Archive for the ‘Romance’ Category

Part I here Alice sat on the bed gripping the covers clenched with both hands. She felt sick. What had come over her? The idea of two men fighting over her was exciting, but the pain on the brothers’ face was something she never wanted to see again. She only wanted… wanted… she let out a […]

Our tale began here. Roberta had felt the burn of Jake’s hand where her bottom met the saddle all the way home. Now she was in sight of the ranch and home her tummy twisted up some at the thought of what her father might say; what her father might do. Her awareness of her bottom […]



Although the days were still warm, the morning chill spoke of the coming autumn and there was even a hint of mist gathered under the trees. She huffed the air to see her breath, but there was as yet none and the day promised to be bright and sunny. The leaves, although still mainly green, […]

Since the relaunch I have had a few inquiries as to whether readers may have missed any stories written while the blog was down. Also Mark and Melanie D asked if I have written anywhere but this blog. The answer is that while most things I have ever written are available here, some shorts and […]

Some of you have asked after my wife since I told you she was working on a project of her own. It has even been suggested that I have grounded her and that is why she has disappeared. Although sometimes I am sorely tempted, this is not the case this time. The last time I […]

Lupus Vane stood at just over six feet, somewhat tall for a veteran of the Assassin’s Guild. But although it sometimes made him more conspicuous than he would have wished, today it was a blessing. He ran a hand through a bristle of dark hair and thrust out his square-like handsome jaw; his good looks […]

Saddle Sore


The cartoon at the top of the page had me laughing and prompted me to dig out several other westerner spanking images. Never is the substitution of sex more prevalent than in westerns. In most contexts the caveman brute can only be accepted in movies if the eroticism is treated as comedy. Yet within the […]

Sorry we missed the Weekly Round-Up yesterday, and I had so much news too, but much of it will keep. Indigo and I have just got back from three weeks away and I am sure it showed in the rather bland story-free posting. We are still playing catch-up and real life has suddenly got very, very […]

It all began with Heidi. I was on a business trip abroad and alone in my hotel when I got a chance email from an Internet friend I had spoken to off and on for a few years. I was in Switzerland at the time and I happened to mention that fact. “Fräulein Rottenmeier and […]

Part 1 can be found here. The plane was a medium-sized jet, all sleek and white as it stood on the runway. The backdrop to the small airfield was high snow-capped mountains, although standing on the asphalt it was hot. Megan regarded the aircraft with a nauseous dread as she stood facing it in her […]