Archive for October, 2010

Friday 29th October, Istanbul Dear Diary, Khan’s bar is great. Although I can’t get used to the fact that some of the customers ask for lemonade but really want a beer in a lemonade bottle. I’m not stupid I know it is something to do with them being Muslims, but what worries me is how […]

Three sisters


If it had been a fairytale, it would have begun, once upon a time at the dawn of the 20th century there were three sisters, Galen reflected. Only this was not a fairytale, far from it. He had three daughters and each had been sent to try his patience. Today it was his youngest, who […]

Besides the driver, there were three of them in the car. That was way too many for Sam’s liking. Her father was beginning one of his scolding pep talks and she really could do without an audience. It was bad enough that her father had insisted on accompanying her to the Hotelier of the Year […]

Apparently yesterday was Love Our Lurkers Day. No one tells us anything! So if you missed it here is another chance to join in the fun. Did you know that only one person in 10,000 leaves a comment on this blog? If you are out there, why don’t you just comment on one of the […]

When Charlotte had agreed to come hunting, this wasn’t exactly what she had in mind. When she had found out what was really going on, she had protested angrily, she had wanted no part of their decadent games, but she had been ‘restrained.’ “You can go to the police afterwards if you want to, but […]

Wednesday 20th October, Istanbul Dear Diary, Athens was dull. There were a lot of boys but they were very obvious, all pretending to be macho and not actually delivering. I was pretty much out for the count anyway on account of my sore bottom. I have only just managed to get around to sitting down […]

Quite a while back A Voice published a well-received short story entitled Janice and her awakenings with Aunt Alice. It was about an innocent girl who was introduced to spankings at the hands of her Aunt as an adult during the 1960s. Well just to prove that sometimes truth is stranger than fiction, if you […]

The Prophecy


A few months ago DJ Black (yours truly) was approached by Flopsybunny, a spanking author, to co-write a spanking story for the Spanking Library, a project run by her and her partner Februs, among others. Having never co-written a story before, it was agreed to go ahead. The result was The Prophecy, a story that […]

Friday 15th October, Athens Dear Diary, Budapest was horrid. Even before I got there, the man at the border got very boring about something called a visa. I told him that Aunt B had never let me have my own credit card and he seemed to think I was being cheeky. Luckily after a huge […]

As mentioned in an earlier post a reader to this blog (who wishes to remain anonymous) sent a mixed bag of old cuttings and pictures from his collection. So many thanks to him. Not all of them are suitable for publication for various reasons, for instance there are some pictures of real punishments in progress […]