Archive for the ‘institutional’ Category

During my absence I had several emails asking about my historical articles and was there a book. Now there is a good idea. The answer is not at the moment, but I have picked up a few titbits here and there. In this vein I had several requests for more about the caning WRNS during […]

Following on from yesterday’s story here is another true account of the caning of some wrens, this time from the early 1970s. Shortly after this time women were included within the Royal Navy proper and would have been, in theory at least, protected from such sanctions. This was sent in by one of our regular […]

Here’s one of those little forum finds you so love. I have no context whatsoever for this and apart from some small edits I publish it as is. I am not sure if this is UK-based or American experience, but my guess is that it is from the US. Elizabeth_2 wrote: Yes I got that, […]

Nun such thing


I saw the pictures above and remembered a girl I went to night school with. There was an article in the newspapers about the local convent school six form college and the fact that they still bought canes. The chief nun was quoted as saying something like: “We don’t really use corporal punishment anymore, we […]

Our story began here. Before the girls returned that afternoon, Alice had been permitted to go to bed early with a ‘headache.’ This not only spared her blushes but spared her the ordeal of sitting down for supper. That is to say not sitting down and letting everyone know what had happened. Not that she had […]

We knew the Victorians were keen on spanking on the birch, it went hand in hand with keeping young women in their place but just how far did they go? Here we have a true account of a woman offering a discipline service for unruly adult daughters. I came across this tale in the History […]

Here is an intriguing subject that has been covered here many times before. But I recently received an email from a reader who while liking my short story the Special Section, said it was somewhat undermined by its far-fetched in-service punishment set-up. Usually I wouldn’t care so much as one hopes given the nature of […]

The 28-year-old English lecturer was lost in her thoughts following her run in with Mrs Main and she had a lot to think about. Her rapidly spinning head was still reeling with the agreement she had made. She was still blushing for God’s sake, and at both ends, she thought ruefully. One more run-in and […]



The rough cotton smock scratched, not that it surprised her. She was totally naked under it and even outside of a judicial institution luxury was hard to find in this far off country. Helen was alone now. The woman from the British Consulate had left in disgust, a harassed dour woman, not yet 40, but […]

The clock ticked slowly, almost like a dirge to match the gloomy dark hall that led to the Dean’s office. There was a musty smell of polish and old wood here and with all the doors closed against them it was like a gaol-cell as they waited to be seen. “It will be alright won’t […]