Posts Tagged ‘governesses’

Prussia was the largest country in what is now Germany, occupying the north of that territory with its capital in Berlin. I will spare you the history, but by reputation Prussian society was austere, militaristic and disciplinarian in outlook. This attitude extended to the raising of women, particularly in the Junker (gentry) class who were […]

Here are four pictures from TipTopper. All but the bottom right has been seen here before but it was worth another look. All four of the pictures depict what the Victorians and Edwardians would have a called a ‘Great Girl’ getting her comeuppance. That is to say a young woman who might ordinarily be considered […]

In the dark days of the Hapsburg Empire the Austrian nobility valued strict discipline for its sons and daughters. The sons were taken care of in military academies but during the 18th century there were few if any formal schools for young women. Some young women were sent off to Prussia where they went to […]