Archive for the ‘education’ Category

  The correspondence began here. Dear Amelia, Thank you so much for your letter and for passing on my recent correspondence to the Comptons. I have now heard from Sir John and Lady Eugenia and matters are now in hand. More of which I will write in due course. As to the other matter you raised, […]

The correspondence began here. Dear Amelia, It was so lovely to see you and thank you so much for your hospitality. What a delightful and well-brought-up young lady you have become. It was lovely to relive old times and I was most gratified that you did not bear me any ill feeling from my time as […]

School Daze


The fascination with school punishments and the cane seems to go beyond the spanking community. It is less common now, but not so long ago provincial towns and cities in Britain had regular school disco events. These were school days themed club nights where dance goers dressed as either retro British school masters (sometimes school […]

“Ignorance is the road to nowhere,” ran the legend around the Saint Chad’s school coat of arms. Roland D Denston eyed the noble words with a sense of pride. Of course the words were in Latin, and he doubted half the staff, leave alone the student body could read them. He sighed. In the old […]

A good friend of ours, Kia Sera, who writes an interesting blog, Acknowledging Imperfection, is an American living in Ireland. In recent times she has become involved in helping out with the Irish spanking project, Class Ireland. To quote their mission: CLASS Ireland, the Continued Learning Academy for Switches and Submissives, is a school which […]

The line drawing by Malteste is taken from the Petite Dactylo (the little typist), which was a spanking novella by Pierre Dumarchey, published under the name of Sadie Blackeyes. The heroine of the novel suffers a series of misadventures, most ending with a spanking or a birching. Whether or not it was grounded in reality […]

Much has been written about the birch. A Voice even carried some anecdotes a few years ago about the old country custom of sending maids out dressed only in their shift to gather birch roads for a good sound birching. This is custom prevalent in some places before the First World War, seems to have […]

Prussia was the largest country in what is now Germany, occupying the north of that territory with its capital in Berlin. I will spare you the history, but by reputation Prussian society was austere, militaristic and disciplinarian in outlook. This attitude extended to the raising of women, particularly in the Junker (gentry) class who were […]

“They didn’t have the cane when you were at school?” Erin asked the young woman pleasantly. “Well duh?” Karen Mayfield replied indolently, she was actually chewing gum. It was anybody’s guess what her natural hair colour was, at the moment it was a scraped back chemical red with white bleached streaks. Most of Erin’s participants […]

Carrie re-read the essay again and smiled. It was definitely on zeitgeist and she would definitely get high marks. She tugged at unkempt strands of red hair that fell unevenly onto her misbuttoned turquoise cardigan. The longest strand reached her mouth and she chewed on it absently. Why do people do this stuff? It was […]