Christmas spanking

sorority spankingsorority spankingsorority spankingThe above pictures are from scenes in the 1966 B movie Love Is A Four Letter Word; a movie that as you can see includes some sorority spanking.

The pictures have been supplied by Tip Topper who writes: “Obviously it is not a realistic scene, as sorority paddlings were never done in that way to my knowledge, but you can see by the actors reactions and the blurring of the paddle is several shots that they were real paddlings of at least a few swats.”

There were several more pictures supplied, here are just a few. Thanks TT.

A Special case


over his kneeIt was over. Nothing could save it, not even Mr High-Almighty Himself.

He had promised her it would be alright, that nothing she could do could ever break it and then… She sat on her suitcase and shuddered. She would never be able to look any of them in the face again.

“Petal,” his voice had threatened across last night’s dinner table. It was his pet name for her, her only name as far as he was concerned. She blushed and glowered at him. She had been in a perfect strop, she didn’t know why, she never knew why.

Mrs Lemon, His business partner’s wife was no doubt being perfectly reasonable, but Petal couldn’t stand the woman and in her ever-darkening mood she was doing her best to let the woman know.

“What Sir, I am not even doing anything… Sir,” she had spat at him across the table and then added bitterly to Mrs Lemon, “I have to call him sir or else he spanks me.”

His partner’s wife had spluttered; her lemon well and truly soured as she looked aghast at her husband.

“Petal,” He had growled. “They don’t want to know that.”

“You don’t want them to know that you mean,” she had said, shoving away the plate.

She had had the rage then; the self-destructive rage that had always threatened to tear them apart. It had already done for two marriages and now it would break what they had.

She hadn’t looked back, she hadn’t even phoned him; just a taxi to pick her up at dawn. Now she was all packed

She thought back to their last argument. He had spanked her to tears. The first she had ever shed in all her years of being spanked by men.

“How… did… you… do… that…” she had sobbed. “No one… has…”

“Shush,” he had soothed her. “It’s going to be alright. You are a special case to be sure, but I can handle you. Are you always this difficult?”

“Yes,” she had whispered as she had held him in a crushing embrace.

Suddenly there was a hush of wind and a splatter of rain against the window. An ill wind, she thought, to carry her way from another failed relationship. She felt sick.

To make matters worse, she had probably damaged his business. He didn’t deserve that, he didn’t deserve any of it. Just thinking about him made her want to cry. His calm confidence, his firm thighs, his hands… He had been kind but firm with her, just like she had always wanted. The spankings had been tough but just right; the sex had been… she sighed, what of it? She had ballsed it up… again.

The sound of the car brought her back to herself and she heaved a great sigh.

Her bags were too heavy, but the driver would manage. But it wasn’t the driver. The door opened before she could get to it. Her heart leapt, she knew who it would be even as she saw Him.

The look of disappointment on His face made her wilt.

“Going somewhere?” He sounded cross.

“I… you left, I…” She didn’t think he would come back so soon. He hadn’t said a word last night. He had been too busy looking after his guests and smoothing things down after her outburst.

“I had to drive the Lemons home; they were a little too embarrassed to stay last night.” He almost sounded amused.

“I’m…” she sighed, what could she say. Sorry didn’t seem to cut it.

“Any particular reason for last night?” He folded his arms and scowled at her.

None at all that she could think of, she now realised, just the destructive old Petal rearing its bratty head.

He crossed the room and seized her by the ear and pulled her towards the foot of the stairs. He hadn’t even bothered to shut the door, she noticed with some dismay.

“Look you can’t do this, I won’t let you,” she was angry. He couldn’t do this. It was over.

“Incredible,” he said, as he sat on the second-from-bottom stair shaking his head and tipped her over his knee.

“No,” she raged as his hand made contact with the seat of her pencil skirt.

“No, no,” he growled, spanking her again, “is that what you said?”

She glared into the carpet an inch from her nose, his hand burning in her bottom. “No Sir,” she spat, seething at the slip.

His hand descended again.

“Oh,” she wailed reaching back.

“What did you say?” His voice had the comforting hard edge of old.

“Please, please Sir, I don’t want this.” But her voice carried no conviction.

“Remove your skirt and jacket,” he ordered as he set her on her feet.

“You can’t do this,” she glowered at him from under a cascade of fallen hair. Nevertheless her hands began to fumble with the buttons of her skirt suit jacket in habitual obedience.

“The skirt as well, quickly now,” he growled.

She threw her jacket and then skirt on top of her waiting bags. “There. Happy now?”

“I cannot believe you sometimes,” he said in exasperation. Then he grabbed her arm and her back across his lap.

“Please Sir… I’m not…”

“Not what,” he barked spanking her hard on the seat of her brief knickers. He knew what she was about to say.

“I’m not worth it,” she said in a small voice.

“I have had it with you,” He didn’t sound very final she thought. Then his hands grabbed at her waistband and her underwear slipped down her legs.

“When I’m done with you, you can go and stand in the corner,” he said casually as he resumed the spanking.

The spanking stung, but he didn’t break her, she still held something back.

“This is not the end of it,” he told her spanking her bare bottom as hard as he ever had with just his bare hand. “I think it’s time to reintroduce you to the cane later. An experience you can explain to the Lemons next time they come to dinner. Right after you apologise and just before you go to the corner.”

The talk of next time and of a future together made her well-up. Then what he had said sunk in. “You can’t I’ll die, not in front of them, please Sir…”

“You outted us, now you get to live with the consequences. I can and you are going to,” he rasped, putting some effort into his spanks.

“yes Sir,” she wailed, “but please, don’t cane me, you said you wouldn’t again unless…”

“Unless what?” he said bitterly.

“Unless… I was very, very naughty,” she said in a baby voice.

“And you don’t think last night counts?”

“’Spose,” she sniffed.

“I am so glad you agree,” he said sarcastically resuming her spanking.

Just then a voice called from the door, “taxi.”

“Go and stand in the corner,” he whispered harshly in her ear.

“But…” her eyes went wide.

“Go,” he bellowed, setting her on her feet.

With a face as red as her bottom, she scampered across the hall to stand in the corner acutely aware that the taxi driver could see her.

“There has been a change of plan,” she could hear him saying. “How much do I owe you?”

After the driver had gone, without turning around, she whispered, “how comes you put up with me?”

“I suppose I love you,” he said firmly, “besides, I told you. You are a special case.”


spanking eleganceThe head on the pint of beer is threatening to spill over the side of the dimpled-jug tankard. Not that this writer has noticed. He stands manfully wrestling with great thoughts and staring periodically off into the middle distance like a character in a book. Occasionally, distracted by the maid putting a log on the fire, he takes a sip of beer.

It is an image suggested by a few lines on a page, easy enough to do from the other side of your screen.

One young lady once even wrote to say: “DJ, I can imagine you as this distinguished English gentleman greying at the temples and smoking a pipe by an open fire in lovely old country pub.”

She got the grey hair right and the pub come to think of it, but perhaps the pipe belongs to another century and yours truly has never been a smoker anyway. However it is the sentiment that is interesting. We all conjure up fantasy images of people, sometimes people we see in the street. Some people can suggest an image with a cool look or a carefully selected wardrobe, an exposed forearm or a wide leather belt.

Perhaps it is just your mind imposing an image of your perfect spanking partner. For the ladies this might be paternal maturity or sporty throw-down, but what about us gentlemen?

Life is so much easier with the playful cheeky girl who likes to be all girly and apologises for something you don’t even know about. You know the kind of thing, little fingers doing the walking on your sleeve while little girlish lisps “you are going to be ever so cross with me.”

The harder nut to crack is Mistress Elegance, immaculate in dress and as cool as a chilled tossed salad. She is probably a school head or company director who longs for some throw down but is trapped in a grown up world of sensible sensitivity.
Her forbidding eyes are a challenge but her words speak of a time and place where no serious woman is ever spanked.

Once such a woman, liberated enough to attend a certain type of party, was challenged by a man the bar. He was testing the waters so to speak. Her response was, “well if you have to ask, then you have already failed;” an impossibly high standard maybe, one that almost makes you sorry for her. However take heart.

People have many faces and sides to them. You might find out that Mistress Elegance is also a playful kitten and she is saving it for someone else. Play your cards right and that someone else may be you. There, hear that? She is already laughing, her façade cracks.

Now some of us have to get back to staring soulfully off into the middle distance, a smile not troubling our face. Well it is that or the washing up.


spanked by surpriseIf you like spanking stories than there are few better than those by Rollin Hand.

It has been sadly neglected on this blog, but well worth a visit, so this week’s blog of the week is Disciplinary Tales.

spankedA Voice in the Corner has been nominated for the Spanking Spot’s 2011 Spanking Awards.

If you want to vote for it or any other of the nominations head over and cast your vote.

Cartoon Fun


a hard day's spankingThis comic strip is typical of the kind of comic strip that appeared in gentlemen’s magazines in the 1970s. It may have been from an early Kane or even a vanilla counterpart. This one was supplied by TipTopper and has been cut from three to two columns to make it fit.

Strawberry Red


well spanked bare bottom“Miss, please miss, oh, oh…” the irritating freckle-faced Steven Jones was beginning to annoy Ella Castle.

“Tommy, didn’t you bring something in?” She said ignoring the Jones boy. She hated people who misspelled names. What was wrong with good old Stephen with a PH?

Tommy was going to let her down. He even looked like he was going to cry.

Ella had only been the village’s infant teacher for half a term and she was already missing London. At 23, Ella considered herself a lively girl with a keen mind. The small Hamlet of Hogsley End had to be the most boring place in the world. Well the most boring in South-East England anyway.

Still with the job market what it was needs must, she thought as she flicked her thick auburn hair out of her chestnut brown eyes. “Anyone else bring anything in for the other children to see? Anyone?”

“Miss,” Steven Jones wailed out in wheedling elongated tones and thrust his arm up again.

Ella hated children, she decided, what was she doing here? “Steven,” she said finally in a bored voice.

“I bought some strawberry jam, my mum made it,” he said grinning and running up to the front with a large jar without being asked.

“How… interesting,” Ella said with a grimace. “But when I said bring something in, well I meant, something like… an owl pellet or…” she had no idea. She didn’t even care. It was just that Mrs Jones was Michael Dean, the young curate’s housekeeper and consequently could not help lording-it over the village. Especially newcomers like her. She called herself Mrs Jones, but there was no Mr Jones and Ella had heard whispers that there never had been.

“It’s really good Miss, try some,” Steven eagerly opened the jar and shoved it at her.

Twenty-seven eager little eyes fell on her.

Ella returned a tight smile and reached into her desk draw for her yoghurt spoon from lunch. “Fine,” she said curtly. Extracting the smallest possible amount she put it to her mouth gingerly licked the jam-damp spoon.

“Told you miss.” Steven beamed.

Ella was taken aback. The flavour was unexpected; astonishing even. She took a little more and let the sweet but firm flavour dally on her tongue.

“Does your mother do anything special with the…” Ella took another spoonful and mumbled with her mouthful, “jam.”

“Strawberries,” Steven said as if that explained everything.

“I see, yes,” Ella said, not seeing at all but largely ignoring the boy as she took yet another spoonful.


In the days and weeks that followed, Ella could get no meaningful information from the boy and her approaches to Mrs Jones had been met with a curt, “I bet you would,” when she had asked “I would like to know just how you… make your strawberry preserve.”

In desperation she had called on the handsome Michael Dean. He was not impressed by the pretty but shallow city girl, especially when she seemed to think that an easy smile and a flash of eyelash could get her what she wanted.

“It’s quite surprising that a… single mother like Mrs Jones can… find the time to make such wonderful jam.” It had been her opening gambit on the subject.

Michael narrowed his eyes and studied the girl hard. She reminded him of a girl he had a crush on at school, all wheedles and wiles, as his mother might have said.

“Yes, she makes it in my kitchen, but that’s all I know really. You must ask her about it,” Michael said folding his arms. At six feet one he towered over the five feet four Ella and for a curate he had broad shoulders and the kind of slightly battered manly visage that suggested he was no stranger to amateur boxing or rugby.

“You should invite me to tea sometime,” Ella said smoothly, “or a… drink.” The last word was said slowly with seduction as if she might be offering something else.

“I’ll put you on the Rector’s list,” Michael said politely.

Ella frowned, tea with the vicar and half a dozen other village big-wigs was not quite what she was angling for, or at least that was what she hoped he would think. Wasn’t it?

“Good day Ms Castle,” Michael brought Ella’s visit to an abrupt end.

Ella was furious. It wasn’t just the jam now. The only eligible man in the village had snubbed her, over what… strawberry preserve. Well she was a city girl and she would show these bumpkins, she resolved angrily. Not that she had the slightest idea how. Not yet anyway.


The graveyard adjacent to the parsonage was cold and dark. Somewhere an owl hooted. Ella was supposed to know what kind just from its cry so she could tell the little darlings in her class. Well newsflash, I bunked off owlology at teacher training, she thought angrily. If she had stopped to consider why she was angry, she would have known it was guilt; a guilt born of going through life feeling like a fraud. She was a council estate kid after all and it had taken her years to shake off the chav in her accent. Teaching had been the only profession that suited her pretentious self-image. And teaching little kids was the only way she could be sure that she wasn’t found out.

The owl hooted again. I can’t see a bloody thing, she thought, still angry.

The downstairs light in the vicarage went out and moments later a smaller window lit-up in the attic room somewhere.

“We’re on,” Ella said aloud and tentatively emerged from the undergrowth.

Getting into Michael’s kitchen was going to be a doddle, she grinned wolfishly. She had sussed it out while she was there. Then it would be a simple matter to swipe a jar or two and Ella was betting that neatly filed somewhere would be a recipe.

As she crept up the garden path, she entertained fantasies of making millions selling ‘her idea’ to city people. Maybe she could get a place on Dragon’s Den or the Apprentice, no scratch that, Sir Alan would see through her in a moment.

As she reached the kitchen door she noticed that someone had left the window open. Better and better, she thought. I can get in and they will never know I was there.

It was easy enough to kick up her right black legging-clad limb and hook her heel on the ledge. Then as sleekly as a cat she pulled herself onto the ledge and got onto all fours. Conscious that her bottom was sticking-up in a ludicrous manner she quipped silently, ‘does my bum look big in this?’

Something went clunk as she squeezed through the open window and she froze. The house was still.

This was fun, she thought. The Mission Impossible tune began to play in her head and she giggled. She lowered herself gently onto the inside ledge and then with small dainty steps she skipped along the work surface by the sink and leapt silently onto the floor. Light or no light, she thought. Torch I think, she decided turning it on.

The pantry was straight ahead and she crossed the room in an elaborate crouch, although it was entirely for affect. If anyone had seen her, she would have seemed like some sexy ninja in spray-on black against the dark.

Her charmed entrance was foiled by the pantry door, which would not open.

“You’re kidding,” she said aloud. “Who locks pantry doors?”

The door rattled a bit as she shook it, and then she saw it had an old-fashioned latch. At first that wouldn’t budge either. She hauled on it with her thumb and then palm of her hand. Examining it with her torch, she saw that it had been painted over at some point but a hint of grey between white proved that it had been opened since and was merely stiff.

“Why is it so stiff?” she whispered, her voice sounding harsh in the dark.

Then something went clack and the latch crunched open. The loud squeak as it swung ajar was loud enough to rouse complaints from the neighbours and they were all dead, she thought ruefully glancing out the window at the graveyard.

“Now jam and recipes, jam and recipes,” she chanted quietly as she ran the torch beam along the shelves inside the pantry.

The shelves seemed to hold everything from pickles to breakfast cereals, but no preserves or… Ella turned and looked at the facing shelf over the pantry door. “Got you.”

There were several cookery books next to some binders, which had pieces of paper with handwritten notes sticking out of them. Next to the books were jars and jars of jam.

“I’ll need…” Ella blinked as the light came on.

“What the… Ella Castle, what are you…?”

Ella stood stock-still with a sickened grin on her face as she confronted Michael in his shirtsleeves and bare feet. She noticed that his shirt was half tucked-in and half out of a pair of faded denims as if he had dressed hastily.

“I was…” Ella couldn’t think of a thing.

“You’re burgling my house.” Michael was incredulous.

“No… don’t be ridiculous, I was just…” Ella felt sick. He was right. It was exactly what she was doing. Why hadn’t she seen that until now? “Michael… Mr Dean… Reverend… is it Reverend? I am never quite sure…”

“Michael will suffice for now,” Michael said archly. “I think you had better explain from the beginning.”


“All of this is about Mrs Jones strawberry jam?” Michael just gaped as Ella finished her story.

“Well I was…” Now that Michael put it like that, it sounded entirely lame. She pouted and looked at her feet.

They had both been sitting at the kitchen table for some minutes while Ella had tried to explain and now she felt an utter fool.

“You were mean,” she continued.

Michael mouthed her words back at her. His eyes narrowing in utter incomprehension. “What? How?”

“Usually when I make an effort with a guy he… well you wouldn’t…” Ella blushed. She was beyond lame.

“Is this what it is all about?” Michael growled. “You brat. I have a good mind… I ought to put you across my knee and spank you until you can’t sit down for a week. You… I can’t believe this… I am…”

“You wouldn’t dare,” Ella gasped, but if she had intended to sound outraged, she failed. Her eyes went wide and she blushed to her ears.

“I think this is where I am supposed to say something about you taking what’s coming to you or I’ll call the police; but since if I do that you’ll lose your job and well… oh to hell with it.” Michael threw up his hands and stood up. Then he seized Ella’s arm and pulled her up so that she could almost meet his eyes. “You have so got this coming.”

Michael sat down again, pulling Ella across his lap as he did so.

“Look okay, I get it, but you can’t just…” Ella couldn’t even believe what was happening so how could she begin to protest it out loud.

Michael held her firmly so that she felt his thighs pressing into her. She couldn’t see much as a cascade of auburn hair had escaped its hairband and fallen over her face.

Looking down he could see her full round bottom, the black leggings stretched so tight that a hint of pink showed through, he could even see that she wore very brief high-cut underwear. Well if you can be so immodest, he thought. He hooked his thumb into her waistband and dragged her leggings and knickers down to mid-thigh.

“My God,” Ella squealed, “please don’t.”

“Shut up,” Michael snapped slapping her bare bottom hard.

She yelped and desperately tried to cover her bottom with her right hand even as she steadied herself against the floor with her left.

“I don’t think so,” Michael said darkly and took her right wrist in his left hand.

With his right he set-up a hard volley of spanks that rendered her white bottom red in a few moments. Ella yelled angrily at each spank but was far too embarrassed to even contemplate any futile threats.

“Alright, okay, I get it, I’m sorry, please,” she said half reasonably, half meekly.

Michael was in no mood to indulge the brat and gave her the spanking that had long been neglected.

Just then the door opened and Mrs Jones came in. “What on Earth? Miss Castle… what are you…? Mr Dean? Reverend…?”

“Oh God, oh God, please… go away,” Ella wailed.

“Shall we say a prank deserving correction, I’ll put it no more strongly than that Mrs Jones,” Michael said with a determined smile.

Mrs Jones smirked and folded her arms to watch the show.

“Now since you wanted my attention, you are going to get it,” Michael laughed, “on Saturday I’ll call on you with flowers, a more traditional approach I believe and then we will contemplate dinner; if you are a good girl that is.”

“I’ll never talk to you again, you bastard,” Ella wailed.

“Such a foul mouth,” Michael said sternly and renewed the vigour of his spanking.

“Please, I’ll be good,” Ella sobbed.

“Oh I am quite certain of that,” Michael growled as he continued to spank her.

“Since everyone is up I’ll make some cocoa,” Mrs Jones chuckled.

“Good idea, now Ella you can go and stand in the corner while we wait for some hot chocolate,” Michael said finally setting Ella on her feet.

She gaped, “I won’t… I…”

Michael pointed at the corner and scowled.

“Oh,” Ella made to stamp her foot, but thought better of it and turned to face the wall as she had been told.

“Mum, mummy what’s all the noise… oh it’s Miss Castle…” a wide-eyed little Steven said as he entered the kitchen. “Has she been naughty?”

“She just wanted some… jam,” Michael said quickly moving to stand between Ella and the boy.

“Is that why her bottom is all strawberry red?” Steven said, still a little puzzled.

“Yes… you’ve got it. Exactly why,” Michael said.

“Ooh, this is too much,” Ella wailed.

“Oh I can make it much more, if you don’t stay there like a good girl,” Michael chuckled, “wouldn’t that give Steven something to tell the kids at school about.”

Not that Ella knew, but Steven was already asleep again in his mother’s arms on his way to bed. He probably wouldn’t even remember the strange dream he had.


cricket spankingcricket spankingYears ago while looking into renting a house in Berkshire to an American family there was a rather amusing incident.

The rather chipper young boy, who was around six, was full of questions.

“Do you have a Christmas in England?”

“Do you play baseball?”

“Do you have tea with the Queen?”

Well he was six, but his incessant questions seemed to embarrass his parents, much to the amusement of his teenage sister.

Then he noticed the cricket bat in the corner. Every home in England has one. A relic from when, in one’s youth, you didn’t actually ever play cricket. A happenstance that explains why the old willow was as immaculate as the day it was bought.

It was truthfully explained to the father, who suddenly stopped looking bored when the conversation moved onto sport, that yours truly had been the twelfth-man in all the matches called up for; a testament to ones sporting prowess if ever there was one.

“Oh really, is that an important position?” He said.

“Not really.” Well for those of you who know nothing about cricket, which would include this writer, twelfth-man is a substitute who only ever plays when something goes wrong.

“But what is that for?” Junior pipes up again pointing at the bat. “It’s a pretty big paddle. Does it hurt?”

Before anyone could explain he went on to say that he was too little for the paddle.

At this point the teenaged girl did a fair impersonation of a tomato and it was her parent’s turn to laugh.

The conversation was quickly changed, but you have to wonder if the paddle the girl knew about could handle a six ounce solid ball at 120 mph without breaking? That was what you were thinking wasn’t it? Now is that cricket?

Erica ScottIt looks like BotW has moved to Fridays; well it is a more traditional time to play catch-up with the spanking blog world.

Over the summer, while yours truly was otherwise occupied steering a boat, Erica Scott’s book Late Bloomer was enthusiastically read aloud.

Erica for those who might not know is a not just a blogger, but an actor in numerous spanking movies such as the School Master’s Revenge and other titles by Spanking Epics, as well as other productions like Shadow Lane. So in other words she is well seasoned on the scene.

Given the topicality of men reading and misreading women here and elsewhere in the blogosphere, it seems appropriate that this week’s blog of the week should be Erica Scott’s life, Love and Spanking. This week she has had some words of encouragement and caution by sharing her own relevant experience of the above