A Little Time Out


Going away for a short break but we will still be posting next week via pre-scheduled posts.

4 Responses to “A Little Time Out”

  1. Have a good break.

  2. 3 Farhad

    The corner time is best complement of spanking , spanker must be stay all time because may spankee sit down or leave corner.

  3. I always think where naughty girls for real punishment to start in corner panties down and hands on top of head at least 30 minuets maybe hour to think about thier behavior.I feel before spanking no matter who is in room a ND shaming is part of it so for embarrassing half time before spanking face corner The naughty girl shall know three things to happen .Number one pussy check for she must have complete hair moved from pubic area .Two never know how long corner time to be and last part before spanking remain in corner but face room explain why she being spanked and said 3 but actual 4 nothing on from waist down which ever most embarrassing to have the spanker is to pull panties and bottom all or do it her self and complete nudity same but then after explain why be spanked ask for it and present spanker with instrument be used .Then after spanking back in corner hands always remain on head no rubbing .The last part wetness check not for sexual pleasure but for more shaming and humilation

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