Posts Tagged ‘public humiliation’



“But Mr Davis, I didn’t do it,” Kate wailed. Ashlyn, listening at the door hooked her lower lip with her teeth and hugged herself with glee. It was a pity she couldn’t be a fly on the wall, but sometimes you couldn’t have it all. “Is that the best you can do Miss Henson?” the […]

An Easter Dare


This looks like a typical Czech bar and when you think that the Czech Republic has some very interesting Easter spanking traditions one wonders what is going on? Had it not been for the probable Czech setting I would have assumed that this is an undoubted fake, but who knows…? The file name was Easter […]

Faery Godfather


Oh God, oh God, Oh God, was the frantic thought racing through Jessica’s mind. The two bottles of perfume and one silk scarf felt like a burning ton in her pockets, what had she been thinking? Was it too late to take them back? But at that moment the door to the store’s exit opened […]

Casey kicked the can away down the track. It made a satisfying rattle as it plink-plonked metallically on the hard ground and pebbles. So much so that despite the dusty heat she broke into a little jog that set her blonde ponytail bouncing to kick it again; anything to delay the inevitable and home. Home […]



The train was crowded that morning and it seemed that everyone wanted to jostle, shove and variously poke her. Thank God so far there had been no gropers or pinchers. A couple of times a seat was vacated and an earnest young man would motion at it with his hand and grin. But she would […]

Dear Sir


I had this email from Karen and with her permission I thought I would post it. It has been edited down to make narrative sense and I have removed some of the extensive enthusiastic discussion of my blog and where it got more personal. Dear Sir, I hope this is not too creepy but I […]

The car made a slow turn at the bend and began to climb the hill. It was steep enough and the car laboured for a moment before the engine caught. In the rear-view mirror Abraham Heights looked quite pretty nestled on the side of the opposite slope. All white and red brick houses peeking above […]

I don’t suppose this picture has anything to do with it, but there was a brief story about a mass caning of young women in a secretarial school in Korea. Apparently some teacher lost his rag with a whole class. The story was accompanied by a grainy newspaper photo of genuinely welted bottoms half exposed […]

Sam is a contributor who from time to time sends in some interesting snippets and pictures. This old picture is unusual not only because of the subject matter, two young women about to be caned in public, but because the faces have been pixelated out. Sam reports that the picture came from a family blog […]

Joanna looked at her watch and then shifted impatiently in her seat. What was the big deal? She picked up the Attainder Notice again and re-read it. The indictment read, petty fraud, tax evasion, failure to report to a hearing, failure to pay preliminary fines and assorted other picky little offences. Well the tax, late […]