The Spanish Chair revisited


Spanish chair spanking positionOver two years ago in one of the earliest historical rambles on this blog, we featured a post on the infamous Spanish Chair as a spanking technique. The article was inspired by perhaps the only graphic spanking picture ever published in the mainstream news media, which was carried on the front page of a British newspaper back in the 1970s.

As the picture could not be traced a reasonable facsimile was used instead.

Now it would be great if that picture had turned up, but it hasn’t yet, maybe yours truly dreamed it, but it’s not the sort of thing a teenage boy forgets.

However, as very few probably actually read the original post, A Voice in the Corner gets more visitors in a day now than we had in a month back then, it is probably worth running with this picture, which is a much better example of the Spanish Chair position.

3 Responses to “The Spanish Chair revisited”

  1. 1 George

    It could be an excellent gfit to parents whose daughters become 18 yo…

  2. I am not at all sure it is a good idea.

  3. 3 Tiptopper

    From what I have found the person, usually a girl, was positioned on the Spanish Chair the other way around, kneeling on the seat and bent over the back. The later versions of the chair had wooden studs in the seat and back which made it very uncomfortable to kneel on. The girl usually had to kneel there for some period of time before she was spanked which increased her punishment.

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