This picture suggests autumn, even though it’s indoors and as the next story is not quite ready and we had just hit the three quarters of a million visits mark, why not post this.

The whole Stepford thing has always been difficult to understand. Why would any one want to replace their wife with a robot? They are completely impossible to spank.

But seriously, if you had pitched the script to that movie anytime before 1965 its irony would have been lost on many women in Middle America (or Europe come to that) let alone the men.

Back in the 1930s in Sioux City, Iowa and over 50 other American towns, they apparently did this for real. Some of us were born too late.

On 26 January 1938, the Los Angeles Times carried a story about the further adventures of the Wives of Spanking Husband’s Club. If you haven’t come across it before it ran:

Wives of Spanking Husbands’ Club, organised in Sioux City, Iowa, and parent organisation of 59 such clubs throughout the nation according to its own figures–reached out for another slice of territory today.

The Iowa housewives, who consider it a mark of esteem for their husbands to wield a disciplinary hairbrush once in a while, announced plans today for a junior auxiliary–Daughters of Spanking Parents.

“A letter received here from Sioux City and signed “Rita Rae, general delivery,” told of plans for the new organization for which she claimed an initial membership of 17.

“We think all parents should spank their daughters when they don’t behave,” Mrs Rae wrote. “Some girls won’t admit it, but the really know it is better to get spanked than scolded and nagged. Spanking creates a better understanding between parents and daughters.”

Mrs Rae is the president of the Wives of Spanking Husbands, which was organised last June 26 under the broad-minded slogan “Spare the hairbrush and spoil the wife.”

“Our husbands don’t beat us,” the Sioux City woman was careful to explain. “They just turn us over their knees and give us a good sound spanking.”

Well that works for some of us.

This story has been published elsewhere from time to time, although it is interesting that there is no reference to the original foundation of the club, allegedly in the year prior to this.

Now if you have finished laughing about the funny ladies from Iowa, sorry Iowa readers, closer to home this was found among some clippings on spanking humour.

Two English ladies are discussing a tradesman and his wife.

“Oh he is so common, he spanks his wife with an old clothes brush.” Says the first.

“Oh yes, how common, my husband spanks me with nothing less than a Mason Pearson hairbrush.” The second says, apparently shocked.

The above was couched as an advert and may not be a spoof since it carried a Mason Pearson logo in a ‘between the wars style’ although doubtless the humour was intended.

As for daughters, we return to America and a couple of decades later for this Pats & Peeves snippet.

In response to Mary J’s letter in last week’s issue, I think she should be thankful that she had parents that care enough about her to spank her when she needs it. And by her own account, she certainly needs it in my view.

At 18 she claims to be too old to get a spanking. Well let me tell you that I am 19 and I am definitely not to old to go across my father’s knee for a good old fashioned spanking.

Whenever I am due for a lesson of this sort, we always sit down and discuss it. I am always given a chance to put my side of it and daddy always listens. When my explanation for my actions is accepted, I am not spanked, but I have to admit that more frequently I have no excuse.

Then on these occasions, I am spanked over his knee with a hairbrush. My slacks, if I am wearing them, are always lowered or skirts raised. If it is a serious offence then my panties are also taken down.

I know that this is very embarrassing, but I agree with my father that it is completely necessary.

He really burns me up and does not stop until I am red and crying, but I know that it makes me a better daughter.

Mary J should be thankful that she is not spanked on the bare I think she should be.

There are many more like this, although possibly not all written by teenagers, but who knows?

So throughout most of the 20th century it looks like the spirit of Stepford is alive and kicking. Now if we could only find it on the map.

Let us start with the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, which is appropriate as I used to be a legal secretary. I am a fictional character; I exist merely as a vehicle to tell this story. Oh to be sure the is a grain of truth to this story, as there is with all good stories, but the events told did not happen exactly the way they will be related and they didn’t exactly happen to me, because as I have said I am a fictional character.

I hope you appreciate my honesty, by telling you this right at the start of this tale, but I thought it would establish a level of trust between us and you would know that I was not a liar. That is not to say what follows is true, it might not have happened at all. But let us assume that it did, which is much more fun, don’t you agree?

My name is Brenda, but if you don’t like it you can pick any name you like, I won’t be offended. Obviously, Brenda is not my real name, unless it is double buff, so it doesn’t matter anyway.

Many years ago, exactly when doesn’t matter, but we are talking early 1960s I think, I was, as I said a legal secretary.

I was 24 and I had a huge crush on my boss, who was at least 50. I never knew my own father, I won’t bore you with that, it wouldn’t be true even if I told you, so I suppose I had this whole father figure thing going on. Plausible? Well if not then make up your own reasons while I get on with the story.

I loved my job, but I wasn’t very good at it. In fact, I was very bad at it. I had an assistant, a girl from the typing pool called Linda. She was a great shorthand typist but that was about it. In all other respects, she was as bad as I was.

Then one day between us, we managed to send some important legal documents to the wrong office. They always seem to be important don’t they? I mean, I have never heard of unimportant documents being sent to the wrong office. Anyway, I was angry with myself and Linda and I really felt I had let my boss down.

My boss, I suppose I had better give him a name, not his real one of course. Sir Brian Hughes. I always wanted to work for a real ‘sir’. So my boss, Sir Brian was livid. I got a real bollocking. Now it occurs to me that if you are not English or are too young to remember the 1960s then you might be getting lost at this point. Well I am not going to stop and explain everything, but for the record, a ‘real bollocking’ means I got shouted at and really well told off by someone who was very, very cross.

I got told off so much that I started to cry and Sir Brian immediately became upset and told me it was alright and it didn’t matter, which was totally wrong. He had every right to tell me off and I told him so. In fact, I realised that given the nature of the mistake I expected to be getting the sack.

“There is no question of that.” He said reassuringly. “These things happen.”

“They happen to me every darn week.” I snivelled. I do swear and I think maybe I did, but it is naughty so I changed that bit to make me look like a nicer person.

“Well quite.” He groaned, not disagreeing you notice. “But that doesn’t mean I am going to sack you. Maybe we can get a new girl instead of… thing out there.”

“Its not thing’s… I mean Linda’s fault. She’s only a kid, I am suppose to be the senior.” I pointed out.

“Linda yes, sorry, I knew that. Its just that its not every day we lose £5,000 worth of business, I am bit overwrought.” Sir Brian apologised as he mopped his brow.

“Well what are you going to do about it? We can’t go on like this, really we can’t sir.”

“Just try to do better Brenda, that’s all. At least try.”

“Well you should at least spank me.” I suggested.

“What?” He looked confused.

“Spank me. It is what my old boss used to do.”

“Is it indeed? Are you sure you are not telling a tiny fib Brenda?”

“No sir. When I worked in the hotel. I was always getting things wrong. We all did. Well the girls anyway. Then he spanked us. Really hard.”

As unlikely as it seems, I was not making this up. Well unless I am, that’s for you to decide. Our boss used to tell us to make up rooms and book certain people in. Even though we took great care, it seems were always getting it wrong. I think that sometimes things got ‘changed’ afterwards. Then he would call us into the office and tell us he was going to give us a spanking. The third day I was there, he called three of us new girls into his office and told us that we had to buck our ideas up. I was really surprised, being only 19, when he said that he was going to take our knickers down and give us all a sound spanking on our bare bottoms.

One of the girls, being a bit older than us suggested that she would rather leave and that she thought he was a rather unpleasant man. I think her exact words, or close to them were: “You can stick your job you flipping disgusting old pervert.” She might not have said flipping.

After she had gone, Carol, the other girl got a bit upset and asked if she could be excused a spanking. He said no, which made sense to me at the time. I mean why should she be if she deserved it?

He put her over his knee and took her knickers down right in front of me. For a small girl she had a very big bum, I thought. It started off very white and ended up very red. Although it wasn’t a very hard spanking and her tears were a bit over the top I thought.

When it was my turn, I was really embarrassed to have a man looking at my bare bum. Although my boss pointed out that I deserved it and it was part of the punishment. The spanking really hurt, although I didn’t cry on that occasion.

I got spanked a lot after that. It was fun. Oh I don’t mean I liked it, well I did sort of. It always hurt and sometimes I cried and sometimes I couldn’t sit down afterwards. But it was fun afterwards when I was alone, if you know what I mean. Well I suppose you do or you wouldn’t be reading this.

Anyway, I told all this to Sir Brian. Not the pervert bit obviously, I didn’t think that would help sell my idea to him. He agreed that it was certainly a tempting idea.

“What are you going to use?” I asked him blushing.

“What do you mean?” He seemed quite distracted.

“Well I don’t see why you should hurt your hand on my bottom, it is me who has to be punished after all. And anyway I deserve a really sound spanking.”

“What would you suggest?” He asked hesitantly.

On my very first day there, I noticed that all the typewriters had dust guards over the writing arms. These were long flat springy lengths of Bakelite type material. I had already sussed that they would be perfect for administering a spanking. I did that a lot in those days, all kinds of things used catch my eye as possible spanking implements. Alright, I said I would be honest, they still do.

“I know just the thing sir.” I said and asked to be excused.

I returned with the typewriter guard and handed it to him.

“I am not wearing stockings, is that all right? I know its better and girls are always wearing them in books and that, but I have tights on today.” I apologised as I reached under my skirt and started taking down my hose.

“Perhaps you should leave your things on.” He suggested.

“Don’t be silly sir. It wouldn’t be a proper spanking if I did that. I know it’s awful, but I deserve to be spanked on my completely bare bottom.” I was really embarrassed. But I had to explain didn’t I? I mean it would be cheating if I took advantage of his kind nature when I so obviously deserved to be properly punished.

I slipped my tights and knickers down to my knees and then went over to him. I was wearing a mini dress so when I flopped over his knee my bottom almost bared itself.

“How… how much do you think?” He asked.

“A lot I would think.” I said not really certain myself. “I have been very bad. Spank me until I am good and crying and then add a bit more.”

“I see.”

“Look please sir, do what you think, I really shouldn’t be consulted.” I was a little ashamed at my own impudence.

The first swat imparted a nice sting and wiggled a bit. There were a few more like that and he told me later that I actually started purring.

“You are not really doing it hard enough.” I suggested as humbly as I could.

“Oh right oh.” He saluted. It was cute.

Then it really hurt. Then the next was worse. After a few minutes, I couldn’t help but cry.

“Are you alright?” He asked concerned. “You really are quite red.”

“It’s supposed to be like that, honestly sir, I have to be really well punished.” I sniffed.

Actually, he did a really good job. I was very sorry long before he stopped spanking me and I really did want him to stop. That is how it should be.

When he eventually let me stand up I was crying my eyes out.

“Let that be a lesson to you.” He said sternly, but he was smiling.

“Yes sir, sorry sir.” I sobbed. “Shall I go and stand in the corner now?”

“Eh perhaps next time.” He said reluctantly. “I really think we should work now and see if we can repair some of this damage.”

I got dressed and went out into the outer office. Linda just sat there open mouthed.

“Are we going to get the sack? I hate that typing pool.” She asked

“No.” I said rubbing my bottom.

“Did he spank you?”

“You bet.”

“Is he going to spank me too?” She looked cute chewing her lip.

“I don’t know. He ought to. But if he doesn’t I will spank you myself.” I said. “A new office policy.”

“Oh gosh.” Her hands went to her bottom. “I got the cane at typing school. My teacher said we were lucky, because in her day they got spanked at work as well. I thought that meant I wouldn’t be.”

“Well you were wrong weren’t you?” I scolded.

I was way too sore to sit down, let alone take her over my knee so I told I would spank her the next day after work unless Sir Brian did it first.

“Oh.” She pouted. But I liked that she didn’t argue.

The next day she told me that she had been out for a drink with a friend and had asked her about spanking in the office. This annoyed me. She should know better than tattle about the workings of our office. I thought she was going to come out with some modern nonsense about the infantilising of women, it was all the rage in those days, but she told me that although her friend wasn’t spanked, she had heard that one of the barristers spanked his legal aid.

“I mean to say, a barrister, it must be legal. I suppose the more important the legal office the more important the punishment is. I mean Sir Brian is a ‘sir’ after all. I expect that explains it.” Her mouth was a perfect O as she finished and she looked at me with something approaching actual wonder.

“Well that’s right and confidential too.” I said pointedly.

“Oh.” She clapped her hand to her mouth and winced, “sorry.”

“I’ll have to spank you for that too later.” I said as crossly as I could.

She blushed.

Later on, as I took her over my knee I was still tender I realised. I decided that it was more fun, I mean more appropriate, if I denuded Linda myself. I explained that she should wear only stockings and suspenders to work from now on and she should take care to wear her briefs over the outside of the straps. I fully intended to do the same myself and subsequently did.

Linda had a small bottom, but very pert. It was very cute, like two white billiard balls in a sausage skin. I picked up the typewriter guard and brought it down smartly across her bare bottom.

“Ow.” She said angrily.

“Enough of that.” I snapped. “You know you deserve this, its not meant to be fun.”

“Sorry.” She growled with a bit of a pout. “But it hurt.”

“It is supposed to.”

I spanked really hard. Much harder and longer than I had been spanked. I was being kind I thought. I was giving a spanking as I should have got one. Linda didn’t see it that way at the time and started shouting the place down.

The door opened and Sir Brian poked his head out.

“What’s going on?” He asked, then as he caught sight of Linda’s bare and by now very red bottom he added, “oh.”

“I thought you had gone home sir.” I blushed. This was crunch time. “I am just explaining the new office disciplinary procedures to Linda.”

“There are people still working in the other offices.” He said weakly.

“Oh sorry sir, quite right. I’ll finish later.” I pulled a sorry face and he retreated back to his office.

Linda was just a sobbing mess over my lap.

“Please can I go home now?” She wept.

“No of course not, we still haven’t finished. We still have to deal with your indiscretion.” I explained.

“I won’t do it again. I am really sorry.”

“Come on buck up.” I said encouragingly. “You want to be a better legal clerk don’t you?”

“I suppose.” She sniffed grudgingly.

I made her stand in the corner with her bare bottom on view for about an hour and a half until Sir Brian left. He had a very curious look on his face as he went out the door, I don’t know why.

Once he was gone, I called Linda out of the corner for the rest of her spanking. She didn’t take it well.

However, the next day she came to me and said she had been thinking it over and said that she had deserved a spanking and thanked me for advancing her legal training.

“There is one more thing.” She said wincing as she gingerly eased herself into her chair. “After you have been spanked do you get… feelings? At home after I mean when you’re in bed?”

“I am not sure what you mean.” I lied.

“Oh it doesn’t matter.” She blushed.

Linda accepted the new spanking regime with little complaint after that. After all, I only had to spank once or twice a week. Then I usually had to report to Sir Brian to be spanked for allowing Linda to err in the first place.

“I am sorry.” She said with a pitying face. “I don’t know how I made all those typing errors.”

I have to explain, that at this point I was standing in the corner waiting to be called into Sir Brian’s office for a spanking for Linda’s error. This was one night after the days work during that first month and we were still settling down to it.

“Well you have been spanked for your part in it.” I conceded.

I had spanked her the day before, quite vigorously too, so much so, that she still wasn’t sitting easily and her discomfort was on her face as she rose to put on her coat.

“I know but it seems so harsh for you to have to be spanked as well. After all it was my fault.” She winced a little as she reached for the coat rack.

The reason I remember this spanking above the others that month was that I had made some small alterations to the copy myself after she had perfectly adequately typed it up. This, I tell myself, was in the interests of office discipline, because she was hardly making any mistakes after the first couple of spankings and we really did need to establish a healthy disciplinary pattern before we all got too comfortable.

“You may come in now Brenda.” Sir Brain said sternly.

Then as I seemingly reluctantly entered his office, he said: “Oh about standing in the corner…”

“Oh I am sorry sir, really I am, I know I should have bared my bottom first, but it is so embarrassing with Linda there to see.” I was frantically wringing my hands as I said it.

“Oh I was going to say that it wasn’t necessary… eh that is until after Linda as gone home. Unless I am particularly cross with you of course.” He coughed.

Such a lovely man I thought, so considerate.

The spanking that followed took my breath away. I was astonished. He was really getting into his stride. By the time he was done with me, I was sobbing hard and my begging was sincere. At that moment, I truly regretted suggesting a spanking regime at all. It certainly cured me of any notions I may have had about deliberate misbehaving.

After a few months, he took it upon himself to sometimes spank Linda as well. That was actually quite satisfying as inevitably I was there to watch. It was particularly fun when she had to stay behind late to do corner time. Sir Brian and I never relented on her bare bottom drill for that. After all, she was only a junior. She quite understood and once thanked me for being strict with her.

About a year later Sir Brian asked if I thought a cane might be effective. I quailed at the prospect and said I didn’t think it was necessary to go that far.

“It sounds if you think it would be then.” He nodded I thoughtfully. “I think I’ll get one.”

I turned to Linda for some in comfort and mutual apprehension but she just said: “Its really good that Sir Brian is making such an effort with our training.”

She changed her tune a little after her first caning, but I could see his point. We had stopped fearing a spanking and even Linda had started provoking one now and again if I had been neglecting her.

Then one day about three years after that first fateful spanking I was across Sir Brian’s knee bawling my eyes out and really wondering if I would be able sit down by Christmas, when his wife walked in on us.

“Whatever are you doing?” She gasped.

“Eh… just a spot of office discipline my dear.” He said with a fixed grin.

Frankly, at that moment, I welcomed the interruption, but I was not oblivious to the danger to our little arrangement. I was breathing heavily and trying to ride out the blaze in my backside as I waited for her next response.

“Well you never spank me.” She said indignantly.

“Well you never do much to deserve it my dear.” He countered.

“What about when I spent the housekeeping on that dress. You nagged and scolded me for days. You could have spanked me then instead.” She grumbled.

“Very well dear, I shall spank you from now on.” He said cheerfully. “In fact I shall spank you tonight for the dress affair, I am still furious with you.”

“Oh. Hold on I didn’t mean…” She looked decidedly frayed at his words. “I was only making a point. You don’t have to…”

“No, no dear don’t mention it. You made your point and tonight I shall make mine. Was there something else? I must press on, this girl’s bottom is getting cold.”

The spanking regime reached new heights after that. Sometimes were had to go in at weekends and bend over side by side for a lengthy dose of the cane. Sir Brian became quite an expert. Also, his wife frequently called in late and I was always sent away. Not that I didn’t sneak back and listen at the door. She was such a crybaby when getting spanked and she positively hated the cane. The three of us frequently compared notes.

After five years, Linda moved on and I had the devil’s own job finding a willing replacement. In the end we settled on an American intern. She thought it a quaint English custom and was more than happy to go along with it after Sir Brian arranged some decent digs for her. Later Sir Brian moved heaven and earth to get her an extension. So she was with us for two years.

I stayed until Sir Brian retired; by then such things were just not done anyway and our last two typists were really not going to go for it.

So there you have it. Not one word of truth of course. It’s just a story. Lawyers and barristers spanking secretaries just 40 years ago, have you ever heard of such a thing? It’s outrageous. So, you can relax can’t you? Can’t you?


Whilst digging around for some more Pats and Peeves snippets, this was found.

In 1956(?) Mrs W Theigh of Milwalkee, wrote to a US magazine called PIC advocating spanking of adult daughters. She explained that she had recently spanked her two daughters, a ‘late teener’ and another not quite 21, for buying what she termed ‘imodest attire’.

Both girls had bought body-hugging dresses in order to get ‘fellows’, which only had the affect of outraging their mother.

The full account was blurred on the available copy of the photocopied cutting, here is what could be discerned.

Apparently they were stripped of the offending dresses only to be discovered in underwear that did not meet Mrs Theigh’s approval so this was removed as well.

“After a hearty (or healthy) spanking they were both very red and in tears. Since they had both been so imodest, I had them remain as they were and stand against the wall until they had learned their lesson.”

“Now they know that they are not too old… and I will not refrain from applying my hairbrush to their bare bottoms again.”

A later issue carried a poem to celebrate the event (no kidding), but more interestingly for us was a contribution from a 19-year-old Donna Murdock from Wisconsin, who wrote to congratulate Mrs Theigh, saying that her own father did not hestitate to spank her bare bottom when it was needed.

“Dad has never spanked me in anger, so we talk things over first. Then he takes me by the wrist and drapes me very firmly over his knees. My head extends over his lap and and I grasp his knees with both hands for support.”

“My skirt and slip are raised to the waist, for teenagers
I think this is necessary. If the offence is great or a repeat, then the girdle and panties are slipped down to my knees. This is painful and an experience you don’t forget.”

“The whacks I surmise are about 150, they are not ‘love taps’, they are reddening and sting plenty. You may wonder about reaching back to protect the exposed area, but in our house you get 10 extra if you do.”

“It is not easy for me to be spanked on my bare backside until I have blisters, but it kept me a good girl. I am proud of the discipline of my parents.”

Incidentally the ilustrative picture above, may be of Eric Wildman, who was also mentioned elsewhere in the article.

Eric was an Englishman who advocated corporall punishment of girls in the UK and the US. He made and sold implements during the 1950s, 60s and 70s. He was also resposnible for publishing a magazine called The Retentionist, which gave spanking tips.

By all accounts, he was a ‘bit of a nutter.’ For devotees of real life spanking, the picture above is probably an actual chastisement in progress. It was apparently his practice to spank, cane and strap willing, and sometimes unwilling, ladies when demonstrating his wares. It is said he often gave a light caning to school secretaries by means of a demonstration and once he caned a potential customer’s reluctant secretary with her boss’s permission. Not hers you will note.

After a prison term in the UK during the 1970s, he was last heard of in Australia.



The year had begun quietly enough. For sure the Medici were extending their grip on the city, but what was that to Nicolo Salviati, his family had long been out of politics? But then as spring turned to summer, unrest had spread through the city.

As ever, some blamed the Jews and others the Venetians, but for the Medici, any opposition was too much.

The arrests had been going on all night and the city was on fire with the news. Since the Pazzi Conspiracy some eight years before, Lorenzo de’ Medici had been intolerant of any whisper of resistance to his rule.

“I fear for my beloved Florence.” Nicolo Salviati sighed.

His family had been connected to the so-called conspiracy but his branch of the family had used their connections and had been reconciled to the Medici. Now it was all beginning again.

“My husband this had nothing to do with us, it will all blow over, wait and see.”

Nicolo’s wife, Maria Salviati was a delicate creature, used to the finer things. Although advancing in years, she would be 38 at her next birthday, she was still a great beauty. He had always spoiled her and sheltered her from the sordid business of city politics. But now he feared that politics might come to their door.

Only that morning his friend, Cesare Vermacelli, had been arrested and Nicolo was certain that the man had had no hand in any new conspiracy. It seemed that innocence was no longer enough.

Nicolo was afraid. After all, he had his two children, Nicolo and Eloise, to consider. Eloise, at 16, was set to be an even greater beauty than her mother. She knew nothing of the world and Nicolo often feared that he had spoilt her. She was the light of his life, but sometimes he… he did not follow that train of thought. If only Eloise could be more like her brother Nicolo, who at 21 was a young man of great wisdom and honour and a credit to the family.

In her room, Eloise had been disturbed by all the noise in the streets. People were actually screaming, how was she supposed to concentrate on her book?

“Francesca, Francesca, what is all that noise?” She called her maid.

Francesca appeared looking drawn and anxious.

“My lady there is trouble in the city, the Medici are striking out at their enemies.” Francesca was wringing her hands.

“Yes but what is all the noise?” Eloise snapped irritably.

Francesca could not believe her mistresses foolish question and declined to answer.

“Well.” Eloise snapped, slapping Francesca across the face.

Francesca gasped.

“I am sure the noise will end soon. Once the Medici’s enemies have been silenced, some of them will never speak again.” Francesca said coldly.

Eloise slapped Francesca hard. Then gauging no reaction, struck her twice more.

“Will that be all my lady?” Francesca said stoically.

“No.” Eloise smiled cruelly. “You may report to my mother for a whipping. Tell her you were insolent.”

Francesca’s mouth went dry. Not again, she quailed inwardly.

“Yes my lady.” She said stoically, at least she could console herself with being out of the little madam’s presence.

On her way to Maria’s quarters she passed Nicolo the Younger.

“What is wrong Francesca? Surely that rabble in the streets does not concern you, what ever happens.”

“It is not that Master Nicolo.” Francesca brushed away a tear.

“My sister.” He looked skyward.

“She has sent me for a whipping again.” Francesca’s eyes were downcast.

“Oh dear.” Nicolo sighed. “You know I cannot intervene.”

“No of course not Master Nicolo… I… thank you.” Then she hurried off to Maria’s room.

Maria favoured the Spanish chair position for correcting her maids. That is to say, Francesca had to kneel upon an upright chair and fold herself over the back taking hold of the lowest rung between the back legs. Then her skirts were turned up over her back to reveal her naked legs and bottom.

It was as undignified as it was uncomfortable and from Maria’s point of view served up Francesca’s bottom to its best advantage for correction.

Maria never enquired into the justice of the punishment, her young mistress had ordered it so as the lady of the house Maria would oblige.

“Oh Francesca you are so insolent girl. Well let this be a lesson to you.”

Maria employed a small ladies knout, a short tasselled wand with a dozen lengths of leather cords, for administering correction. Her mother had employed a similar device in her own youth. Maria had not seen fit to use it on Eloise, but it served its purpose well for errant maids.

Turning her attention to Francesca, she studied the girl’s posterior. She remembered when the girl had first come to the house. She had been little more than a child in those days, perhaps a little younger than Eloise was now. But my how she had grown. Maria noted the slight parting of Francesca’s legs, the woman had no shame as she displayed a healthy dark thatch common to the women of Italy. Her bottom had filled out too; she had great childbearing hips and full buttocks.

So much the better for this task, Maria thought as she scored the maids flesh with the first stroke.

Francesca hissed fetching a smile to Maria’s lips.

“Not so impertinent now are you girl?” She said maliciously.

“No Mistress.” Francesca said through clenched teeth.

Maria lay on another stroke.

Francesca groaned.

There were three more lusty lashes.

“Mmmgh.” Francesca grunted.

Maria wanted tears of contrition and lashed hard all around and between.

“Eeeeeeeh.” Francesca wailed.

“Ah I do you believe we have penitence.” Maria said with relish.

Francesca’s bottom had dark rills all across her rounds, some of them descending into her dark valley. Although the leather was soft, some of the welts looked quite vivid and might have been weeping a little. The girl herself sniffed back a sob.

“What – does – it – take – to – make – you – behave?” Maria said slowly, lashing the maid’s bottom with all her strength at each word.

“Aieee!” Francesca screamed.

“Now you’re sorry. Now. But why not before? Oh you foolish girl.” Maria berated the maid as she whipped in.

“Oooh, soreee!” Maria begged, she always hated the surrender.

“Enough of this. Be off with you.” Maria said at last.

Francesca could not move unaided, so Maria summoned another maid, who chuckled at her shame.

“I hate that woman.” Francesca sobbed.

The other maid just grinned.

Not so far away, Eloise had been listening. She wanted so much to watch, but it was not seemly for a lady to concern herself with the fate of a maid. Still Francesca’s cries had been a pleasure. As she turned back to her room she saw Nicolo watching her.

“You are such a brat.” He chided.

She pouted a little and then fluttered her eyelashes.

“Am I bad?” She said coyly.

At that moment Francesca emerged sobbing from the room with one hand clasped at her rear. Her face was a picture of woe and the set of her shoulders betrayed her anger. Although she had the sense to avert her eyes from Eloise least she be sent right back for another thrashing. It had happened.

Eloise studied her maid with a smug satisfaction before turning on her heel and returning to her book. Her brother watched her go as he shook his head. Then he turned to Francesca with a sympathetic shrug and went off to his own room.


Some hours later there was violent hammering at the door. Nicolo seized his sword and swept into the upstairs hall.

“Nicolo.” His father called. “Quickly they have come.”

“We must fight father.” Nicolo said defiantly.

“No my son you must gather up what you can and flee with your sister.”

“But father what about you and mother?” Nicolo said angrily taking a step nearer the top of the stairs as he brandished his sword.

“Please obey me in this or it is the end for the House of Salviati.”

“But father I must fight.” Nicolo insisted. “Besides where can we go?”

“You must save your sister. I have friends in Venice, you can go there where the Medici have little power. Here take this.”

Nicolo looked in horror at his father’s ring. It bore the crest of the House of Salviati, only its master could wear it.

“Father I…” He thought he might cry.

“Go quickly my son.” Nicolo Senior urged.

“I swear I will avenge you.” Nicolo said proudly.

“No.” His father growled. “The Medici are in ascendance, we cannot stand against them. I realised that when my cousin involved himself in the foolish plot. You must live my son. One day the House of Salviati will rise again. You and your sons will prosper. That cannot be achieved through revenge. Leave such matters to the Lord.”

Nicolo crossed himself as he spoke and shoved his son back down the upstairs passage. Far below them there was a splintering of wood.

“Father what is happening?” Eloise cried out as she fled from her room.

“Quickly go with your brother and obey him in all things. Go.”

It was an easy matter to gain the roof and cross it to the neighbour’s house. The upper gallery door had been left unguarded with the bolt drawn back. A gesture of support no doubt. Nicolo grabbed his sister and led her down to the courtyard and out into the street.

“Oh Nicolo where can we go?” Eloise wailed.

“We will take a ship, quickly we must run.”

Upstairs the Medici’s men met Nicolo Salviati on the stairs. He was standing defiantly, shielding his wife from the intruders.

“What business do you have in my house?” He demanded.

“Nicolo Salviati you are arrested on the orders of Lorenzo de’ Medici, Head of the Republic of Florence, come with us.”

“I wish to see your authority.” Nicolo drew himself up to his full height.

“Here it is Don Salviati.” The liveried captain of the Medici troop said as he run the old man through with his sword. Then added mockingly. “Why did you resist old fool?”

“Nicolo. What have you done?” Maria wailed.

“What a beauty.” One of the men leered.

Maria screamed and ran to her room. The men followed slowly behind. The captain pushed back the door with ease. He had expected her to lock it.

Maria stood on the other side of the room, every muscle of her body set defiantly.

“I am Maria Salviati I go now to join my husband. Long live the House of Salviati. Long live Nicolo Salviati, my son.” Then she drove a dagger into her bosom.

“What a waste. Still the Medici will be pleased. No loose ends.” The captain spat. “His children. Find them. Especially the boy.”

“Especially the girl.” One of the men grinned evilly.

“Search the house.” The captain barked, suddenly touched by shame.


Days later and far out to sea the ship made indecent haste from Livorno. The captain was keen to return to Venice where the Doge kept order. Not like these dogs, the Florentines, lackeys of the Medici all of them. Now that he had escaped, he was more relaxed. The ship was full of refugees. He was set to make a tidy profit from a trip he planned to make anyway. He glanced at the two boys who had been the last to come aboard. They had paid a nice little sum.

As he turned from the shore to bark out new orders, one of the boys moved behind him in the shadows and took his place at the gunwale to watch the land fall away. As they had boarded the ship the news had reached them. All Italy was crying it to the heavens.

“The House of Salviati has fallen. Nicolo Salviati is dead.”

Nicolo had seized a passer by and demanded more news of him.

“It is true young sir. Salviati is dead, his wife too. Now let me go, I must away home in this evil night.”

Nicolo had released the man’s arm and collapsed into the wall beside him. Eloise had fallen into his arms and wept.

Now he stood on the deck of the ship.

“Father I will avenge you.” He whispered.

The second much shorter boy moved to stand next to him.

“Father said we are to live, not fight.” Eloise said pulling at her boy’s cloak. Her eyes were still red from weeping.

“I am the father now. I am Nicolo Salviati, head of our house, I say I will be avenged.”


Nicolo did not think Venice as beautiful as Florence. Also it seemed to him that it was cold here. But there was one thing that he liked at once about the city. There were no Medici.

He found the house of one Marco Foscari with ease. It was the house in which his father had said he would find help. It had no entrance on the street, but instead had a courtyard near one of the smaller canals. Eloise was tired and looked on sullenly as he knocked carefully on the inner courtyard door.

The girl who answered looked at him blankly as she retired inside bidding them to wait. The man who came was animated.

“You have come.” He said expansively. “I knew that you would. Come in my boy, come in.”

Nicolo tried to speak but an old woman embraced him and gushed about how he was the spit of his father.

“You were expecting me?” Nicolo said cautiously.

“News reached us weeks ago.” Marco Foscari nodded sadly. “Then only last week men came looking for you.”

“Here?” Nicolo was alarmed.

“It is to be expected, the arms of the Medici are long.” Marco said dismissively. “But it is not quite safe for you here. They will return. Already I feel their eyes upon us.”

His wife crossed herself at this and looked to the heavens for salvation.

“Your disguises, they are good.” Marco smiled. “If any saw you arrive then they would take you for poor country gentleman. We can use that.”

“I will not remain a boy.” Eloise stamped her foot.

“Eloise hush.” Nicolo chided.

“Just for a time, the Medici will stop looking once things in Florence are stable. You may even be able to return someday.” Donna Foscari soothed the girl.

“Yes but you must be separated.” Marco nodded thoughtfully.

“Two young men might start minds thinking, one all alone…” He rocked his hand as if weighing a balance, “not so obvious.”

Nicolo nodded. “What did you have in mind Don Foscari?”

“Your sister she can draw and has had use of paints and pigments no?”

“Well yes it is usual with gentle women of Florence.” Nicolo agreed puzzled.

“And you? You have an education? Music, Latin, Greek…?” Marco continued.

“Yes and I can fence. I am quite the swordsman.” Nicolo said proudly.

“No doubt, no doubt, but we must be discreet.” Don Foscari took Nicolo’s arm. “I know some people, good people. This is what we will do…”


Arrangements were made for Eloise to take up an apprenticeship with a Fine Arts dealer. He was very select and only took on one or two apprentices at a time. Eloise would have a room to herself and would be given work that was well within her abilities. If she was careful then none would suspect that she was a woman, let alone who she really was.

It had been arranged for Nicolo to take up the post of a tutor to a rich merchant family in the city. Giovanni Marcello was a connected man whose uncle had once been head of the Council of Ten. Even now there were few who would meddle in his business. Giovanni was no lover of the Medici and was fully aware of Nicolo’s identity.

The truth was he had been looking for a tutor for his two daughters for some time, but it was hard to find a man he could trust. A gentleman of Nicolo’s standing was a godsend.

“We shall call you…” Don Marcello considered for a moment, “Nicolo Grimani. I knew a man by this name, he was from Florence as well, it is a good cover.”

“It is a good name Don Marcello, I will do it honour.” Nicolo smiled and patted his chest.

“Good. Then it is settled. Here is an advance on your stipend, go and fashion yourself as a gentleman of Venice should.”

For Eloise things were not as simple. At least Nicolo could sport himself much as he did at home. The life of an apprentice was rather grimmer. She had to get up with the sun each day and mix pigments in a dark room below the studio above. Tommaso Barbara, her employer was a hard taskmaster. He insisted on being called Don Barbara and as he had no other apprentice, she was also expected to sweep the workrooms and do a thousand other little tasks.

“Pietro, Pietro, come here at once.” Someone was calling.

Then Eloise remembered that it was supposed to be her name.

“What does he want now?” She groaned, then rather louder, “coming Don Barbara.”

Don Barbara was holding up a pot of yellow pigment with a face like thunder. Eloise was mystified.

“Well?” He fumed.

“I…?” Eloise remembered to keep her voice low, how could this fool think she was a boy, she thought.

“You have no idea what the problem is do you?” He gaped.

“No Don Barbara.” Eloise shrugged. She folded her arms like she had seen her brother do when he was about to argue with someone, it seemed manlier somehow.

“You insolent pup, I said mix sunburned yellow, what do you call this? It’s cornfield yellow.” Her ‘master’ raged.

Eloise remembered a discussion with her own tutor, she almost cried to think on that life, but she had to hold together. She remembered him saying that the two colours were as close as not to matter and only a true master or pretentious fool would claim to know the difference.

“Aren’t they the same thing Patroni?” She shrugged.

“No boy they most certainly are not.”

They spent the next two hours mixing yellow, which all looked alike to Eloise, but which Don Barbara insisted had more than subtle differences.

This boy has an eye, I know it, Tommaso thought, but he will not listen once he has decided that he is right and I am wrong. But he has such delicate hands.

Eloise was oblivious to Tommaso’s careful teaching; she did not want to be here, certainly not with this fool. If he cared a jot about teaching her anything then why did she have to do such menial tasks?

The truth was Tommaso’s eyes were going and he needed to find a another journeyman who could take on the fine work and who could see the subtle shades of pigments that so many could not see.

“Look, look here see.” He berated his new apprentice for the umpteenth time.


Nicolo was having rather a better time of it. Oh to be sure his two charges were troublesome enough and insolent, but his quarters were good and the servants deferred to him when their master was out, in truth his position was of rather higher standing than he had had in his father’s house. A cloud crossed his face at the thought.

“I will have vengeance.” He muttered under his breath.

“What was that Nicolo?” Donna Marcello asked as she entered the room.

“Oh nothing lady, I was just…”

But Donna Marcello was no longer listening.

“Now see that you stand no nonsense from those girls.” She began. “You have my full permission to whip them if they do not show respect or all neglectful of their lessons.”

“Is that seemly? I mean to say…”

“Nonsense. You are a gentleman. I know you will only do what is needful.”

“But a whipping? How is it to be done? I mean to say…”

“Such an innocent boy.” She chuckled. “Let me tell you when I was a girl, from 13 no 14 summers until I was perhaps 18 or 19, I had a tutor. Oh I led him a merry dance.”

He face was alight with a pleasant memory and she fell silent. Nicolo thought that she would speak no more.

“Oh where was I? Oh yes.” She continued. “Well one day after I threw books from the window my father was furious. Books? Can you believe it? How shameful was I?”

She sighed again before continuing.

“My father was furious. He dragged me before my tutor and whipped me with cords right across my precious little bottom. I tell you he bared it first and whipped me soundly. I did not know if the shame was worse than the cords. But it did me no harm.” She smiled as if she had related some noble tale.

“I see.” Nicolo offered a small bow, not knowing how else to respond.

“Come now, is it such an odious duty? As long as you bare only that which is needful, then propriety is served. Just the legs and bottom, you will not see what a girl has in front or anything that is above, no?”

“You are wise Donna Marcello.” Nicolo bowed again. “But the cords? Are they not harsh?”

“Sometimes.” She shrugged. “But there are lesser things for pertness and mild transgression. You will be well supplied with what you need.”

Nicolo went to his next lesson with rather more confidence.

His two charges were Martina and Isabella. Martina was his sisters age or thereabouts. Isabella was slightly older. In Florence, they would have both been considered of marriageable age, but here it seemed, they did things differently.


One of the things that Eloise did find good about her new life was the chance to go out alone and walk around the city. At home as a lady of quality, this was strictly forbidden, but as a young gentleman of Venice she was at liberty to go where she pleased on her days off, albeit just once a week.

At first, she had been uncomfortable. She felt half naked dressed as she was in tight hose that didn’t do much to hide her figure. Although she wore the longest smock she could get away with, she still drew some curious looks and the occasional downright knowing one. She had considered telling Nicolo that her disguise did not always hold good, but realised he would probably forbid her to go out. And that was something she did not want to contemplate. In fact, she had come to enjoy her newfound freedom so much that she had taken to sneaking out at night once Don Barbara was in bed.

It was on one such night that returning late she had upset a crate that had been left too near the window.

“Who’s there?” A lantern swept the room and Eloise was caught with one leg in and one leg out of the window.

“You boy what do you think you are doing?”

“Don Barbara. Patroni.” Eloise offered a nervous grin. “I was just out for a little walk and I did not want to disturb you.”

“You did not want to disturb me? Just a little walk? Well of course.” Don Barbara returned a crocodile smile. Then he growled. “Come here you ungrateful boy.”

She was grabbed by the ear and dragged into the workshop.

The workshop was all gloom in the candlelight, but Don Barbara did not need much light for his purpose. He pushed the ‘boy’ face down across a workbench and seized a flat lathe of wood.

“Get your leggings down boy.” He growled.

“But?” Eloise squeaked, he wouldn’t dare she gaped, her eyes starting in her head.

“Do it.” Don Barbara roared.

“I am undone.” She wailed, not bothering to disguise her voice.

“Indeed you are.” He agreed not discerning her true meaning.

“Please Patroni you don’t need to take my hose down.” Eloise protested.

Don Barbara finally lost patience and pressed her down flat and seized the waistband of her hose and yanked them down.

Eloise gasped as her bottom was bared to the cool of the night.

“You have nothing I haven’t seen boy.” Her ‘master’ growled.

Eloise was taken by surprise by the remark; surely, it was not that dark?

Then the lathe of wood stung her across both her bared cheeks and she yelped.

“No Patroni please you can’t do this.” Eloise wailed. “Ooooh.”

The improvised paddle blasted down on her defenceless bottom in a volley until she was floundering for her breath.

“Oh, oh, oh.” She squeaked girlishly. She had never been spanked before and although she took such delight in seeing it dished out, this was a calamity.

The ‘boys’ backside looked too large in the gloom, damn his eyes, and he was squawking like a girl, but Don Barbara would show no mercy. It was ill conceived of the ‘boy’ to go out without permission, he must be taught a lesson.

Finally Eloise was broken and sobbing as she lay hugging the desk. Don Barbara vigorously lay on a few more swats and then he relented.

“Now get to bed.” He sighed.

Eloise lay weeping for a while longer and then struggled to her feet and dragged up her hose. She felt utterly sorry for herself as she took careful steps to her small room and her bed. Once there she threw herself down for a good long cry until she drifted off to sleep.

The next morning she awoke early. Somewhere a maid was about her work, Eloise could hear the rustle of pans. The sun was already at the window, but it was still too low to signal the day’s start. Then she remembered her punishment earlier that morning. She grimaced when she tried to move and her hands went to her bottom. As she stood, she eased the back of her hose down and looked over her shoulder to inspect the damage. A red rash was invested over the greater part of buttocks, as far as she could see anyway. She winced a little as she pressed at the sore flesh, there was something gratifying about the sensation.

There was something else. There was a tightness in her lower belly and she was ‘perspiring’ unduly between her legs as she did when she awoke from dreaming of some boy. It was also the same sensation she got whenever she had had Francesca whipped. She lay back down on her belly with her hose at mid thigh and moved against the sheets of her bed. In her mind she relived her spanking and although she was scarcely aware of it, she began to grind into the bed ever faster and began to breath heavily. She imagined the flat stinging wood as it scorched her bottom and she bit into her pillow. The crisis came quickly.

“Oh you hussy.” She breathed aloud feeling naughty. But she smiled, she did not mind the feeling one bit.


Later that day Nicolo was having rather less fun.

“Tell me Nicolo are you so wise?” Isabella teased.

Nicolo bristled, he did not think she should address him by his first name and told her so.

“Oh forgive me patroni.” She sneered curtseying low.

Martina giggled at this and aped her sister in a curtsey.

“Come now ladies is addressing me as Signore Grimani such a trial.”

“Oh Signore is it.” Isabella teased. “Tell me patroni do you shave yet?”

Nicolo’s eyes narrowed and he remembered Donna Marcello’s words.

“So you wish to honour me by calling me Patroni? Very well I accept, you will address me as such from now on.”

“Ha.” Isabella snapped her fingers in his face. “Go away Nicolo, or just sit quietly and read some of your books and don’t bother us.”

“Is that your very last word Isabella?” Nicolo sighed.

“Read your books Nicolo.” Martina mimicked, thoroughly enjoying the exchange between her sister and the young tutor.

Isabella giggled and turned to hug her sister to celebrate her cleverness.

“Uh huh.” Was Nicolo’s only reply, except that he paused to unbutton the sleeves of his tunic. He did this slowly and carefully, first one and then the other, all the while ignoring his two charges. Once he had unbuttoned one sleeve, he rolled it up to his elbow before turning to the other.

Isabella was still laughing at her own cleverness and did not notice Nicolo’s actions, but Martina suddenly stopped laughing as if sensing some gathering storm.

“Come here Isabella.” Nicolo asked when he was finished adjusting his tunic.

Isabella ignored him.

“Isabella.” He snapped.

The girl started and turned on him angrily.

“You wouldn’t dare.” She said defiantly seeing the set of his shoulders and the look on his face.

“Come here.” He said again.

Isabella made a break for the door, but he caught her easily.

“Put me down you beast.” She wailed as he picked the slender girl up and carried her to a chair.

Martina clapped a hand to her mouth at the unfolding scene.

Nicolo sat on the chair and tipped the struggling Isabella across his lap. It took him some time to negotiate the layers of her skirts but eventually he was at the last thin layer of her shift.

“You… you wouldn’t.” She said uncertainly.

Nicolo smiled benignly at her and then taking the thin cloth between his finger and thumb slowly lifted the last veil off her naked thighs and up over her bare bottom.

“Mercy me.” Martina squealed.

“Oh my god.” Isabella screamed. “How dare you? Please stop it at once.”

“Isabella please attend, because I am going to give you the sound spanking you so richly deserve.” Nicolo explained.

“No please let me go. Senore. Patroni. Don Grimani.” Isabella babbled.

Nicolo slapped her bare bottom with a flick of his wrist and she shrieked.

“Oh Madonna no.” Isabella wailed.

“Oh by the saints yes.” Nicolo said triumphantly.

Then he began spanking her with a will until she was screaming the place down. More from indignation than the pain, although by now her bottom was quite red.

The door opened and Donna Marcello entered.

“What is this noise?” She scolded.

“Don Grimani he is… oh mama.” Isabella sobbed.

“So I see, richly deserved no doubt, but do you have to howl like a fish wife? It is not as if he is whipping you. Not yet anyway. Ladies accept chastisement gracefully. You will stand in the corner of the schoolroom for the rest of the afternoon directly that you have completed your lessons for such an unseemly display. Good day Senore Grimani.” Then she left.

Martina stood opened mouthed.

“Senore Grimani please I have learned my lesson, I am sorry.” Isabella pleaded.

“I believe we agreed on Patroni as my due.” Nicolo said adding a spank.

“Oh yes Patroni forgive me.”

Nicolo set the chastened girl on her feet and turned to her sister.

“You have something to say?”

“Oh no Patroni.” Martina gushed.

“Is there any reason that you do not also deserve a spanking?” He pressed her.

“No Patroni.” Martina said sadly, her eyes downcast as she took a reluctant step towards him.

“One more word out of place and you will get one. Do you understand? Now lets open our books shall we.”

“Oh yes Patroni.” Martina said eagerly.


Since being spanked, Eloise had a newfound respect for Don Barbara. Now when he spoke about pigments she was more inclined to listen.

“Do you see how the jet has a deeper shade than…?”

“Oh yes.” Eloise said with a girlish squeal that drew an odd look from Tommaso.

Eloise blushed and cursed herself for forgetting to keep her voice low. In the days that followed the spanking, she had deduced that Don Barbara could not see well, which was why her secret had remained safe despite the fact that he had spanked her bare bottom. However, one slip could still unmask her.

“Yes quite.” He said with some uncertainty. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, but I like your enthusiasm. We must get this right as I have a most particular customer coming to see the wares today.”

One of Tommaso Barbara’s clients was an up and coming artist by the name of Leonardo da Vinci. The man was insufferable, one look at a pigment and he could say if it was correct or not. Not that he ever refused any wares, but he had a habit of haggling on price.

Often he did not come at all, but sent his apprentice, Pasquale Donato, to collect an order.

Pasquale was a serious young man with pretensions of one day being a great painter. Eloise thought him too tall and rather gangling and the fact that he never looked at her was infuriating. So what if he thought she was a boy, that was hardly the point, she pouted whenever he stopped by.

“Pasquale why don’t we go out on the town one night?” She suggested.

He didn’t look up from the pigments and canvas he was inspecting.

“Why?” He muttered as he counted.


“Are you allowed to go out so much? I hardly get a day to myself, I have too much work to do.”

“I can go out whenever I like.” Eloise said defensively. Then looked hastily around in case Don Barbara was listening.

“Good for you.” Pasquale said dismissively before grabbing a crate and heading for the door. “Tell your master these are fine and I will call again next week.”

“Goodbye.” Eloise called after him, but he was already gone.

That night Eloise decided to risk another expedition on the town. She had been out twice since the night she had been caught without incurring any consequences, so perhaps she would risk the promenade at the Grand Canal and slip back a little later than usual. That would show the high and mighty Pasquale Donato that she didn’t need him to have a good time.


Since Nicolo had spanked her, Isabella had been harbouring confused thoughts of her own. She detested the man, how could he have done such a thing? It had been so humiliating. She would never live down the shame, not for as long as she lived. She blushed to her toes every time she thought about it. But then every time she thought about the burning shame it went deeper and other emotions were invoked.

Martina had quite a different reaction. She could not stop talking about it.

“Oh Isabella, what a man. What was it like to be so treated? Do you think he will punish me if I am bad?” Martina said ad infinitum, always with a dreamy look in her eyes.

“I am quite sure he will whip you soundly as he said, so you had best behave.” Isabella had replied sullenly the first time her sister had gushed so. Since then she had merely scowled at her sister dripping on about her ‘hero.’

The only time she had deemed to react was when Martina had teased her.

“Oh you did look so funny with your bare bottom in the air.” Martina had said the day after.

“You won’t think it so funny if he turns up your skirts.” Isabella had snapped.

Martina had gasped at the idea and had clutched at her heart.

“Oh you are impossible.” Isabella had fumed and stormed off to her room.


Eloise had tried some wine. She had discovered some other apprentices skulking in an alley watching a lady undress in the window above and they had called her over.

“Is she not divine?” One of them said amorously as he fell to one knee and outstretched his arms.

“You are a romantic fool Marco.” One of the others mocked as he handed Eloise a jug of wine.

“She looks very…” Eloise squeaked as she saw the women’s breasts come into view. “How dare…” Then in a lower voice, “how… I mean yes she is lovely.”

Eloise did not know where to look. She did not know boys did this sort of thing.

“Marco is in love. Come let us leave him to his folly.” The boy with the wine had jeered.

Eloise had gone with the young men after that, everywhere at a run it seemed. They had encountered another group of youths and one of them drew a sword making to brawl. Eloise was terrified, until the watch appeared and they all scattered pell-mell.

It was first light by the time Eloise reached the open window of Don Barbara’s house.

“Where have you been now boy?” Came a weary voice in the shadows.

Eloise froze in mid step with a cringe.

“Don Barbara.” Eloise said with a nervous grimace. “Have you been up long?”

Her master did not reply, but just flexed a length of flat springy wood between his hands. It looked rather more substantial than previous implement of correction.

“Can’t we talk about this?” Eloise wheedled.

“Take your hose down and place yourself across the work top.” Don Barbara.

“Yes Patroni.” Eloise sighed her hands going to her waist.

She slipped her leggings right down and stretched forward over the bench, presenting her bare bottom as she did so. I suppose I have this coming, she groaned inwardly.

There was a crack and a blaze of pain across both her ample cheeks and she grunted. It was all she could do to keep tight hold of the far side of the bench when the second wallop landed.

“Yah.” Eloise announced its sting.

Tommaso was angry, he though the ‘boy’ had learned his lesson. Well this was one lesson he would teach with gusto.

The spanking lasted stroke after stroke until the dim light of dawn had near turned to full day. Had Tommaso spanked the girl for much longer he might have revised her gender.

This was beyond Eloise by now as she was choking back sobs and clawing at the worktop.

“Forgive me Patroni.” She wailed.

“Now get to bed, for an hour or two, you are good for nothing now.” Tommaso said throwing the lathe of wood onto the bench beside his apprentice.

“Yes Patroni. Sorry Patroni.” Eloise sobbed.

Then taking ginger steps, she made her way to her cot.


Martina had been trying hard to get his attention for days. Now that she had succeeded, she was beginning to regret it.

“You may leave us.” Nicolo said to Isabella.

Isabella looked incredulously at her sister before taking her grateful leave. Once she had gone, Nicolo turned his attention to Martina.

“Now young lady what do you think happens next?” He growled as he folded his arms.

“Oh my please Patroni I did not…”

“I think you did.” He sighed.

Martina looked at the inkblot that was still spreading on the precious paper on her desk.

“Have you any idea how much paper costs?”

“No patroni?”

“Shall we take this up with your father?”

“Oh no patroni please.”

“Then why did you deliberately pour ink out onto your desk?” He was at a loss.

Her face burned, she didn’t really know. Surely she was not that curious about a punishment?

“Alright I think you need to think on this. Go and stand in the corner like the childish brat that you are.”

Martina’s mouth opened and closed as she looked at the dread corner where she had been made to stand as a young girl.

“Yes patroni.” She breathed.

“Nicolo?” Martina’s mother called from outside the door.

“Donna Marcello.” Nicolo turned as she entered.

“Has Martina…? Did she do this?” Donna Marcello asked as her eyes fell upon the ink pool.

Nicolo spread his hands in exasperation not quite knowing what to say.

“I see.” Donna Marcello said curtly.

Nicolo was about to ask if she wanted her daughter for something when Donna Marcello marched over to Martina and hiked up her skirts to bare her bottom. Martina squealed and began to breath rapidly in shock, but did not dare move.

“You will whip her of course.” It was a statement not a question.

Nicolo blushed a little as he inspected the young woman’s bare bottom. Speechless, he just inclined his head in assent.

“But there is no rush I suppose.” Donna Marcello offered a cruel smile. “I will send the maid.”

“Mother I will clean it up I promise.”

“You will stay there.”

“Ooh.” Martina stamped her foot.

Nicolo pretended to work a while as he watched first Martina squirming in embarrassment in the corner and then in amusement as the maid took her time clearing up, all the while enjoying Martina’s discomfort. He kept Martina in the corner for a full turn of the hourglass before called her out.

“You know what happens now don’t you?” He said sternly.

She nodded.

He tipped her over his knee and removed one of her own slippers.

“You really try my patience.” He sighed as he began the spanking.

“Whooo.” Martina sobbed from the outset as the flat sole stung her bare bottom. It wasn’t supposed to be like this, she thought miserably.

Nicolo spanked hard for several minutes until her bottom was a uniform red and she was crying heartily.

“Alright back to the corner with you.” He chuckled indulgently.

Martina hastened to obey her bottom burning and with mixed feelings about the whole episode. Nicolo was about to sit back for a while to admire his handiwork when he heard a sound at the door. He moved to open it just in time to see red silk brocade skirt disappear around the corner. Isabella, you little spy, he smiled and turned back to regard the bare bottomed Martina still grizzling in the corner.

“Will we be spilling anymore ink in future?” he asked.

“No patroni.” Martina said meekly as she shuffled her feet.

“You can stay there until I am sure of that.” He growled.

“Yes patroni.”


A few days later Nicolo took some time to explore his new city. Venice was a much more diverse city than Florence, which was at heart Italian. Venice on the other hand, had people from all over the Mediterranean and beyond. Not only were there Greeks, Turks and even Arabs, but there were even more exotic people from the north. Blond blue-eyed Vikings and Englishmen who had come to sell their wool.

It seemed to Nicolo that the city seemed to float, as everywhere there was water where myriad canals crossed the city, all leading to the sea. There were markets on every bridge where one could by just about anything it was possible to buy. At one market he was astounded at the numbers of women who were gathered and the diversity of their clothes. Some of the women sported snow-white hair and others red. At first it puzzled him as it was clearly a market with men mingling among the women, in an unseemly fashion he thought, but there appeared to be no goods on display. Then he noticed the chains. Delicate chains at the women’s wrists, throats and ankles. It was the women themselves that were for sale.

It struck him that many of the women did not look upset with their plight and appeared to make it their business to look as enticing as possible.

“Are you in the market my friend, or have you just come to admire the beauty?” Said a voice.

Nicolo turned and was confronted by a large Negro trader.

“You are a… purveyor here?” Nicolo asked, not sure if the term slaver was acceptable.

“A buyer.” He said dismissively. “I have a taste for these exotic eastern women.”

“Where are they all from?” Nicolo asked incredulously.

“All over. Russia, Greece, Turkey…” He shrugged. “Mostly poor peasants sold by their families, or by themselves. Others are captives from raids or the tragedy of war.”

“Sold by themselves? What do you mean? I noticed they do not all look as sad as they might.”

“You are new here my friend.” The man smiled and took Nicolo by the arm. “Have you not seen the women promenading on the Calatrava, the Scazi or even the Rialto? What do you think they are?”

Nicolo had seen such women and had been shocked to see them out unescorted, but they were clearly ladies of wealth and not prostitutes.

“The courtesans of Venice are the best in the world and certainly the richest. There are many opportunities for a beautiful woman.”

“But slavery?” Nicolo was still puzzled.

“A rich man buys a beautiful woman, she makes contacts, receives gifts, in time…” he pulled a face and shrugged, “they are free and very, very rich.”

“Not all, surely.” Nicolo gasped.

“Not most to be sure, but if you have nothing, well then there is always hope.”

Nicolo looked around with a fresh eye. A woman tried to get his attention and lowered her bodice to reveal most of her cleavage. He smiled indulgently but hastily moved on.

Then he heard the unmistakeable sound of a whip. He followed the sound to a small side yard. Then secured on a frame was a raven-haired woman who was being whipped by a rough looking man in leather. She was bent forward with her hands tied above and in front of her. Her skirts had been raised and tucked up into her bodice to reveal her bare legs and the nudity of her quite splendid bottom. The milk-white flesh had already been scored with vivid and quite raw looking rills that criss-crossed the twin domes of her buttocks.

She herself was cursing angrily and struggled in her bonds. Nicolo’s hand went instinctively to his sword.

“Don’t do it my son.” Came a kindly voice at his side.

Nicolo turned to face a small-wizened priest at his shoulder. Nicolo already realised that he was unwise to draw attention to himself, for his sister’s sake if not his own.

“She is his wife.” He chuckled. “They are both slavers, but I gather he has been tasting his own wares. Such a sinful man.”

“I took her for a slave.” Nicolo grinned in embarrassment.

“She was I believe, but I married them.”

“Can’t you stop this? After all he was in the wrong.”

“A wise man never interferes between a wife and her husband.” The priest smiled and led Nicolo away.

Nicolo was about to ask more when he saw a beautiful rich girl who was trying hard not to be seen. Her face was veiled and she kept pulling her hood up. Come looking for an ally or to relive her past? He wondered. Then he saw she was looking at him but looked away hastily when she saw he had seen her. As she turned, he saw her face. Isabella.

Damn the man, had he seen her? Isabella thought wildly as she made haste away from the market. She had been following Nicolo all morning, but his unexpected visit to the slave market had thrown her. At first she was angry, not that she was jealous, she told herself, but such things were beneath a gentleman. Then she had found herself distracted by the scene and had got careless. The whipping had been exciting and for a moment, she had pictured herself in the woman’s place. She dare not even dwell on who she had imagined would be wielding the whip.

Suddenly the dense crowd, which had been such a godsend in aiding her subterfuge when she had followed him, became a dense wall impeding her escape.

“Out of my way.” She said impatiently as she tried to shove past.

“Isabella.” Nicolo called out to her.

She broke into a run.

“Isabella what are you doing here?” He yelled running after her.

Isabella looked back and did not see the low wall to the canal. Something slapped at her shins and she turned just in time to see the water come at her fast.

There was chaos on the canal side, to fall in often meant death as few Venetians could swim and even if they did the sides were steep and there was not always a place to regain the shore.

Isabella was a Venetian who could not swim and she floundered in her panic. Then something flashed past and landed in the water beside her.

“Nicolo.” She wailed desperately as she struggled against the water.

He dragged her to the shore to some nearby steps and then not waiting to see if she was injured scooped her up and carried her home at a run. If anyone recognised her there would be a scandal.


Isabella had been waiting for over an hour, but it was no exaggeration to say that to her it seemed like days. She still had no inkling of what explanation she would offer her father when he did finally deign to see her.

Nicolo had saved her, she had the good grace at least to admit that, but as to why she had taken upon herself to follow him in the first place, she had no idea. The man seemed to be central to her every waking thought, even though she hated him. Did she? Still? Oh damn the man what was she to tell papa?

Her mother had scolded her as she and the maids had undressed her to remove her wet things.

“Look at this dress you have ruined it. What were you thinking?” She had said earlier.

She had expected a spanking from her mother at the very least, but once she was dressed in fresh clothes, her mother had said papa wanted to see her. She could not have been more shaken if her mother had said she was to be executed in the morning. That had been lifetime ago.

Now the house was as quiet as the grave. The servants were no doubt keeping their heads down; it was not a good sign. Papa must be angry. Somewhere something went crash. It was not loud, but today every sound took on significance. Isabella jumped.

“I am a bag of nerves.” She sighed as she stilled her beating heart.

There was a movement in the hall and she stood up with a start and turned to face the door. It remained stubbornly closed in accusation. Minutes passed and she heard no more.

“I will simply tell papa that I went for a walk.” She decided calmly.

She felt sick. That was ridiculous, ladies of breeding did not simply go for a walk unescorted. She sat down and nibbled at her nails.

It was sometime later and Isabella thought that her father would never come. Then the door opened suddenly and without warning.

“Papa.” Isabella said with a start as she stood to greet him.

“I would sit down if I were you, while you still can.” He said darkly.

Isabella swallowed and did as she was told.

Giovanni Marcello could not face his daughter, but instead offered her his back. Isabella could see by the set of his shoulders that he was indeed angry. She could also see that braced between both hands and held to the small of his back was a whip. It was one of the long thin slender kinds, such as a lady might use to pose with or perhaps for a small pony.

“Papa?” She licked her lips.

He turned then to regard her with baleful eyes.

“Daughter.” He growled.

She looked down at her shoes.

“Well have you nothing to say?” He spat. She had never seen him so angry.

She shook her head; her glib tongue and prepared lies deserted her in the face of his obvious rage.

“Do you have a lover?” He snapped.

“No papa.” She gasped looking up to meet his eyes.

He believed her at once. The relief took 10 years off his visage.

“Then what were you doing out alone? You weren’t even discreet. You nearly drowned yourself. If had not been for Don Salviati…” He choked on the last words. “Nicolo Grimani I mean, then you would have.”

Don Salviati? In this house? Isabella was wild with the revelation, no wonder he intrigued her so.

“You will forget I said that.” He said gravely.

“Yes papa I swear.”

“Now what do you think you were doing?”

“I was bored. I had heard about the market and I…” She lied.

“The market? The courtesans market?” He was angry again.

“Yes papa.” She said meekly her eyes returning to study the tops of her slippers.

“The very idea. No daughter of mine will have anything to do with such things, romantic nonsense. Dangerous nonsense.” He was shouting now. “Get your skirts up and get across the back of that chair.”

“Papa?” She wailed.

“I am going to welt that proud little bottom of yours until you can’t sit until you’re married.” He said rather fancifully, she thought.

“Please papa may I keep my linen in place?” She begged, too ashamed at the very idea that her father would see her nakedness.

“No damn you.” He barked.

She turned slowly and reluctantly layer-by-layer lifted her skirts and linen up behind her. Her face burned as first her legs and then her naked thighs came into view. Until at last only the lower edge of her chemise covered her bottom and that only just.

“Bend over the back of the chair.” He commanded, his voice somewhat calmer now.

“Yes papa.” She whispered as she obeyed, placing the flat of her hands upon the padding of the seat.

The act of bending lifted the last veil of her modesty and her firm full bottom was displayed to her father. He was not satisfied and moved to push it further up her back.

“Is your modesty offended?” He asked kindly.

“Yes papa.” She wailed, as tears sprang to her eyes.

“You think this harsh no doubt. But going out alone compromised your true modesty and honour. Do you not see that girl?”

“Yes papa, I am sorry, truly.” She sobbed.

“Very well.” He said taking a stance behind her.

She heard the whistle of the whip’s descent, but its impact was pain not sound.

“Oh.” Her knees buckled, but she held her position.

It had been a long time since he had whipped so young a woman. Not since his wife was not much older. He had forgotten how white a woman’s flesh was on her nether person. For a moment the consequence of the stroke appeared as a clean white on white. Then the line flooded with red, like the Red Sea that drowned the Pharaoh’s army, he thought, how apt. He watched it swell and grow to prominence on her flesh. Then laid another just below it.

“Ah.” Isabella yelped wetly.

Her bottom now held two crimson ridges. I will add one for each year she has lived, he thought, and then we will see if she repents.

The strokes fell slowly and she called out at each so there were none in the house who did not know that his honour’s daughter, Isabella Marcello was being whipped for her sins.

Once Isabella’s bottom was well scored, literally as she now carried 20 purple welts from high on her crowns to her upper thighs where the fold of her buttocks began, Don Marcello paused.

His daughter was sobbing hard and clawed at the padding on the seat as if she could pluck the pain in her bottom from the upholstery.

“Is this just?” He asked.

Her head bobbed up and down in an expansive nod as she struggled to draw a breath. Giovanni was touched by his daughter’s plight, but her explanation had been childish and was not to be tolerated. She must never do such a thing again. He concluded she could bear more.

The whip struck again and she screamed.

“No papa no, I am sorry.” She wailed.

“No my precious, you only think you are sorry. Sorry is what you will be every time you attempt to sit down in the coming days when I done with you.” Don Marcello said almost bitterly.

“Yes papa.” Isabella said miserably as the line of fire crossed one that had not yet abated.

He carefully and slowly placed a dozen more, aiming them as promised just where she sat. The strokes came slow enough for her to appreciate them and she took the trouble to announce each one so that the house could hear her shame. Then his anger redoubled as he considered her near death and even nearer dishonour, he added a dozen more.

He went a little further after that for good measure but the tight purple ridges looked fit to burst and he would draw the line at blood so hastily brought her whipping to a close.

“I cannot have you behaving with such immodesty.” He said finally.

“Papa.” She choked, lost in sobs.

“Stay as you are until someone comes to convey you to kneel in the chapel. There you will remain exposed and contemplating an appropriate verse from the bible in lieu of supper until you are released for bed.” Don Marcello pronounced.

“Yes papa.” Isabella wailed. It was a harsh sentence; it was scarce past the noonday meal that she had already missed.


Weeks passed and things went back to normal. Sometimes Isabella wondered if she had misheard her father when he said Nicolo was Salviati. He seemed so serious and as time passed, he seemed every inch the respectable tutor he purported to be.

There was now no thought by either of them to defy him, so they both submitted meekly, if miserably to correction when he deemed it necessary.
On no less than two-dozen occasions, he had spanked Martina for sloppy work. Isabella did not miss the look of adoration on her face after she had been placed over his lap with her skirts turned up.

Her spankings were such short fierce affairs, lasting no more than a few minutes until the girl was sobbing her regrets and more than grateful to take her place in the corner as she held her skirts to the small of her back.

Isabella’s punishments were altogether rather different.

Since the episode at the slave market and her subsequent correction at the hands of her father, both Isabella’s infractions and punishments had become more severe. It was not because she was not diligent with her work, since those first days, she had become more mature, but that had only led to her being more assertive. True her punishments were much less frequent, but all the harsher for that once they were needful.

When it was her turn she was kept back after her lessons and Martina was dismissed. Then Isabella was invited to place herself across the ornate table that served as Nicolo’s desk. Nicolo always had a little smile for the way her cheeks coloured and the cute way that she worked her mouth as she hoisted her own skirts.

Then there was the kick in the guts when her bare bottom came into view, especially as she dutifully stuck it up and out at him. Did she realise how submissive her posture was, he wondered?

Nicolo always took up position behind her as he studied the target thoughtfully; she hated that, but knew better than to complain. Finally, he would flick the whalebone switch across her nether cheeks to extract a neat gasp and a wiggle.

The next stroke always came after a long wait so that a tight red line appeared behind the first, which was always given time to fully develop.

“You only have yourself to blame Isabella.” He would say, or something like it.

“Yes sir.” She would whimper.

Taking a lead form her father, he always took his time and Isabella suffered many strokes before she was allowed a place in the corner.

Life was much the same for Eloise. She had become resigned to her punishments at Don Barbara’s hands. Thankfully, he always spanked her in the evening when the truth of her womanhood was hidden by candlelight from his poor eyesight.

As the months wore on, he became stricter with her so that she was scarcely recovered from one correction when she had to endure another.

Then one day when Eloise was prostrate across the workbench suffering a rather prolonged spanking with the long lathe of wood Don Marcello favoured for the task, there was a sound at the door.

“Stay where you are boy, we are not done.” Don Barbara growled as he swiped Eloise’s bottom repeatedly.

“Yes patroni.” She wept, barely remembering to keep her voice deep.

The door opened and Eloise was horrified to see Pasquale Donato standing there.

“Forgive me Don Barbara I know it is late… oh and I see you are busy.” Pasquale’s usual composure was challenged.

Oh this is too much, Eloise groaned to herself, even if he does think I am a boy. But Pasquale was an artist and there was nothing wrong with his eyes. He had seen many an arse in the course of his work, both male and female. There was no doubt that Don Barbara was thrashing a girl. He was about to apologise profusely for interrupting the correction of a female of the house in so unseemly a position when Don Barbara spoke.

“Stay there boy I must attend to young Pasquale.”

Boy? Pasquale looked again. Then the light dawned for him. Young Pietro was a girl. Of course, why could he not see it all along?

Eloise’s mouth worked like a drowning fish as she looked back over her shoulder through her tears. There was no mistaking the look of recognition on Pasquale’s face, he could see she was a girl.

Pasquale struggled to remember the purpose of his errand his eyes straying as they did to Eloise’s bottom, big, red and round in the corner of the room.

“You seem distracted tonight Pasquale.” Don Barbara said as he checked for the requested items.

“Yes Don Barbara, I mean no…”

Eloise dared not move so she buried her face in her arms.

“Now where were we?” Don Barbara asked. “Oh yes.”

Interrupted spankings were the worst since it was almost like starting again and Eloise made no secret of her distress.

“Take it like a man.” Her master scolded.


Eloise was still a little tender when she was sent on an errand to Master da Vinci’s studio. All the way there her heart was in her mouth at the thought of facing Pasquale again.

The market was particularly busy and it seemed that all eyes were on her. Her cover was blown, how could she ever have thought that anyone would think she was a boy? Surely everyone knew she was just a silly spanked girl.

The woman in the piazza outside Don da Vinci’s house gave her a long hard stare. It was that more than anything that hastened her knock at the door.

“Come in boy, that way.” A grumpy maid said jerking her head down a passage to the right of the door. Then she was gone without a sign that she knew.

Pasquale was the only one in the workshop.

“So what’s your story?” He asked.

“What do you mean? I have just brought these for your master, Don Barbara sent me.” Eloise said gruffly, putting down the box of pigments that had been ordered.

“Is that right?” he sneered. “You think I don’t know a girl when I see one.”

Eloise looked away hastily began taking an interest in a spot on the wall. Her face blazed as hot and red as the brazier in the corner.

“Well you hadn’t noticed until now.” Said a voice behind her.

Eloise jumped. The master entered behind her, Don Barbara’s client Leonardo da Vinci himself. She had only seen him once or twice. He was not an old man, perhaps 10 years older than Pasquale.

“I have brought you some pigments sir.” Eloise said shyly not meeting the man’s eye.

“Thank you my dear.” He smiled absently. “It seems your secret is out.”

“My secret?” Eloise muttered.

“Well as my young assistant says you are a girl, are you not.” It wasn’t a question.


Pasquale looked amused.

“How did you know master?” He didn’t seemed as surprised da Vinci already knew her secret.

“Come now look at her, isn’t it obvious for someone with eyes.”

“I don’t take much notice of boys.” He shrugged. “Maybe I should.”

“I am not a boy… I mean a girl… I mean…” Eloise babbled.

“Shush.” da Vinci soothed. “You are among friends.”

“You definitely are a girl.” Pasquale grinned. “I saw that for myself last night.”

Eloise went scarlet and her face felt as if it would melt.

“I take it Don Barbara does not know?” da Vinci suggested.

Eloise shook her head still not meeting his eye.

“You must be a refugee from Florence.”

Eloise nodded.

“Don’t be afraid. In my experience, people only see what they expect to see. Offer yourself as a boy and they see only the boy.”

“What’s your name girl?” Pasquale asked.

“Eloise. Eloise S…”

“We do not need to know that. Better you don’t say.” da Vinci cut her off. “Well ‘boy’, you have run your errand I suggest you get back to work lest you get another good hiding.”

“How…?” Eloise gaped and shot an accusing glance at Pasquale.

Leonardo da Vinci just gave her a withering look as if to say nothing much missed his notice.

“Yes sir.” Eloise blushed and rubbed her bottom absently.

On the way out Pasquale cornered her.

“Sorry about last night and today, if you still want to see the city by night meet on the Rialto tonight at 10.” Pasquale whispered.


Eloise was shy at first and was worried that Pasquale might not respect the fact that she was a girl. She needn’t have worried because if anything he was too careful of her gender.

“What is going on there?” She asked after they had been out for half an hour, nodding her head to some raucous behaviour down an alley.

“Oh I don’t think that is for you.” He seemed embarrassed.

“But there are other women there.” Eloise protested.

“Yes, but not respectable ones.”

“I am hardly respectable.” Eloise said with outstretched arms to indicate her manly attire.

Pasquale looked to the heavens and dragged her away.

“Sometimes I see why Don Barbara has to beat you.” He muttered.

Eloise glowered at him and then blushed as she remembered what he had already seen. But she was also thrilled at his attention and by his protection.

They saw each other often after that, whenever Eloise felt she could slip away. True, from time to time she was caught and had to pay the price. That price always involved her bending across the workbench with her leggings around her ankles while Don Barbara belayed her bare bottom with the flat edge of a wooden lathe.

Then sometimes she was able to meet up with Nicolo. He was hardly amused by her antics.

“I hear you have been sneaking out at night.” He growled one day in the market where they had arranged to meet on some pretext.

Eloise blushed. What else had he heard?

“You wait until you are back under the family roof my girl.” He was angry. “You won’t sit down for a month.”

She was about to berate him, as she would have in former days for speaking to her that way. Papa would not stand for it. Then she remembered that her father was dead and Nicolo was head of the family now. She almost cried. Instead, she said as humbly as possible: “Yes Sir.”

She tilted her chin and offered him sad eyes as she said it to evoke as much sympathy as she could.

“You are far too good at that.” He laughed.

She smiled brightly.

“I hear you are quite the man about town now Don Grimani.” She teased him using his assumed name.

His face grew dark.

“One day I will stand as a true Salviati to avenge my father.”

Eloise looked away. She hated it when he talked this way. The word from Florence was that things had quieted down. The Medici felt secure again and a deal might be done. What profit was there is seeking revenge? There would always be another Medici to take the place of one killed. There was only one Salviati.


As the year drew to an end, the weather turned cold, colder than Nicolo had thought possible. There was even ice on some of the lesser used canals.

“This is terrible.” He groaned as he looked out at the white dusting of frost on the city’s rooftops.

“It is no so unusual.” Don Foscari shrugged.

Don Foscari had called to say that he had been making enquiries and that in return for releasing some of the Salviati estate from seizure, the Medici were willing to forgive previous transgressions and commute the death sentence on Nicolo to five years banishment.

“It is a good offer my friend. You can live openly here without fear.” Don Foscari urged.

“They will forgive me.” Nicolo raged. “This is an outrage.”

“I know, I know, but think of your sister.” Don Foscari soothed.

Nicolo stared at the hated frost gripping the hilt of his sword. Then he gave a tight nod.

“I will accept.” He said through his teeth. Then added with scorn. “For now.”


With the New Year fast approaching Nicolo went to call on his friend Don Marcello.

“Don Salviati, what a surprise come in.” The old man smiled. “Some wine against the cold my friend.”

“Thank you. Mulled German wine if you have it.” Nicolo agreed thankfully.

Once safely before the fire Nicolo appeared preoccupied.

“Well my friend what have you decided?” Don Marcello asked cheerfully.

“I owe you everything my friend so of course there is no question, I will happily continue as Martina’s tutor. However I no longer think it seemly to act in the same capacity for Isabella.”

“I see.” Don Marcello said seriously. “May I know the reason? I know she can be difficult. Perhaps you could beat her more often.”

“Perhaps I will.” Nicolo smiled. “Don Marcello the reason I don’t think it appropriate to continue as Isabella’s tutor is that I intend to ask you for her hand in marriage.”

“My boy this is wonderful news.” Don Marcello grinned and took Nicolo’s hand.


It had only been a week since Nicolo had taken the new house and already Eloise missed her life as an apprentice. She never thought she would.

“I will see what can be done.” She mused allowed. Then she yelled “Constanza. Send me this new housekeeper, I will go out.”

“Out my lady?” Said a strangely familiar voice.

“Francesca.” Eloise gasped and ran forward to hug her former maid.

Francesca stood back a little.

“You see I escaped the Medici and your brother was kind enough to send for me.”

“Yes I am glad.” Eloise said, regaining some of her composure. “It must have been a difficult few months for you.”

“How considerate to think of that my lady. After all I am sure it has been a difficult year for you.” Francesca said evenly.

“I know we had our differences, but that was before…” Eloise said feeling awkward. “Well I was younger.”

There was a long empty silence between them.

“Francesca I intend to go out, will you…”

“I am afraid that is quite impossible your brother left strict instructions.” Francesca said with relish.

“But that’s silly do as you are told, I…”

“My lady you give no orders here. I am the housekeeper. Your brother…”

“I know. He left strict instructions.” Eloise said bitterly.


On New Year’s Eve it snowed. Some of the canals had long since been frozen and were now closed to traffic. Nicolo had allowed Eloise to join Isabella and himself to the ice fair. Martina had also joined them, although she was still sulking over Nicolo and Isabella’s betrothal.

Then when the others backs were turned a small boy pushed through the crowd to hand Eloise a note. She read it quickly and then slipped the missive into her robes. Pasquale had suggested another rendezvous. He was taking so much for granted, she thought, but there was no doubt she would meet him.

After dinner, she had made her excuses and had retired early. It had been easy to change into her boyish clothes and slip away.

“Wherever did you find a gondola?” She marvelled when she saw what Pasquale had planned.

“I could say there is nothing I would not do for you. But the truth is at this time of year who wants a gondola.” He laughed.

She shivered as she pulled her furs about her. Since just about the only canal completely free of ice was the Grand Canal, he had a point. But bundled as they were in layers of cloth in the gondola, Eloise could hardly have cared less. She even let him kiss her.

They did not have long, there was always the chance that come midnight her brother may rouse her from her supposed bed to mark the New Year. So in the dying minutes of 1486 she stepped onto the sill of her bedroom.

“Happy New Year sister.” Nicolo said from the shadows.

She gasped as she lit a candle to reveal her brother sitting on her bed. Across his knees was placed the short leather strap that had hung in her father’s study.

“I was just looking at the stars for good omens.” She said nervously.

“And you thought you would wear your apprentice clothes before you attempted such a dangerous pastime in the middle of the night.” Nicolo said without humour.

Eloise tugged at her incriminating tunic.

“I can explain.” She swallowed, returning a fixed grin.

“I am so relieved about that.” Nicolo said mocking her. “I thought I was going to have to tan your bottom for you.”

“Oh.” Eloise gave a little gasp and chewed on her lower lip.

“Well? You about to explain.”

Eloise looked down.

“Take that hose down and take your place.” Nicolo sighed as he threw a pillow onto the bed.

Eloise hooked her thumbs into her leggings and began to ease them down. At least Nicolo had the manners to turn his back. Once her hose was around her knees she flopped onto the bed and pushed up her bottom as Don Barbara had trained her to do.

Nicolo brought he leather down across his sister’s proffered bottom with a crack, extracting a little gasp of woe as he did so. Her eyes bulged as the fiery sting seized her feminine rounds. This was going to be worse than anything felt under Don Barbara’s hand, she thought grimly. And so it proved as the strap scored home repeatedly until well past the midnight hour.

“Oh Nicolo I am sorry.” She wailed.

“Not as sorry as you are going to be little sister.” Nicolo growled.

Outside Francesca hugged into the wall and smiled. How times have changed, she thought.

Here is a cute cutting from the 1950s advocating the spanking of adult daughters. Having never seen it before, it is not clear where it was originally from and the article itself is sadly lost, leaving us with an intriguing intro.

As near as anyone is able to make out the intro reads:

In this brave new world of 1950 we are glad to see that our wives and daughters have more going for them than ever before. But sometimes do you not think that things may have gone just a little too far?

Last week a good friend of mine was confronted with a 21-year-old daughter who was decidedly too big for her boots. She went out with some friends without a word to anyone and came home, get this, three days later without a care in the world.

Is this lack of consideration what we have to put up with from this modern generation? I told this tale to my wife and she said that in her day she would have been soundly spanked for such behaviour.

Would that have been so bad? My own sister was spanked at 23 for going on a date with a travelling salesman. To this day she will tell you she deserved it. She expects to be sitting down any time soon now.

But seriously, the next time your precious little career girl in the making smarts off consider how grandma would have handled it.

The narrow stairwell smelt of floor polish and ancient oak.

When she last made this journey, she had sneered at the tacky ordinariness of an old rickety staircase in such an inauspicious school, now they seemed so intimidating. As she climbed, each creak put Sophie in mind of the scaffold steps. She paused and took a deep breath.

At her old school, they had chores and crushes. The crushes had been for the good girls and the chores for the nasty oiks that got caught. Sophie Rawlings had not been nice, but then she had never been caught. Captain of the hockey team and vice-head girl, she had been an ascending star.

Then daddy had gone and lost the money. Well as it turned out it had never been his in the first place. Daddy had been as much a cheat as she had. Only he had been caught. For a while, prison had beckoned but ‘they’ hadn’t wanted to make a fuss.

Sophie had. And what a fuss she had made. All those years bunking off lessons and getting little crush swats to do her homework had never mattered at the time. An expensive finishing school and some minor royal would have seen to her good life, all gone one rainy afternoon halfway through her last term with a visit from a rather common detective.

“You can always do your last year again darling.” Her mother had said. “Then we can get you into a university. I am told they have grants and things, you know for the common people who don’t have money.”

“Like us you mean.” Sophie had snapped. “Oh mummy you are pathetic. I am almost 19 why do I have to go back to school anyway?”

“Well we do seem to have a tiny cash flow problem at the moment its true, but we are hardly common.” Mummy had sounded put out. As well she should, what about her. No more skiing and the prospect of spending a whole year at some oiky little school chocked full of little oiks.

In the end they had found her, what her father had termed ‘an inexpensive independent school.’ In other words, a second rate private school for sad little wannabes from suburbia.

From day one, she had refused to cooperate. Not with school uniform, not with her teachers. She had torn up her report cards in her teachers’ faces and as for detention, what a common little custom, she never attended no matter how many times they sent her there. What could they do about it?

Oh there was the occasional reminder that the school still had the cane, the cane what a joke. The last time anyone caned a girl it was three across the palms and that was a so-called last resort.

At the end of the first term, Sophie had been dragged up before the headmaster for a ticking off. Her attitude had earned her a three-day suspension. Giving the little weasel of a man the finger got her a holiday, so their point was?

She had been warned that any more misbehaviour on her part would mean permanent exclusion.

Borrowing the dyke art teacher’s car had been a brain wave. Driving it through the school rose garden had been the icing on the cake. She was finally free.

The morning she was due to see the head to get the happy news she had come late to breakfast. She had spent an hour getting dressed to kill. She was going to show them all. But on the stairs she had over heard her parents talking.

“I’m so sorry Miranda.” Daddy had been close to tears. “I know I failed us. I don’t have anything left. Selling the Bentley got her a place at that school, now what are we going to do?”

“The little madam will just have to go out to work.” Mummy had said.

“As what? She has absolutely no qualifications and she has just burned her last chance of getting some.”

“Well what do you want me to do about it? She is the precious little princess we always wanted, only now she is a princess with no kingdom.”

Sophie had sat down on the stairs at these words. Her father had loved the car. She remembered that when all else was lost, he still had a decent car. She didn’t know he had sold it to pay for the Grange.

Mother’s coat and jewels, come to think of it, they had gone too. What else had they sold?

“Oh you silly bitch, what about me, what about my holiday…” Her words to her mother popped into her head.

Her eyes were drawn to a turn of the century scene of Damascus on the stairwell. There was a fat man in a sedan chair being carried through a busy market. The market traders had always looked so noble to her and as a child, she had hated the lazy little fat man. Now she saw that she was the silly little fat man. She felt sick.

She remembered her old school and the words of her friend when she wasn’t made head girl. Sophie had wanted to be head girl so much, why wasn’t it her?

“Sophie, everyone knows you are the best. You’re the prettiest and certainly the most stylish, but you always want everything now. You have no sense of sacrifice or delayed gratification.”

The silk yellow scarf at Sophie’s throat was suspiciously similar to the one on the fat man in the picture. She tore it from her neck.

It took another 10 minutes to get into her school uniform.

That had been the day before yesterday. Her meeting with the headmaster had been a difficult one. There was no way she was to be forgiven and no way her parents would get a rebate on the fees. One more chance, she had begged.

Finally, she had been given a choice, just one chance to show that her repentance was sincere. She had taken it.

The creaking stairs accused her with each step, like she was dirty stop out coming home late. The fire door at the top was even louder. She so desperately wanted to sneak quietly to her fate. Even the rapping on the headmaster’s door sounded too loud.

There was no answer. Hours ticked by, days even. She went to knock again.

“Come.” He called from within before her knuckles made second contact with the wood.

Sophie regarded the door with horror, that handle looked so large and threatened her with its ornate brass. She couldn’t touch it.

“Come in.” He said again.

Before she could move the door opened. It was a rather sour-faced Miss Randall, her form tutor, who opened it.

“Come in Sophie.” She said gently.

The headmaster looked far from a weasel today, he stood a head taller than Sophie and on reflection he looked rather athletic for a man in his 50s.

“Miss Rawlings, well you came at least.” He sighed. “This is all rather unnecessary don’t you think?”

“Yes sir.” Sophie whispered.

“Miss Randall is here for obvious reasons.” He said nodding to her form teacher.

Sophie returned half a shrug to show her lack of understanding.

“It’s school policy.” Miss Randall said quietly.

“I would rather you weren’t here miss.” Sophie said meekly.

Miss Randall opened her mouth and then closed it turning to the headmaster.

“I propose to give you eight on the bare Miss Rawlings.” The headmaster said grimly. “I mean to make sure that I never see you in this office again.”

Sophie’s jaw hung open and she looked to Miss Randall for rescue. Although she had not had the courage to think about it, she had expected something like six of the best on her bottom, she supposed. But eight and bare?

“Sir I…” Sophie looked from Miss Randall to the headmaster and back again.

“Miss Rawlings you are 18, you can refuse, but the other day you signed a consent form. You seemed most eloquent in your request for another chance. Have you changed your mind?” The headmaster asked as if he had been expecting this.

Sophie was white and her mind raced. The old Sophie would have raged at the suggestion, just like the pompous man in the market.

“No.” She whispered.

“Alright Miss Rawlings just slip your things down and bend forward across my desk.” The headmaster said, suddenly sounding business-like.

Miss Randall nodded in agreement.

Sophie swallowed and reached under her dark grey pleated skirt. She fumbled for a moment with her white cotton briefs, grateful at least that as a member of the upper sixth she didn’t have to wear the horrid navy blue ones.

She blushed as the elasticated cloth pulled away from her bottom and upper thighs. They clung for a moment around her knees before she finally allowed them to fall. There was a rattle of static from her hold-up stockings with the motion.

Miss Randall suppressed a knowing smile at the sound. There was always so much less fuss with a younger girl wearing cotton socks. It was so undignified for these sixth formers, she observed.

“Lean forward Miss Rawlings.” The headmaster said again.

Sophie leant reluctantly forward and took hold of the far edge of the desk.

“Miss Randall if you would.” He said.

Miss Randall moved forward and took hold of the hem of Sophie’s skirt. Then she slowly pulled it up to reveal first Sophie’s stockinged thighs and then the stocking tops. Then she paused and looked to the headmaster for the final go-ahead.

The headmaster regarded Sophie’s skirted bottom for a moment as if re-considering and then he nodded.

Miss Randall pursed her lips and raised the skirt into the small of Sophie’s back unveiling her neat white bottom. The girl gasped a little as she felt the air on her behind.

Sophie’s bottom was pert and firm, so that it stood out in profile like two almost perfect domes. Miss Randall was a little envious and took a moment to study where the definition of the muscle blended in with the flaring of Sophie’s hips to form an almost perfect circle.

“Stand a little closer to the desk please Rawlings.” The headmaster said. “And keep you feet together.”

Sophie blushed, but did as she was told, acutely aware that motion served to elevate her bottom still further so that it was high and tight.

Although Miss Randall was firm in her sexual allegiance to men, she could not help being aware of the eroticism of the scene and she felt a tingle down below with a certain tightness to her lower belly. She glanced at the headmaster’s crotch with a blush. He showed no outward sign of anything but pure professionalism, but then he was wearing a long suit jacket that was firmly buttoned at the front.

Miss Randall watched as he crossed the room to a cabinet by the window. Inside through the glass front along side two or three sports trophies were three canes in a rack. One was short, no more than a yard long, and rather thick. A second was slightly longer and decidedly narrower. The last, the one he picked, was longer still and although no slimmer than the second, was darker and more flexible.

Miss Randall found herself wondering what such a stick would feel like across her own bottom. Or Sophie’s for that matter. She turned her attention back to Sophie, whose smooth white bottom was framed by the dark bands of her stocking tops and the crumpled skirt piled onto her back. Sophie herself was looking back nervously over her shoulder, her attention taken by the rattle of the cane as it came out of the cabinet.

“Are you satisfied that all is in order Miss Randall?” The headmaster asked as he took a practice stroke that caused both women to jerk involuntarily.

“Yes…” Miss Randall croaked before swallowing and starting again with more resolve. “Yes headmaster quite in order.”

The headmaster nodded at this and then put the stick down on the desk beside the half naked Sophie. He means to draw this out then, Miss Randall thought, her mouth dry as the tension took its toll on her nerves. How much worse for Sophie? But the headmaster waited only for as long as it took him to remove his jacket and roll up his sleeves. Once this operation was complete, he again took up the cane. Sophie started at the sound of the wood being dragged across the desktop beside her.

The cane warbled as he agitated in the air above Sophie’s exposed and vulnerable bottom, Miss Randall watched the girl shift a little as she took a firm hold on the far edge of the desk.

The first stroke came suddenly. There was a distinctive swish followed by a crack. It came so fast Miss Randall almost missed the stroke and if it wasn’t for the ripples and the stark white line on Sophie’s bottom she would have wondered if he had struck at all.

Sophie grunted and lifted her right leg so that her knee was tucked one behind the other. It hurt worse than she was ready for and yet it wasn’t too bad, she thought. Then instead of fading the pain poured into the line that had been cut across her bottom like water flooding a sinking ship.

“Ah oh.” She murmured as she gritted her teeth.

Miss Randall watched the white line on Sophie’s bottom first turn pink and then red.

There was a long pause as the headmaster drew back his arm with the look of an angler or pro-golfer. Then he cast again.

This time Miss Randall saw the stroke bite home and saw Sophie’s head jerk.

For Sophie the second stroke hurt worse than the first for a moment and then eased. The first stroke on the other hand was still growing in intensity like a fire. Then like the first, the second stroke gathered itself and Sophie had to ride the wave of two lines of pain across her bottom.

“Eeeeh.” She let out a long sigh.

Miss Randall’s hands fluttered around her throat before committing themselves to pressing against her face. The two plum-coloured lines on Sophie’s bottom were starkly drawn and as she watched, they began to rise to neat ridges.

The third stroke landed below the third and after a few moments Sophie began to breath heavily.

“Please I can’t…” She didn’t finish, but her right leg stretched out and her toes scratched at the carpet as she hugged the desk.

The headmaster waited as Sophie squirmed and panted on the desktop. There were now three dark ridges on her bottom.

The fourth stroke flicked up and under Sophie’s bottom and she was lifted to her toes as if trying to take her bottom above the pain. At the same time her breathing became ragged and she dipped her knees. This pushed her bottom back obscenely and Miss Randall glimpsed her womanhood between her thighs.

“Please keep your legs together Miss Rawlings.” The headmaster said in irritation.

Sophie clenched her knees and turned her thighs side on as she attempted to ride out the growing waves of pain. The headmaster waited.

“Halfway now Miss Rawlings.” He observed. Although he knew that four more was much worse than double the punishment.

He waited until Sophie had regained some composure and was no longer squirming and then he gave her the fifth stroke.

“Ahhh.” She vocalised, her bottom bucking back and up.

That stroke had taken her across the fold at her thigh tops.

The pain, as with the others continued to build, until her breathing was hoarse she began the little clicking sounds of the first sobs in her throat.

The sixth stroke was placed above the fifth but below the fourth to create a band of pain and colour.

There was a long pause and then Sophie choked on a great sob. Still the headmaster waited. Sophie found the courage to look back at them, her eyes wet with tears.

The seventh stroke sliced her across the crowns of her bottom right in the centre of the array of standing welts. Sophie gave a hearty scream.

Miss Randall chewed the thumbs of her clenched fists pressed to her face.

“Oh my gosh.” She whispered.

The headmaster looked at her and smiled in sad sympathy.

For Sophie the pain felt like sword cuts burrowing ever deeper into her bottom. She broke at the pain and was lost in hopeless sobbing.

“Never knew a girl to take an eight without this.” The headmaster observed. Then to Sophie he said, “I trust there will be no more arrogant disruptions from you Miss Rawlings.”

“No sir.” Sophie sobbed.

“Let’s finish this.” He nodded.

Sophie wailed realising it was not over. She was ready to beg now, anything. No more naughty brat I promise, she prayed silently.

The final stroke astonished her. All nuance of building pain was replaced with a band of fire. She was not to feel worse until she suffered childbirth some years later.

“Alright Miss Rawlings we’re done.” The headmaster said quietly as he returned the cane to the cabinet.

Sophie didn’t hear him. She was clawing at his desk as she writhed sobbing.

Miss Randall watched the tamed girl’s antics, amazed that no two strokes crossed each other so that Sophie’s bottom sported a neat pattern of eight ridges on the lower half of her bottom, right where she sat. Or used to, Miss Randall thought ruefully.

Sophie was left to her misery as the headmaster re-buttoned his sleeves and replaced his jacket.

“Alright Miss Rawlings you can go home. I expect to see you back at school on Monday for a fresh start.”

“Yes sir.” She wept as she got unsteadily to her feet.

At some point, Sophie’s knickers had been kicked across the room. Miss Randall picked them up and handed them to her student. Although Sophie had no hands to spare to take them as both were clamped to her bottom as she did a stiff legged dance in the middle of the room.

“Thank you Miss.” She said at last. Then she very humbly said. “And sir, thank you.”

She held out her hand.

He looked at it puzzled for a minute and then smiled and took it. They shook.

“Sorry sir. Miss.” She said meekly as she took slow careful steps towards the door.

Once ensconced in the senior girls lavatories, it took her ages to bring her crying under control and repair her make up. Then safe in knowledge that the other students were at their classes, she gingerly lifted her skirt to inspect the damage in the mirror. She was impressed. She pressed at the ‘scars’ hissing at the pain, but not being able to help doing it again. Then a sound in the hall outside her caused her to hastily drop her skirt and squirrel away her knickers into her bag.

Once outside as she limped towards the school gates she was surprised to see her mother waiting for her.

“How did your meeting with the head go?” Her mother asked.

“It’s all settled they are going to let me stay.” Sophie said brightly.

“Are you sure it’s what you want?”

Sophie nodded.

“Come on let’s get some coffee.”

“I would rather walk.” Sophie said quickly, pointing nonchalantly over her shoulder as if she had forgotten something.

“Come on you can kneel on the back seat. Your not the first little madam to get a thrashing.” Her mother snorted.

“How’d you know?” Sophie gasped. “I didn’t want you to find out.”

“It had to be a very grand gesture on your part to convince them to let you stay. When I saw your rather interesting gait, it didn’t take much to guess what it was.”

“I had it coming didn’t I?” Sophie blushed.

“I rather think you did daring.” Her mother said emphatically.


Following up on the post about bridal spanking traditions, here as an overview of various spanking traditions pursued once the bride is safely married.

Margaret was married at 19 in 1963 by her own admission she had no idea about life and did not know what to expect from married life.

“I definitely believed the man should be the boss, most girls did in those days, so what followed did not surprise or bother me in the least. I just decided that’s the way it was.”

“When I lived at home I had got a good hiding whenever I needed one, even at 18 and 19, so the idea that my husband would spank me if I made a mistake seemed perfectly natural.”

“The first time was about a month after we got back from our honeymoon. David gave me £20 to get some things for the house. In 1963 twenty quid was a lot of money, I think maybe much more than a weeks wages then. I was supposed to buy some crocks [plates and cups – Ed] and the week’s groceries, but I had never had so much money in one go before. Despite being a wife, I was still a teen, so I stopped off at the record shop. I only meant to buy a single, but there were two or three ‘important’ records out that week so I bought them all as well as the new album by the Beatles. Then I saw this darling little jacket in a shop window. Well you get the general idea.”

“I knew I was in trouble even before I got home, even before David hit the roof. He was yelling and I was crying. I knew I had done something wrong, but I just wanted to make all the upset go away. I said he should just hit me and stop shouting, but that just made him crosser, he said it wouldn’t get the money back. As if shouting would.”

“I phoned my mum and she went mental, completely taking David’s side. She said my dad would come round and give me a good hiding. When I told David he got angry again and started yelling at my mum down the phone.”

“’Alright let us settle this,’ he yelled.”

“I was dragged across his lap as he sat in an old armchair, it had big arms so I was not very comfortable, my dad always used a kitchen chair. Then he started slapping me on my bum through my skirt. It hurt, but not much and I laughed a bit. So did David thankfully.”

“So he goes, ‘Alright how would your dad do this?’”

“As I said, dad would usually get a kitchen chair and his slipper. Then it would be over his lap with my jeans down or skirt up or whatever. Sometimes he would do it on my knickers, mostly as I got older, other times he would pull them down. I told David this and we both agreed that my knickers should come down.”

“I was really embarrassed about this, although I thought it was definitely the right to do and thought that dad would even at my age given what I had done. But it was also a bit funny. That is until David started in on my backside.”

“I had a good cry and we kissed and made up.”

“After that I got a good spanking about every month or so. Over the years, we used things other than a slipper and he often used his belt or a stick he bought in a junk shop. It always hurt and I always cried, but afterwards we always made up. We both felt very sexy after I had been given a good hiding.”

“When I think about it now, I think I sometimes did things to get a hiding so we could make up. It never occurred to either of us that this was not a completely normal part of a relationship. It wasn’t until the late 1970s when there was a story in the newspaper about a woman who had been spanked by her husband and it was reported as a bad thing, that we even began to suspect that we were abnormal. Not that we stopped. David asked me if we should. I was only getting spanked about three or four times a year by then, except in a sort of playful way. I said no, why should we give up what works for us.”

The next account is, presumably, from the US and from a bit later on.

Tammy was a bit more knowing about what she was getting into. She was still 17 and lived at home with her parents when she met Ryan. She wanted to get married at once, but her parents were against this. Then she had a pregnancy scare.

“Mom took a switch to my bare behind when I told her I was pregnant. Dad went white, I had never seen him so sacred. He took his belt to me when I found out it was a false alarm.”

“After that dad wanted us married as soon as possible but he made certain conditions. As I was still a kid and a bit immature, he said, Ryan should be prepared to carry on punishing me when I needed it. Ryan was not so sure at first, but I was quite excited by the idea and I was desperate to get married. So in the end Ryan agreed to dad’s conditions. There were a lot of them, including about where we lived and how often we came over.”

“At first I loved being married. I loved cooking and cleaning and playing house. Then I got bored. I went out with my friends to hang out in coffee houses and once or twice, we even went to a bar. I started neglecting the house. Then the arguments started.”

“I said to him one day that if he didn’t like it, why didn’t he punish me. That’s when I got my first spanking. It was only a few hard slaps on my bottom, but it soon turned into sex. It was a great way to end the argument, but it didn’t end my behaviour.”

“So one day Ryan came and found me when I was hanging out. It was embarrassing being dragged home like a kid in front of my friends, but it was also kind of cool. I knew I was going to get a spanking and I was quite excited by the time we got home.”

“Only this time it was different. This time he took me into the garage. He had set up a kind of trestle thing there with a padded leather top. Hanging nearby were straps and switch-like things. Not like mom and dad used, but shop-bought things. He told me to get undressed and bend over the trestle. Still very excited, I did as I was told. Then he stared to strap my wrists and feet. I started to get a bit scared, especially as he was real mad. The he told me he was going to give me a spanking that I would never forget.”

“That first time he used this leather paddle and gave me a real workout with it. I was yelling and crying way before he stopped. Then he gave me the lecture. By then, I was promising to be a good girl and saying everything I could think of. Then he started again until I was real sorry.”

“It was just as exciting afterwards, more perhaps, but I felt a lot less like I had gotten away with it.”

“It happened again about three weeks later. This time he used one of the switch things and I was real sorry. It was worse than anything mom had ever done. I phoned her the next day and she said it would do me good.”

“I guess she was right because I went out of my way to avoid a garage session after that, not that it didn’t still happen sometimes. Ryan still gives me bedroom spankings, but that is different. I don’t mind them at all.”

This last snippet is from another time and place.

In response to a newspaper discussion on wife beating Edith wrote:

I did not marry until I was 33. In those days it made me quite the old maid. My husband was a retired merchant seaman, 27 years older than me. He was used to getting his own way so whenever I crossed him I could expect to feel the cane across my bare bottom.

I knew what to expect before I married him and he was true to his word. I can’t say I liked it, especially as he made absolutely no secret of the fact that I was punished in this way. Indeed, I was once caned in the dinning room until I was crying loudly, while some friends sitting down for afternoon tea in our front parlour.

I do not say husbands should be allowed to do this or even that it never did me any harm and was solely for my own good. That is quite another matter. It is possible or even probable that no married couple would enter into such an arrangement today. However, if they did it would be no one else’s business but theirs.


Due to a small and (hopefully) non-critcal malfunction, there will be a short interlude. Normal service will resume shortly. Meanwhile here is some music (eh picture).

The story began here. Here is the concluding part.

The temperature just before Christmas was very mild. In New York it would have been snowing with ice, but on the farm a few dozen miles west of Vicksburg it was warm. Unseasonably so Ma said and the men were still in shirtsleeves.

“It’ll be even warmer in Texas.” George said matter-of-factly.

“Texas?” I was puzzled.

“That’s where I am posted in the New Year. You can come too and live on the base.” He waited.

I thought for a minute. Texas sounded bad, but then so had Louisiana. This time we would be together and a domestic posting meant that George would miss the war.

I didn’t know what to say, so I said nothing. I just cuddled into him and we kissed. Texas here we come, I thought.

The next day Henry came over and he brought guns, a lot of guns.

“Time for some hunting boys.” He grinned.

George raised his eyebrows and smiled.

“Lead me to it boy.” He said in an exaggerated southern accent.

“Hunting?” Eileen wailed when she realised that John was going to. “You cannot be serious.”

John just kissed her and picked up a shotgun.

“We will only be gone a couple of days.” John said. “We’ll be back in time for Christmas.”

“Days.” Eileen wailed. “John Baines if you leave me here on my own for even one day don’t expect me to be here when I get back.”

Ma looked up at her prospective daughter-in-law and fixed her with a long hard appraising look. She missed it, but I didn’t.

“Ma, Lizzie? You going hunting too?” John said seriously.

“Oh you.” Ma laughed and punched him on the arm.

“See Ma’s staying so you won’t be alone.” John said brightly.

“Oh.” Eileen pouted and stamped her foot.

“Shall I pack your bag honey?” Cindy said archly.

Ma glowered at her.

“Go stupid hunting then, see if I care.” Eileen snapped and stomped into the house.

A few hours after they had gone, I went up to one of the balcony rooms. The air, as I said, was mild and clear. The view across the swamp and fields was something I might miss in Texas. To my surprise, someone came into the room behind me. I was about to announce my presence when I heard Ma talking to someone. Eileen.

“You love my John?” Ma asked.

“Yes of course.” Eileen said defensively.

“I mean seriously, you really love him?”

Eileen didn’t answer at once, but then she said, “yes.”

“He needs a woman not a spoilt child.” I heard Ma say.

I glanced through the window, Eileen was chewing her lip and staring at her shoes.

“I was a bit of a brat about the hunting trip wasn’t I?” She said.

“You said it honey.” Ma said crossing her arms. “What if he goes in the army after college? What if he has to work away?”

“I know.” Eileen agreed. “Its just that I never had anyone before and its hard.”

“That’s way it happens sometimes, you have to face up to it.”

“I wish you were my mother.” Eileen said. “Then I could always count on good advice.”

“I’ll have to start looking upon you as if you were.”

“Please do. It’s just what I need right now.”

“Do you really mean that?” Ma asked.

Eileen thought for the longest time.

“Yes.” She whispered in a small voice.

“Then we shall put our best foot forward and make you a Baines.”

“Eileen Baines.” Eileen said with a giggle.

“Trying it on for size. Sounds good don’t it?”

“You bet.”

I felt like an intruder, but they both soon left and I was glad Eileen was settling down.


One of the first things Eileen did after John had left was light up a cigarette. Cindy and I just gaped at her.

“John really doesn’t like me smoking, but I guess while he is away.” She said with a guilty smile.

“I don’t know about John, but you had better not let Ma catch you smoking.” Cindy said, genuinely shocked.

“Oh phooey, what’s it got to do with Ma?” Eileen said with the cigarette hanging in mid air.

Cindy and I exchanged looks, but said no more.

I am not sure what was going through Eileen’s mind, but she blushed and stubbed her smoke out. I noticed Ma was not so far away, I am not sure if she overheard us, but considering what happened next I rather think she did.

The next day the boys were due back late. Cindy and I couldn’t help getting excited, after all George and Clark had only been with us for few days. Eileen was just as antsy and couldn’t sit still. She kept standing up and looking out across the swamp and asking how much longer did we think they would be.

I had no idea and I said so. It was then that Eileen, perhaps absently, took out another cigarette. I stared at her as she lit up and was about to speak when Ma came out onto the porch.

“If I caught one of my daughters doing that…” Ma growled, letting the sentence go unsaid.

“Oh it’s a bad habit I know.” Eileen pulled a face.

“It’s a downright disgusting habit.”

Eileen cringed and stubbed it out and went back to fretting over John’s return. Ma had not taken two steps back towards the kitchen when Eileen took out another smoke from her bag and went to light it.

“Oh I wasn’t thinking.” Eileen looked horrified, as if not believing she had been so blatant.

“Are you trying to rile me?” Ma asked in a dangerous voice.

“Look if I want to smoke then… we’ll not that I did, I just wasn’t thinking.” She quickly amended seeing the look on Ma’s face.

“Let me help you think.” Ma said. I knew what was coming, but Eileen didn’t.

Ma sat in one of the porch basket chairs and pulled Eileen towards her. In a trice, she had tipped the girl over her lap and had flipped up her grey woollen skirt.

“Oh.” Eileen said in surprise, but made no attempt to resist.

Ma hooked her finger into the top of Eileen’s panties had pulled them down in one motion. Being a young college girl, Eileen had on rather fetching stockings and a garter belt, they framed her rather handsome bottom to good effect and Cindy and I could not help but be ‘moved’ by the exciting view.

“What are you doing?” Eileen gasped.

By way of an answer, Ma slapped her bare bottom hard and before she could draw a breath, slapped her twice more. The instant handprint was soon obscured and I marvelled at how quickly Eileen’s bottom went red.

“Ouch.” Eileen squealed.

But Ma was an old hand at this and set to spanking her latest prospective daughter-in-law with all the punitive powers at her command. Eileen hugged into Ma’s thigh at one end and kicked like kidnapped movie heroine at the other. The rapid fire spanking rocked the porch like applause, although it was a noise that had to compete with Eileen’s yelling.

The spanking was a sound one and Ma was in no hurry and did not stop until Eileen’s tears began to flow. Eileen was spanked for a good 15 minutes before Ma let up.

“Oh gosh.” Eileen said as she stood massaging her rear. She was well and truly blushing at both ends and stamped her feet to shake out some of the sting. “That was some spanking, is that what you would have done if I was your daughter.”

She attempted levity with the last remark to overcome her obvious embarrassment.

“A spanking no! If I caught any daughter of mine smoking I would have done a darn sight worse.” Ma said obviously still not amused.

“I supposed we agreed you should treat me like your daughter and that was certainly a good enough start for me.” Eileen said wiping her eyes, again with just a little too much levity for Ma’s taste, a fact that seemed to have passed her by.

“I did promise to treat you like my daughter, didn’t I? Was that the first time you ever had a spanking?”

“That’s what you said.” Eileen forced a laugh. “But shit no, it’s not my first. I have had damn sight worse at college.”

I cringed at Eileen’s careless language.

“Oh you have, have you? Not for your foul mouth I’ll be bound.” Ma said folding her arms.

“As a matter of fact…” Eileen began still oblivious to the gathering storm.

“Right my girl.” Ma snapped taking Eileen by the ear. “You are about to be a Baines girl, it’s time you were treated like one.”

Eileen was dragged down the side of the house towards the old hickory. Cindy grinned from ear to ear. I joined her.

There was a time I would have been sympathetic to Eileen’s downfall. But I remembered what someone had said the first time I saw Ma spanking someone, ‘if it ain’t your turn for a switching, then you might as well enjoy it.”

Cindy and I walked behind them as Eileen was made to pick a switch from the tree.

“This really isn’t necessary Mrs Baines, I have learned my lesson now, really I have.” Eileen babbled as she realised what Ma intended on doing.

“It’s Ma to you, now that one see, that’s a good one.” Ma said tugging on a branch.

“Oh.” Eileen mouthed as Ma cut the switch without waiting for Eileen’s participation.

Then Ma half led and half dragged Eileen back to the porch.

“Look I am not sure…” Eileen protested.

But Ma was having none of it she unzipped Eileen’s’ skirt and let it fall to her ankles, her slip and panties quickly followed, although Ma had to unhook the girl’s suspenders to remove the last item.

“Oh my god.” Eileen looked about in horror and clutched at her front. “At least take me inside.”

“Here will do just fine. Place yourself over the rail if you are shy.” At last, Ma sounded a mite amused.

By now, Amelia and Mary had come on to the porch to see what the commotion was. Amelia, as ever, looked like the cat with the cream when she saw the floorshow that was on offer.

“Look I am sorry right.” Eileen stuttered, one hand on her feminine parts and the other outstretched pleadingly.

“The rail.” Ma snapped.

“Okay, okay.” Eileen blushed.

Her sorority training had obviously stood her in good stead at this point, I doubt I would have been so cooperative in her place on so short an acquaintance.

Eileen bent over the rail with her bottom sticking out. It was still very red from the spanking, but not as red as her face.

Ma lashed the switch across the crowns of her bottom and then followed it with a swift volley. The strokes came fast, at a rate of perhaps 40 minute.

“Omigod, shit, y-yah!” Eileen’s eyes went wide. “Oh, ow, oh owww! Owwwwwwww.”

Amelia was in heaven and hugged herself. Eileen had no restraint and offered a heartfelt yell form the first swish. Then she heaved a great breath that was drawn from a long way off until it exploded into a sob.

“Wah, hooo.” She boohooed and began sobbing in earnest.

Her bottom was riddled with purple streaks as Ma switched in hard, deliberately aiming low to exact maximum penitence.

Despite her ordeal, Eileen did not resist or flee but clung to the rail for support and rocked her bottom from side to side and up and down like a grateful dog.

“Alright you’re done.” Ma said throwing away the switch.

“I’m sorry.” Eileen sobbed as she struggled to stand.

“A true Baines girl.” Mary whispered as she stepped forward to hug her sister-in-law to be.

“Not quite.” Ma said.

A look crossed Eileen’s face as if she had failed some test.

“You put that cute hiney of yours in that corner with your nose most definitely touching the wood.” Ma said affectionately.

“Yes ma’am.” Eileen said ruefully. “I guess it was a cinch that you folks would do that one too.”

“Best take it inside Ma, it’s likely to get cold out here.” Cindy suggested.

“I guess.” Ma conceded.

Much to Eileen’s relief she was bundled to the corner in the parlour.

“How long do I have to stay here?” She said meekly from the corner, acutely aware that her well-whipped bare bottom was on full display.

“Till after supper when the boys get back.” Ma said matter-of-factly.

“What!? Oh Ma you can’t” Eileen wailed.

“You think it would be different for one of my girls?” Ma snorted.

“But there are fellows, they’ll see me.” Eileen was frantic, although I noticed she did not dare take her nose out of the corner, so her voice was muffled.

“Nothing they ain’t seen before kiddo.” Mary laughed. We all joined her.

Ma nodded indulgently and started on supper.

“Oh.” Eileen said angrily and butted the wall, still not daring to move. “John’ll kill me.”

Eileen’s blistered bottom was the first thing that greeted the men on their return. They all cheered good-naturedly, having no doubt had a few beers, but John was the butt of most of the joshing.

“A new Baines girl in the making.” Henry said proudly. “Don’t worry kid they all go through it. Don’t they Lizzie.”

It was my turn to blush. I had come a long, long way.

The End?