or not her imagination had completely overcome her sense of […]

As followers of this blog we occasionally feature pictures supplied by TipTopper. This one was in a batch of classics, one of which has been seen before, but the one above is new here. Nor sure who the artist is, but it has the look of a Fontana. From the clothes and tone of the […]

Sisters in woe


A short while ago there was a story here entitled Whip Sisters. It was about the concept of two women sharing punishments for each other’s crimes. A variant of this theme was included in the 1971 British movie starring Peter Cushing, The Twins of Evil. The twins in question, the Gellhorn sisters, were played by […]

Well she probably shouldn’t have been, after all she was just trying to stand up for the people of Coventry and get their taxes cut. Although instead of denouncing the original Peeping Tom, perhaps her husband had wished he had. This 11th century pre-Norman Saxon lady has entered into folklore as the woman who rode […]